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34 European Projects Found

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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

In the past few years, EUROSUD organization has been very active in sending its members to various training course with the intention to invest in the young people part of the organization. Although there were a number of good quality, activities which the participants member attended, but also there were other training which lacked quality and proper contents. Whenever you tune in to the news now ...
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“Tackling Intolerance and Discrimination – A Tool Box”

Start date: Aug 10, 2016, End date: Jun 9, 2017,

The training course “Tackling Intolerance and Discrimination- A Tool Box” aims to provide youth leaders and educators with new ideas for workshops and training sessions in their work with marginalized young people facing discrimination in their community.Nowadays discrimination takes many forms in modern Europe. People are discriminated for origin, their religion, sexual orientation, their skin c ...
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I Can

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

In our societies we have grown to believe that some people are designed to participate in sports and others are not. We believe some people are good at sports and some people are bad at sports. Realistically speaking though have we given everyone a chance to prove themselves, to at least try to participate in a sport?When we create the impression that only the best are good enough it means we ar ...
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SAfe spaces for Inclusion of Lgbt+ youth

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The project “SAIL - SAfe spaces for Inclusion of Lgbt+ youth” starts from the desire to build a society that is inclusive towards every kind of diversity, particularly for minorities related to sexual identity. That is why the project’s main aim is to promote the inclusion of lgbt+ youth through the creation of safe and inclusive spaces in usually heteronormative contexts. This aim will be reached ...
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Push 4 Peace

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

Every country is different, unique, and wants to be better than the rest. Every country wants to show that it can do things better than other countries and as a result we see a lot of conflict in the world. In our modern age we still see wars being fought, we see that in our world today there is a tug of war for power and success. Why don’t we push for peace?This youth exchange is developed by ...
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Inclusion as a basis for equality

Start date: May 9, 2016, End date: Jan 8, 2017,

“Inclusion as a basis for equality” - is a training course that will take place near Amsterdam, the Netherlands during 3-8 of October 2016. TC will gather 27 participants + 1 trainer + 1 facilitator + 2 support staff from 9 Programme countries : The Netherlands, Latvia, Turkey, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, Estonia and Malta.After recognition that a problem of social exclusion as ex ...
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Safe Link

Start date: Mar 14, 2016, End date: Nov 13, 2016,

Taking in account the general needs of socialization of young people, they expose themselves on the internet without knowing methods and measures through how to use the social networks in a conscientious, responsible and safe way. In the same time, Safe Link project it is the follow up of Connect yourself, an youth exchange with similar topic that was implemented in December 2014.At general level ...
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Find Your Way 2

Start date: Nov 2, 2015, End date: Sep 1, 2016,

The project left from the premises that young people need to be informed and guided in their career, they need role models to motivate them and stimulate their initiative, to develop themselves personally (including their self-esteem), professionally (including improving key competences for to increase their level of employability and their chances to find a job) and socially (including their inte ...
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Obesity İs Not My Style-Tarzım Obezite değil

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Entertaining and educative "Obesity İs Not My Style" project which is related to obesity will take place in bursa Between 23.10.2015/29.10.2015 for 7 days with supporting and participating groups from Turkey, Malta, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy. The main purpose of the project is organizing activities to create awareness about obesity by bringing young and dynamic participants together, coope ...
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Are We Equal

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

One of the fundamental rights of being an EU citizen is the right to equality, to be treated equally regardless of your gender, your race, your religion or any other difference you might have. Sadly though this is a right that not all EU citizens enjoy and till this day we see discrimination, bigotry and inequality. Our projects was developed by a group of young people who saw these inequalities ...
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"Young Reporters in Action"

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

In the modern world the media plays a significant role. It shapes and makes opinions and it is a powerful tool to shape the reality of the world. The role of the media in any society can be both negative and positive, but the society should also know how to perceive media. Civic Forum together with its partners came up with an idea of a youth exchange which will give 48 ((5+1)x8) young people fro ...
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Peers, Let's Spread the Culture of Non-Violence is youth exchange project, led by NGO Prima from Montenegro, as hosting organization. It gather 9 partner organizations from: Albania, Greece, Italy, Latvia, FYR Macedonia, Malta, Spain, Turkey and Montenegro, and 45 participants in total. Main subject is peer violence and how to prevent it. This YE has purpose to make participants familiar with viol ...
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I volunteer, po ti?

Start date: Jun 1, 2012,

The Group EVS project entitled “I volunteer, po ti?” will be implemented from the association Beyond Barriers in Tirana, Albania for a period of 10 months, starting in 1 June 2012 and ending in 31 March 2013, with the participation of 4 volunteers from EU. Volunteers will work with at the special school in Tirana, with high schools and at the office or BBA. The aim of this project is to promote vo ...
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This Training Course, held in Porto between the 28th April and the 4th May 2012, will bring together motivated youth workers and youth leaders active in the third sector from 14 Programme countries.It is of common knowledge that the latest financial crisis led to a tormenting increase in the Youth Unemployment rates, thus exacerbating the youth employment crisis which was already an enormous chall ...
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Volunteer(ing) is IN!

Start date: Jan 1, 2012,

The aim of the "Volunteer(ing) is IN!" training course is to train youth workers, coordinators and leaders, current or future Volunteer coordinators and mentors to prepare, run and evaluate the learning process and competence development of young people with fewer opportunities within the framework of volunteer management. Volunteering is a crucial aspect of active involvement and empowerment of y ...
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T4T "Youth Lense"

Start date: Aug 15, 2011,

The project T4T "Youth Lense" is a Training Course directed to youth leaders, youth workers and young people involved in the youth work, willing to acquire new skills and competence to work with youngsters and to be able to organize good quality projects in the frame of the Youth in Action Programme. The Training Course will take place in city of Subotica in Serbia, from 22 to 30 October 2011 and ...
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For a new generation of young journalist promoting a culture of peace Kigali 2011 : "Take your chance, Be the change !" has one main aim : to create a Europe Africa network of young people promoting diversity and a culture of peace through the media. To achieve this aim, we want to complete six objectives : to train a group of 24 youngsters from Europe (12) and Africa (12) to raise their awareness ...
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Water-The Source of Life

Start date: Aug 1, 2010,

One of the world biggest problems is connected with the access to clean water for drinking for people. There are millions of people on the earth planet without access to clean water for drinking and the ones that have this opportunity do not respect and do not know enough about water meaning. "Water - the source of Life" project will introduce the topic of safe and clean environment with a special ...
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Path to interfaith dialogue

Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

FAITH AND DEBATE ¡s a training course for youth leaders and youth workers and aims to promote tolerance and mutual understanding amongst youth of different communities and religions. As the title indicates, the project aims to shed light on the growing importance of dialogue and mutual understanding of persons living in a multi-cultural or multi-religious community.The project will take place in A ...
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Hey Girl, Hey Boy!

Start date: Sep 7, 2009,

Our TC provided information on the topic of gender equality, increased awareness on the different cultures present at the TC and helped the participants to discover diversities in gender stereotypes in relation to culture. The project also provided tools and methods to promote mutual understanding, equality, solidarity and justice related to this topic. An overview of the YIA programme and the opp ...
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Road Safety is one of the most important public health problems in the world. According to the World Health Organisation, 1.2 million people lose their lives each year because of traffic accidents. According to the EU Countries and Turkey Highway Accidents Statistics (2003) prepared by Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), in 67031 traffic accidents, 3946 people lost their lives in a year. When we ...
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"Genderalizing: management of diversity in gender" is a Training Course to be held in Krakow, Poland, between the 20th and the 28th of October 2012, that will bring together motivated youth workers and youth leaders active in the third sector from 10 Programme countries.It will create a non-formal space for exploring and discussing gender issues, and analyzing the diverse manners how the related s ...
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YOU(th) ACT 4 Inclusion!

Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

“YOU(th) Act 4 Inclusion” is an EVS project of 10 months (1 February 2013 and ending in 30 November 2013) that will be implemented by Beyond Barriers Association in Tirana, Albania. The project will involve the participation of 4 volunteers from Germany and Italy, to be sent by our partner associations EIF and TDM2000. The main aim of this project is to promote inclusion of youngsters with fewer o ...
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“Making a privilege for few an opportunity for all”, is a Partnership Building Activity that aims at fostering cooperation with organizations that work with disadvantaged youth and especially with youngsters affected from disabilities. The PBA will focus on creating synergies to build project ideas and activities aimed at empower disabled youth in order to facilitate their employability opportunit ...
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PASSenger - get on board

Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

A 'passenger' is a person who travels in an automobile, bus, train, airplane, or other vehicle or medium. The vehicle is not being driven by the passenger, but the passenger is using the medium to be taken to another place. The medium we are referring to in our project's title is not a vehicle of course but non-formal education. Non-formal education is the right medium to develop ones personal sk ...
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Promotion of Volunteering and Inclusion in Albania- Edition 3 is a short term, group EVS project of 2 months (1 April 2013 till 31 May 2013) to be coordinated and hosted by BBA in Tirana, Albania. The project shall involve the participation of 12 volunteers aged 19-27, coming from Italy and Germany. The main aim of this project is to promote inclusion of youngsters with fewer opportunities, with ...
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Step By Step

Start date: Apr 1, 2012,

Step By Step was an action 1.3 Democracy project that lasted a total of 13 months that dealt with the topic of the environment and looking for ways to undo the damage that we humans have already done to it. Man’s activities have cerated carbon emissions that have really damaged the environment very much. This project sought to list the main activities that result in the production of these carbon ...
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The Musical exchange “Sounds of Peace-Vol. 2” aims at bringing together 60 young musicians from 10 countries (UK (Northern Ireland), Poland, Italy, Portugal, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine and Malta) to create and play music together and to promote peace. The musical youth exchange “Sounds of Peace-Vol. 2” is a continuation/follow up of the Exchange which took place in Armenia in July ...
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Youth Exchange “ECO-TOlerance in youth LIFEstyle - ECO TO LIFE” will be hosted by the All-Ukrainian Association for Youth Co-operation Alternative-V in Kharkiv, Ukraine within Youth in Action program on July 13-24, 2014. The project will last 12 days, including travel days. This project will involve groups of young people from Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Malta, Italy and France (6 groups consistin ...
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Sweet 16, Never been ... to Vote!

Start date: Nov 1, 2009,

The main aim of this project is to give youths the opportunity to increase their awareness and involvement on the democratic process within their respective countries and also at a European level. The theme selected for the project is whether the voting age should be lowered down to the age of 16. The main objectives are; increasing awareness on European citizenship, promote the importance of citi ...
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The “More Participation More Freedom for Future” Project aims to increase young people’s active participation to the local governments’ decision making process and develop young participants’ understanding of European Citizenship. Young participants will be encouraged to have a say and affect the decisions which are decided for their and their societies’ future by this project. Young participants ...
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Immigration: Chasing the hope

Start date: Feb 1, 2011,

"Immigration: chasing the hope" is a multilateral exchange about immigration. It is going to take place in Athens and it will last 8 days. There will be 26 participants from 5 countries (Sweden, Malta, France, Romania & Greece).Our main objective is the motivation of the young about immigration, to confront phenomena connected with it, such as poverty, racism, xenophobia and social exclusion, to d ...
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The 7-day-lasting international training course ULTRA – beyond exclusion deals with how to efficiently use non-formal learning methods to sustainably foster inclusion and empower young people with limited access to civic life and self-realisation. It aims at enabling facilitators, trainers and activity leaders in international youth work and in Youth in Action projects to design, facilitate, debri ...
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