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Network for Future Regional Health Care (Future Health)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of this cooperation is to create an effective platform for sharing cross-professional experience on developmental health care issues amongst the participating EU countries. This platform will develop new approaches for resolving health care management problems for the participating organisations. The objective will be pursued by analysing existing treatment processes, developing new models for delivering health care, and proposing a transformation process for organisations. Achievements: The goal of this network operation is to promote sustainable and cohesive development of regional health care systems in partner countries through cooperation, learning from each other’s experiences and through building up system models to be implemented under different national environments. The operation currently involves 19 partners in 8 countries and started in January 2004. The contents of the working components (CPs) are as follow: (CP2) vision of future health care; (CP3) core care processes and organization; (CP4) future environments; and (CP5) implementation. Operation's management and organization was agreed upon in the beginning as planned and the first general partners' meeting took place in Tallinn in June 2004. Due to the prolonged signing process of the subsidy contract, start of the CP activities was delayed. However, by summer 2005 implementation of all the CPs had been activated. Goal of CP2 (Regional Health Care Service Network) is to create a vision for future European regional health care services. An international seminar 'Visions of the Future Regional Health Care' was held in Jun 2004. Four workgroups (health service systems, health care facilities, medicine & medical technology) and an Editorial Board for the CP2 final document were established. The document was printed and disseminated through the project website. Prints and CDs were distributed via the CP contact persons and during the 5th semi-annual and final meetings. Goal of CP3 (Analyzing Health Care Processes; new processes and organization) is to analyze emergency health care processes in the partnering countries. Activities are: analysis of the trauma process, changes required achieving improved performance, training and utilization of the results. Editorial Board for CP3 final report was established and CP3 related semi-annual seminars were held in Dec 2004 and in Jun 2005. The final document was printed and distributed in Nov 2006. Goal of CP4 (New Concepts and New Environments) is to create new concepts for organizing services and use of space. The six themes are: 1) Possible approaches to spatial design, 2) Transform the 'Processes' to 'Spaces', 3) Evaluation of Logistics, 4) Adaptability from 'Specialized' to 'Universal', 5) Life-Cycle Costs, 6) Master planning and Ways of Programming. CP4 related semi-annual seminar was held in Lund in Dec 2005. The final document was printed in Oct 2006 and distributed in the final meeting. Goal of CP5 (Implementation of New Models) is to pilot the developed concepts and model solutions. Implementation projects were approved and an Editorial Board nominated. CP5 related semi-annual seminar was held in Riga in Jun 2006. The document was printed and distributed in Dec 2006.

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  • 56.7%   846 158,74
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC North
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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18 Partners Participants