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MUSE (Multigrade School Education)

Multi-grade primary schools, usually in rural areas, are not a priority in educational planning. This project addresses the needs of teachers in these schools by developing a specialised in-service training programme using ICT and the internet as the delivery platform. Beyond the shorter term aims of improving the quality of teaching in multi-grade schools, the project showed their role in offering lifelong learning opportunities to the local community through their ICT resources. The project also acted as a vector for change, helping to raise the status of the schools in regional and national education agendas by demonstrating the importance of investment in ICT resources as well as training. National training institutions monitored teachers’ training needs on a daily basis. The teachers were expected to act as co-designers of the course by giving regular feedback and the training programme was developed in two stages so that this feedback could be built in to the content. An important innovation of the project is the use of the internet as the delivery platform for training.
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5 Partners Participants