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Background Grasslands, and in particular natural grasslands with high biodiversity, are complex ecosystems that provide a variety of different ecosystem functions and services, which are essential for the maintenance of biodiversity, as well as for human well-being. The main threats to grassland biodiversity are related to the intensification of agricultu ...
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"Due to strong competitiveness and considerable increasing of techno-logical demand in terms of performance and reliability of constituting components, aircraft manufacturers are constantly urged to invest in innovative design technologies so as to reduce aircraft development costs and delivery time. Moreover, manufacturing restrictive quality constraints and the limits imposed to industrial budge ...
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Inovative Solutions for Railway Noise Management (ISRNM)

Start date: Aug 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

...ase in operational capacity, physiological and psychological disorders, and deviations in social behaviour. Noise can also have an negative impact on pets and wildlife. Data from a 2008 noise map of Riga showed that the emissions of noise created by rail infrastructure exceed the permitted noise level per day (Lday) in corresponding built-up areas on average by 5 dB(A) or 8%, and in some places t ...
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Smart Work Centres in Non-Metropolitan areas (Micropol)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The MICROPOL project brings together partners from non-metropolitan regions that face the EU-wide challenge of loss of human capital due to increasing unemployment. The common pattern is that qualified people move to the big cities in search for job opportunities in the knowledge economy which leaves formerly thriving communities far from metropolitan centres with problems of depopulation and litt ...
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The project aim is to foster socio-economic development through the development of labour market potential with special focus to cooperation between research and educational institutions and businesses in order to raise the quality of workforce human resources.The main reason for underdevelopment of cross-border trade is the lack of skilled workforce ("blue collar" labour) in the companies that ot ...
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...ill be encouraged in the region along with increased employment. In the project will be involved strong research institutions - Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), Klaipeda University (KU), Riga Technical University Liepaja branch (RTU) and Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LRCAF). ...
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Strong cooperation in the scientific area is needed in the Baltic Sea region in order to ensure the competitiveness of the region. There is a new cluster of large-scale research infrastructure (Lund, Hamburg, Berlin and Geesthacht as EU countries and Gachina in Russia) and some more are planned or already under construction (the European XFEL in Hamburg, ESS and Max IV in Lund, Solaris in Krakow). ...
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 FINISHED, publishing on webpage and geoportal; *Positive assessment reviews of the project results are supported by municipalities involved (Riga city, Daugavpils, Madona, Gulbene, Alūksne, Lubāna and Jaunpiebalga Municipalities (Latvia) and Pskov region, Razdolje Rural Settlement Self-government Administration (Russia)); *Distributed hard ...
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Trans-regional development project “Central Baltic cooperation in energy efficiency and feasibility in urban planning - ENEF” (further on “ENEF”) focuses on cooperation and joint problem-solving of energy efficiency matters in Central Baltic region in Estonia (EST), Finland (FIN), Sweden (SWE) and Latvia (LV), managed and coordinated by leading 4 technological universities in the Baltic Sea Region ...
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Energy Efficient and Ecological Housing (ECOHOUSING)

Start date: Apr 30, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

...ectured in seminar in during the participation seminars and conferences organised in Finland, Estonia and Latvia Seminar for researchers and scientists related to utilization biomass in heating in Riga and Tartu. Three seminars for public on recent developments of combi boilers and three seminars on “Energy Efficient and Ecological Housing” for public (one in Finland , Estonia and Latvia). T ...
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...onia.• International Fair “denkmal 2012” in November 2012 in Leipzig, Germany.• “Environment and Energy 2012 and 2013” trade fair in October 2012 and 2013 in Riga, Latvia.• Co2olBricks Midterm Conference, September 2012 in Malmö, Sweden.• International Conference on Monuments Protection and Energy Efficiency, April 2012, Gdansk, Poland.• International Conference in Hamburg, April 2011. 4. On stake ...
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Building up Availability of SME Internationalisation Services (BASIS)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

The operational environment for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) evolves and becomes increasingly international at a quick pace. For example, the export, import, subcontracting, financing and marketing activities of enterprises are more and more often connected to international processes and actors and to their decision-making. It is a well-known fact that strengthening the competitivenes ...
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Project is developed to tackle a problem of relatively weak ability to turn regions scientific and labour assets into innovative outputs and economic prosperity. Preliminary studies indicate that in the technologically highly developed Nordic countries cooperation between academics and industry is very well established. This cooperation will be a subject to research within this project, which resu ...
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Improving Road Infrastructure Safety in the Baltic Sea Region (BALTRIS)

Start date: Jun 10, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

... 2012. Topic of the training was Road Safety Audit and Road Safety Inspection. 22 participants from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden and Poland participated in the training. Fourth session - Riga, Latvia on 14-18 May, 2012. Topic of the training was Road Safety Impact Assessment and Network Safety Management. Training has been attended by 31 participant from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Ital ...
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Project aims at creating a network for cross-border research cooperation in technology enhanced learning (TEL) and developing a strategy for educational business promotion service. Project will begin implementing the strategy and pilot a set of innovative learning solutions for inclusive human resource development and promote the spirit of entrepreneurship in border regions. The project will combi ...
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During the last years the costs for fossil energy resources are heavily increasing. Even though the prices for these resources will not be rising to ever new peaks it is obvious that they will remain on a high level and in medium and long term rise continuously. Consequently, the costs for public services, such as transportation or the provision of heat and electricity, are rising as well. This si ...
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"Intercountry Business Incubators Network" (IBI Net)

Start date: Nov 30, 2009, End date: Dec 15, 2012, and fulfil Lisbon goals. The project has a strong transnational cooperation focus where all project activities are jointly planned and implemented by seven partners representing six BSR countries: Riga Planning Region and Riga Technical University (Latvia), Teknikdalen Foundation (Sweden), the City Commune of Elblag (Poland), Centre of Technology Western-Pomerania (Germany), Innovation Centre H ...
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The pollution control of the environment is a transnational request of all countries and a strategic aim of the European Union. This is also reflected in the increasing tightening of the exhaust emission standards particularly in the Baltic Sea Region countries. Causes by the constantly rising of the industrialisation the environmental impact also raises by exhaust air, exhaust gases and waste wat ...
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Unified ICT Networks for Innovations (ICT DCNet)

Start date: Sep 30, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

The project is connecting Tartu, Riga and Venspils information and communication technology (ICT) demonstration centres in a Demo Centre network similar to ones existing in Scandinavia. The participating centres will provide rotating exhibition of ICT hardware prototypes and software applications. Synchronizing of the study program module Artificial intelligence is also among the project objective ...
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The successful transfer of scientific knowledge into practice is an important building block to establish European Regions of Innovation. To become a high-tech region, it needs an active commitment of universities and a clear understanding that science and regional development can’t be separated. As long as “transfer” is only a responsibility for political or service oriented organisations scienti ...
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Baltic Sea Innovation Network Centres (BaSIC)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jan 23, 2012,

BaSIC aims to build a “Baltic Sea Archipelago of Innovation” (recommendation of BaltMetInno). The objective is to create a seamless working environment for fast growth innovative SME all over the Baltic Sea Region, embedded in a reliable network of leading Science Parks and clusters. Emphasis is given to identify, select, train and coach SME-gazelles; to provide them harmonized access to markets ( ...
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Enhance of Lifelong Learning Cross Border Capacity (5L)

Start date: Jan 6, 2010, End date: Jan 5, 2012,

The implementation of this project will help meeting the demand for skilled workers in the electronics and engineering sector in Kurzeme and northwest Lithuania. Three engineering skill centres will be established in Ventspils, Liepaja and Klaipeda to meet the increasing demand for engineers. Each centre will specialise in a particular field, complementing each other in order to ensure a wider ran ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2011,

In a globally interdependent environment strategic cooperation is a key policy in developing relative competitive advantage of CB- region. The principles of the European social model (work for all, social equality&safe environment) can be maintained by investing in the high level of education, applications of science&technology and establishing strategic networks. Yet the existing capacity of inv ...
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Regional Cooperation in Waste Management (RECO)

Start date: Jan 12, 2005, End date: Jan 11, 2008,

RECO is a waste management and spatial planning project in cooperation between partners from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Its Central Objective is to support the development of efficient Institutions for management of municipal waste in the BSR in order to minimize negative environmental effects, lower life cycle costs for waste managem ...
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Effective public sector action is a cornerstone of spatially balanced and sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region. Especially rural areas need administrative support for compensating lower economic potentials for the benefit of their population. ASAP created innovative solutions to meet the most urgent challenges for rural development in the Baltic Sea Region in an integrated way: Demogra ...
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LogOn Baltic improved spatial integration by transferring knowledge in ICT and logistics competence. The main objective is to produce and disseminate information for regional development agencies on how to support enterprises in the participating regions in their effort to improve ICT and logistics competence, thus improving regional development.Objectives of the project: identifying development a ...
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Initially it was thought that over 200,000,000 tons of Dangerous Goods (DG) per year moves in BSR (plus over 100M tons in NW Russia) mostly through densely populated areas, imposing real health and safety risks to people and environment. After the data gathering and reporting in DaGoB, the actual figure is close to 1,000,000,000 tons in the entire BSR region, which was substantially more than anti ...
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Network for Future Regional Health Care (Future Health)

Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

...ementation of New Models) is to pilot the developed concepts and model solutions. Implementation projects were approved and an Editorial Board nominated. CP5 related semi-annual seminar was held in Riga in Jun 2006. The document was printed and distributed in Dec 2006.
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Ecologically friendly ventilation system design (ECOVENT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2004, End date: Nov 30, 2006,

...the AERECO system and the control building was only able to cover a period of seven months. This prevented full results and conclusions being arrived at. Despite the failure to finish the project, Riga Technical University and Environmental Engineering AB have agreed to continue research on the basis of the ECOVENT project ideas. The project developed a website and presented papers at a series ...
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... Buildings requires the energy certification of buildings in order to reduce CO2 emissions. A previous LIFE project "ENERLAB" (LIFE02 ENV/LV/000478) tested an energy certification scheme developed by Riga Technical University in the town of Ogre in Latvia. However, this system only considered heat consumption, and did not cover gas and electricity consumption. These should however be included in a ...
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Connect Baltic Sea Region (CBSR )

Start date: May 31, 2005, End date: Aug 30, 2005,

The overall objective of CBSR project was to stimulate creation of new firms and jobs in knowledge intensive sectors by linking entrepreneurs and innovators with R&D, service providers and venture capitalists. A short term goal was to establish Connect organisations or networks in all the countries participating in the project (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany) ...
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The Baltic Sea Virtual Campus is a project whose objective is to build sustainable e-learning structures throughout the Baltic Sea Region, to supply the Baltic Sea countries equally with academic online education in future. The project has a running time of three years (2002-2005) and is financed through the participating partners, the regions and the EU.The overall aims of the BSVC, besides the e ...
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The project was aiming at the improvement of planning processes by improving the transregional communication and decision structures. The outcome of the project is a thematic network and a centre of excellence for improving the political (e.g. spatial planning authorities, municipalities, ministries, Governmental and Non-Governmental-Organisations) and entrepreneurial policy-making-processes in th ...
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Eco Forum Baltica (Eco Forum Baltica )

Start date: May 31, 2002, End date: Dec 30, 2004,

Eco Forum Baltica has two main objectives; to promote the development and knowledge on Environmental Management Systems (EMS) in companies (mainly SMEs) and authorities in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland and to develop the Spatial planning process (starting in the Harju region) and integrating Waste management/EMS perspectives in this process. The project is based on Eco Forum St Petersburg, ...
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Wider objective of the Project is aiming to join efforts of the EU and PC Universities, PC NGOs and Research Bodies for training, retraining and skills upgrading of experts able to decide multidisciplinary problems existing on the BY, RU and UA territories contaminated by radioactive agents with a view to Human Security.In accordance to the specific objectives it is foreseen to develop interdiscip ...
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The issues of environmental safety and “green” energy processing are being highly politicised and officially belong to prior economic and social development policies in Kazakhstan and Russia. However, the current economic realities and relevant educational infrastructure do not allow effective realization of these policies. Mostly, it is not the lack of financial resources or political will, but m ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2011,

The project objectives -to contribute to the challenges proposed in the TCs’ plans of development and National Indicative Plans; -to contribute to the resolution of problems resulting from the geographical proximity of the countries involved; -to promote the design of joint degrees and the emergence of new ones in the TCs. The objectives will be achieved by upgrading the TCs human resources fir ...
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The main goal of the project is to create e-Library for academic community in Moldova, which support education and research process according to international requirements. The information system infrastructure will be created and advanced integrated Library Information System will be implemented into seven Moldovan universities. This will ensure document cataloguing according international standa ...
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Elearning has become mainstream provision in European higher education and is essential in supporting lifelong learning and internationalisation. By becoming integral part of higher education, e-learning should also be integral part of the QA systems, internal and external, with related innovative and appropriate criteria.By developing the E-xcellence instrument under the e-learning programme an ...
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This proposal aims to priority: modernisation of curricula with 3 cycle structure, ECTS and degree recognition in the Teacher training and education science in Physical science (BY) and Engineering and engineering trades (BY, AZ, XK).The project involves higher education institutions from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Belgium as well as from such partner countries: Belarus, Kosovo, and Azer ...
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