European Projects
Peers, Let's Spread Culture of Nonviolence
Peers, Let's Spread Culture of Nonviolence
Start date: Jan 9, 2014,
Peers, Let's Spread the Culture of Non-Violence is youth exchange project, led by NGO Prima from Montenegro, as hosting organization. It gather 9 partner organizations from: Albania, Greece, Italy, Latvia, FYR Macedonia, Malta, Spain, Turkey and Montenegro, and 45 participants in total. Main subject is peer violence and how to prevent it. This YE has purpose to make participants familiar with violence issue, to help them to become sensitive enough to recognize lighter types of violence as quickly as harder and to discuss together about possibilities how to prevent peer violence. Our goal is to motivate participants to act against peer violence through sharing and spreading culture of non-violence, as one of the most important values of European society, life and citizenship. Main topics are: violence, peer violence, violence in teen love-relationships, non-violent solving the conflicts, non-violent communication as tool to spread culture of non-violence. At the end we will organize public action of sharing info and promo leaflets. Main methods are: discussion, learning from personal experience, individual introspection, forum theatre, role-play, work in pairs and small teams, energizers. Also, we prepare outdoor activities to explore main subject and excursions to present historical, culture and natural heritage of Montenegrin seaside. Our participants will see Old Towns in Bar, Budva and Kotor, which is under UNESCO protection. Also, we will have there meetings with local youth NGOs and Council for youth, in aim to present local youth work and to give opportunity to participants to find possible partner organization for future projects. Youth Exchange will take place in Bar, seaside of Montenegro and will last 10 days in total.