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EUPALT - European Passport for the Education of Therapists/Teachers Working with People with Dyslexia

Reason: Dyslexia (specific impairment regarding reading/writing skills) is an increasing problem affecting children as well as adults (estimated prevalence 8-20%). The long term effects contain higher youth unemployment rates, functional illiteracy, more unfinished vocational trainings. Even latest PISA results proof that there are high problems especially concerning reading skills (AT, TR) . Early and high qualified support are assessed as necessary including the necessity of specifically trained trainers/teachers. However the training field in EU 27 is heterogeneous (e.g. situated on diverse EQF-levels), standards and comparable qualities are missing. There is a high risk, that persons with dyslexia might not obtain qualified support. Aims and objectives: EUPALT creates transparency, comparable standards in training, higher quality and a step for a common training basis in Europe for the education of teachers/trainers working with persons with dyslexia. EUPALT transfers an EU curriculum of the European Dyslexia Association (= EDA-frame) for the education of teachers/therapists wanting to work/working with persons with dyslexia (learning outcome oriented), synthesizes a consensus and allows a transfer by an online assessment of individual or institutional curriculum towards this European framework. Transferring an existing online assessment instrument ( EUPALT provides a necessary tool that trainers/training institutions are able to initiate processes of certification in terms of matching between portfolio (including prior learning) and the transferred EDA-frame. The result of this process is a "training passport" for the professionals.Consortium: Diversity in geographical distribution (AT, TR, LT, PT, BE/EU, DE), diversity of training related stakeholders (University, admin, SME, NGO) and a European dissemination (EDA) level.Tangible and intangible outcomes: 1. Specification of learning outcomes of the EDA-frame for the basic/continuous education of teachers/therapists/trainers working with persons with dyslexia (including state of the art scientific research)2. Definition of learning outcomes related to different EQF-Levels due to the diversity of approaches in the field3. Transfer of the EBIFF online assessment instrument ( towards the learning outcomes in dyslexia to assess the match between individual/institutional portfolio and the EU curriculum taking into account of ECVET 4. Specific feedback for pilot institutions/trainers working with persons with dyslexia in terms of an individual training passport5. Stimulation of certifying bodies and mainstreaming6. EUPALT increases the quality of training and services in the field of dyslexia within EU 27 and indirectly for disadvantaged groups within the labour market.The impact envisaged: Transfer and learning outcome defined standards (EQF) in training in the field of dyslexia and therefore increased service quality for persons with dyslexia.

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