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Project “E-Utilities” aims to improve quality of municipal utilities services by using ICT tools and creating new electronic services for consumers in water and heating supply, sewerage collection and street lighting systems.Project unites 16 partners in Latvia and Lithuania who will also engage in joint experience exchange, training and communication activities.
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The TEAMWORK project brings together a team of scientists (Siauliai and Daugavpils Universities) and society to fight against the spread of invasive organisms. Invasions have a negative impact on regional sustainable development – impoverish the biodiversity, reduce the value of agri-land (forest areas), pollute rivers with the biogenic substances and lead to spread of diseases. The danger increas ...
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The extension stage project “Best Agers Lighthouses” focuses on implementation of age management interventions in selected small and medium-sized enterprises and public organisations in different Baltic Sea Region countries. The interventions will follow a jointly developed methodology which is based on the results of the “Best Agers” project, and they will be monitored and evaluated scientificall ...
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... of bio-degradable waste and wood ash;- to train potential energy forest and plantations cultivators, farmers and representatives of agricultural companies, in the region. Project partners: Šiauliai University (Lithuania) and Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava. Feasibility studies on energy forest and plantations cultivation will be done within the framework of the project. The researchers ...
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Siauliai University (SU) and Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) are two institutions which actively take part in the regions’ development, strategic planning, provide intellectual services and products for the regions. Universities are multi-profiled - the studies as well as research deal with economics, education, social sciences and information technologies, agriculture, civil and environmen ...
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Project idea is aimed at improvement of vocational education through curricula improvements, by involving industry associations, enterprises and stakeholders related to vocational education. Project cross-border experience exchange and joint events will support professional and personal growth of students and teachers; promotional activities will serve for the improvement of image of vocational sc ...
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...ills and more wide understanding in the sphere of psychophysical researches.New network will lead to the long lasting researches and collaboration of Rezekne Higher Education Institution and Siauliai University scientists, usage of modern technologies will let to join EU researches space,to increase additional value of researches in each partner country,applying research results into the practice. ...
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RECO Baltic 21 Tech (RB21T)

Start date: Sep 16, 2010, End date: Dec 15, 2013,

RECO Baltic 21 Tech (RB21T) has aimed to facilitate for local and regional decision makers to perform sustainable waste management investments. RB21T has developed a Joint BSR Strategy for Waste Management that makes use of 'best practices' from regional and national strategies. All together RB21T has contributed towards sustainable waste management and development by putting into practice a syste ...
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Project aims at creating a network for cross-border research cooperation in technology enhanced learning (TEL) and developing a strategy for educational business promotion service. Project will begin implementing the strategy and pilot a set of innovative learning solutions for inclusive human resource development and promote the spirit of entrepreneurship in border regions. The project will combi ...
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Business ineptness and poorly equipped life-long learning centres are the main cause for dissatisfaction among region’s entrepreneurs. The aim of the project is to enhance the competitiveness of Latvia–Lithuania border regions by eliminating the obstacles to its development. Therefore, business and education support centres will be created by renovating premises of life-long learning institutions ...
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Siauliai University and Latvian University of Agriculture are interested in focusing their expert skills on regional socio-economic development to make studies and research more pragmatic by implementing research in areas relevant for the Baltic Sea Region. Therefore, both institutions decided to develop a project to create cooperation network - a platform for educational products, new initiatives ...
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Universities and schools are interested in contributing to the preservation of region's biodiversity and solving environmental challenges. Project partners will investigate the preserved green landscape objects and ways of accumulating the collection of vanishing plants, creating a seed bank for returning plants to the nature. Project will create a collection of useful environment items from Zemg ...
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With demographic change and the current economic crisis looming, the cities and regions of the Baltic Sea Region have to find creative ways of disclosing and utilizing unused opportunities. One of these hidden potentials are the people in the prime of their lives – the so called “Best Agers” (defined in the project as people aged 55 and older). As previous projects have shown, the BSR population w ...
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The main aim of the project is for partners from Latvian University of Agriculture and Siauliai University to communicate and search for synthesis between environment and art. Several seminars, training courses and exchange visits will take place in scope of the project. These activities will maintain and extend the ties between universities and rural communities. The project activities will be im ...
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Project aims at creating supporting environment for the development of creative industries in the project areas and fostering the sustainability of economy. It will also facilitate the commercialization of creative business ideas in the audio-visual, multimedia and design by establishing cooperation networks and supporting infrastructure at the level of local municipalities. It is planned to impro ...
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...a and Siauliai cities. Thus, to make Technology transfer centres more visible, it is intended to implement a number of promotional activities. Project implementation phase will see students of Latvia University of Agriculture and Siauliai University specialising in construction forming collaboration with scientists, responsible authorities within municipalities and entrepreneurs.
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Todays cultural ties between Latvia and Lithuania are not sufficient. Cooperation networks are fragmented. Even though Latvia and Lithuania have common beginnings of professional music that evolved in the 19th and 20th century when choir music, other classical music works were created, chamber music (composed by Latvian and Lithuanian composers) is performed rarely. This is the reason why dissemin ...
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The project area, Kr?slava, Daugavpils, J?kabpils and Prei?i districts in Latvia and Utena, Panevezys and Siauliai districts in Lithuania, has bad quality soil and large protected nature areas. This means fewer opportunities for traditional agriculture and pressing need for diversification of the rural Newly established Joint Research and technology unit of Daugavpils and Siauliai Universities sup ...
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...ithuanian and Latvian researchers show that the administrative burden in Latvia – Lithuania cross-border regions in total amounts to EUR 36 million per year. According to researchers of the Latvian University of Agriculture administrative burden will double every year for the next 5-7 years. Although Jelgava and Siauliai, in general, are considered business-friendly cities, researchers together wi ...
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The Unity of the Balts under the Sun (UBUS)

Start date: Jan 3, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2011,

The students of Siauliai University, the Latvian University of Agriculture and Liepaja University are very active in the cultural life of their own area, but lack knowledge about the culture of their nearest neighbour. United by a common Baltic culture and history, the universities have begun renewing long-standing traditions of cooperation among the Balts. The aim of the project is to develop cro ...
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The BSR is characterised by various Hinterland areas in a distance of 50 km and more to coastal zones and to metropolitan areas and larger cities. Most of these Hinterland areas suffer from a long-term decline in population, Europe has not experienced for hundreds of years. Decreasing demand of employment in agriculture and in lesser competitive SME structures with an increasing mobility makes peo ...
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The SUSTAINMENT project aims to meet the needs and challenges of local authorities in moving towards a more integrated sustainability process. The intention is to further develop the current sustainable development processes of the municipalities by creating models for Sustainability Management Centres (SMC), including cross-sectoral policy integration, increased stakeholder participation, and mon ...
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SEBco enables medium-sized cities to become motors for regional development in the South Eastern Baltic Sea Region. It uses and establishes networks of cooperation on regional level between cities and their hinterland as well as on international level within the so-called South Baltic Arc. Furthermore, SEBco concentrates on issues that are in the competence of local and regional partners in order ...
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Transition from school to university and transition between universities’ programmes(bachelor/master) is very significant for students and does not always run smoothly.Students considering taking a next step in their lifelong learning programme have to findways to determine if the new learning programme they are applying for will meet theirexpectations, their knowledge and skill level. The increas ...
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Šiauliai County (LT) and Latgale,Zemgale (LV) regions are distinguished fortheir industrial history, however only smallnumber of industrial heritage objects hasbeen identified and used for the regionsdevelopment. The project aims to develop cross-bordercooperation in Northern Lithuania (Šiauliai)and South Western Latvia (Latgale, Zemgale)by establishing cooperation network,products, projects and n ...
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...and Management in Public Sector, Fighting Corruption etc.; and develop Institute of Distance Education.Outputs and Outcomes- Provided Training of trainers by Kyrgyz partner universities to their home university's staff in contemporary approaches to public policy development areas (by the end of 1st half of the 2nd and 3rd project years); this will make the system work efficiently.- Developed trai ...
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The EUPHONY project aimed at the development of an innovative teaching model which relied upon the use of sound and music to enhance listening and intuition skills and to overcome barriers to communication. The developed model whilst targeted at adult educators working with a variety of learners was perceived as particularly useful for those working with adults with special learning needs. Finding ...
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Universities participating in the projectare located in the borderland and theyoffer high quality education to youngpeople living in border area in the fieldsof international relations, comparativeliterature, comparative and contrastivelinguistics, intercultural education, whichcannot be developed only on nationalbases.The project develops base for the long termcooperation between two universities ...
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Lebenslanges Lernen wird durch stetig neue Erkenntnisse, Soziale Wandels und dabei insbesondere interkulturelle Phänomenen vor eine Herausforderung gestellt, denen ITAE (ein internationales Konsortium von Hochschulen, Schulen, Sozialeinrichtungen und Galeristen) durch die Mittel der Kunst begegnen will. Ausgehend von soziologischen Feldstudien erarbeitet das multinationale Konsortium Methoden d ...
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Putting an end to stereotypes : The partnership carried out research to ascertain the extent of gender stereotyping in vocational education and then created a network and tools which were designed to raise awareness in order to overcome these sterotypes. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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...mary schools, social institutions and gallery owners that seeks, through arts education, to identify and address problem areas and, through art, to promote intercultural dialogue. Teams consisting of university lecturers, school teachers, trainee teachers, parents, artists and gallery owners at both national and international level will complement each another through expertise in intercultural di ...
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Natural and man-made disasters canexact a devastating influence on property,human welfare, natural resources, andthe economy of a country. Science andtechnology progress as well as increasingtrends of economic globalization has madethe emergency recovery and disastermanagement a multi-national issue.The overall objective of the project is toensure accessibility quality and effectivenessof disaster ...
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The border regions of Latvia, Lithuania andBelarus share a large nature reserve areaof national and international importance.The lakes and waterways have come underpressure from the release of untreatedwastewater from towns and villages as wellas from the disposal of waste. So far, nomechanisms have been created to monitorthe developments in this area of importanceto the three neighbouring states ...
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This project specifically targets managers of professional training: it aims to enhancing both their managerial and relationship qualities through the development of a system of qualification and professional development in the context of Life Long Learning. Target group are managers at the level of directors and heads of firms, and support managers (i.e. those dealing with staff). The primary aim ...
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PRECIOUS zielt darauf ab, mittels Ressourcepool und Transfer eines entwickelten Onlineinstrumentes zur Erhebung eines individuellen Ausbildungsportfolios im Rahmen der Frühförderung, die Qualität der Ausbildung im Bereich früher Präventionsprogramme für Kinder zu erhöhen.
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European Competence Initiative – Early Childhood Intervention (ECI 2.0) aims to increase professional skills of professionals working in ECI. ECI provides developmental and parental support to children with established disabilities or at risk to prevent further impairments and empower full participation (6% of children per birth year in EU27). Due to the complexity of intervention “a team around t ...
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... The result of this process is a "training passport" for the professionals.Consortium: Diversity in geographical distribution (AT, TR, LT, PT, BE/EU, DE), diversity of training related stakeholders (University, admin, SME, NGO) and a European dissemination (EDA) level.Tangible and intangible outcomes: 1. Specification of learning outcomes of the EDA-frame for the basic/continuous education of tea ...
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Planning and mainly spatial planning is about the spatial dimension of development. It is concerned not only with architecture work, but also with where people live and work, the location of social and economic activity, and the way in which resources we possess in limited supply are exploited to achieve socio-economic objectives. Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is the base collection of techno ...
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The Net Knowing 2.0 project aims to enable entrepreneurs, managers and supervisory staff of European SMEs and organizations:1. To use Web 2.0. technologies and net collaborative practices to obtain informal learning. 2. To learn how to put in place sustainable informal learning strategies in their companies that are based on knowledge sharing supported by Web 2.0 and net collaborative practices.
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EBIFF analyses the current professional education and further education in the field of Early Childhood Intervention (=ECI). Based on the analysis contenc-clusters will be identified and operationalized by means of ETCS-points. Within pilot runs (based on an electronic assessment instrument)professionals, training institutions and political decision makers have the possibility to assess their curr ...
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