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Designing a Model Geared towards Participation of People at Social Risk Groups in the Labour Market (MODPART)
Start date: Jan 3, 2012, End date: Jan 2, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project contribute to further sustainable development of the LT-LV cross-border regions by cooperating and promoting research activities, common knowledge about vocational rehabilitation and health promotion,solving problems of participation in the labour market of socially disadvantage people. Both in Lithuanian and Latvian region there is no sufficient diagnostic material, base for education and scientific solving problems of vocational and psychosocial rehabilitation of persons who are at social risk.Creation of new,scientifically based technologies enabling associated partners to apply project results (programs for training of different persons psychophysics abilities that are needed for the job performance) will lead to the reducing of the unemployment level,and purposeful offer of the workforce creates surplus value in regions economy.At the same time research qualification of LT/LV scientists will be improved:they will gain knew knowledge,skills and more wide understanding in the sphere of psychophysical researches.New network will lead to the long lasting researches and collaboration of Rezekne Higher Education Institution and Siauliai University scientists, usage of modern technologies will let to join EU researches space,to increase additional value of researches in each partner country,applying research results into the practice.It means that recourses of the project will have possitive effect on the improvement of socioeconomic situation of North Lithuania and South Latvia boarder region.Objective of the project is to develop an operational model of scientific collaboration in N.Lithuania–S.Latvia regions geared towards practical continuous labour market(vocational rehabilitation and health promotion)research, developing and application of innovative technologies to stimulate participation of people who are at social risk groups into the labour market, increasing offer of workforce.Project activities are dedicated to three target groups: 1) Researchers of Siauliai (SU) and Rezekne (RHEI) universities in the field of Social Sciences (10 persons), performing researches in psychophysical activities,education,vocational rehabilitation and health promotion.2) PSRG living in S.Latvia and N.Lithuania regions and having problems in psychosocial performance (50 persons: 25-LT, 25-LV) and are not successful in participation in the labour market.3) Associated partners as professional of practice working in vocational training and rehabilitation system (10 persons: 5-LT, 5-LV). The project activities directed to the implementation of cross border programme priority by developing research and technology actions with durable and practical researches. Achievements: Created 6 new technologies (1.evaluation and development of general state of motor skills, 2.evaluation of fine motor skills, 3.evaluation of psychophysical reactions, 4. evaluation of the local vibromassage effect, 5.balance training, 6.vocational rehabilitation using mechanotherapy) will allow and stimulate effective and productive involvement people at social risk in the labour market in cross border regions. In each country training activities wiil be held in order to learn ato operate wiyh new diagnostic equipments. During one week 10 (5-SU,5-RHEI) researches from each institution will be instructed by producers of diagnostic equipment. After training researcher will conduct diagnostic activities in their instititions.According to research results, individual rehabilitation and health promotion programs (50) for training psychophysical abilities that are needed for the job performance will be designed. The aim of this activity: to gain self confidence for persons who are at social risk in their own abilities and prepare themselves for participation in the labour relations; LT/LV researches would gain higher level of theoretical and research competencies.Linear experiment, forming psychophysical functions of persons who are at social risk. Rehabilitation programmes are designed after linear experiment. Rehabilitation sessions will take place in LT/SU-LV/RHEI labs.The purpose of activity–to form psychophysical skills for participation in labour market of LT/LV cross-boarder region for persons who are at social risk.

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  • 85%   349 426,50
  • 2007 - 2013 Latvia-Lithuania (LV-LT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants