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Integrated Intelligent Platform for Monitoring the Cross-Border Natural-Technological Systems (INFROM)
Start date: Feb 14, 2012, End date: Jan 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The goal of the INFROM project is to develop a universal common intelligent platform in order to unify efforts of specialists from Russia and Latvia to protect the environment, based on integrated space-ground monitoring. The project addresses the topical problem of integrated real-time monitoring and control of cross-border natural-technological systems (NTS) in normal and emergency situations based on heterogeneous data received from space and ground-based facilities. The known monitoring and control methods had been developed for specific natural-technological systems and are, therefore, applicable only to specific features of a system. The rapid increase of the complexity of modern facilities provides the increase of control parameters and the need of processing high-dimensional telemetry data sets. Thus, the lack of universal intelligent information technology complicates monitoring and control of complex systems, especially in case of an emergency situation. In order to fill this gap, the following major objectives are formulated in the project: 1) Development of intelligent information technology (IIT) for integrated real-time space-ground monitoring and control of NTS; 2) Development and approbation of tools for integrated monitoring and control (IM&C) based on the data received from space and ground-based facilities. The project is aimed at resolving the contradictions between the existing technological levels of space systems, global opportunities provided by them, and inadequate usage of results related to space activities in order to ensure cross-border cooperation between Russian Federation and the Republic of Latvia. By implementing the above-mentioned objectives, it is expected to obtain: 1) multi-model approach aimed at describing the functionality of NTS, as well as integrated monitoring and control system in normal and emergency situations; 2) method and algorithm for dynamical reconfiguration of NTS; 3) method for integrating information received from different data space and ground-space sources; 4) methods and algorithms for a structure-functional synthesis of monitoring and control systems; 5) universal tools for integrated intelligent monitoring and control; 6) unified monitoring workstations network. One of the major achievements of the project is to create a unified information and intellectual space for cross-border communication at all levels, including different specialists, levels of government and civil oversight. Consequently, the humanization of civilian control and creation of a social network will be ensured. Achievements: Outputs* Elaborated -latform design for space and ground-based natural-technological systems (NTS) monitoring, Methods for analysis and synthesis of monitoring & control systems, IT technology development for synthesis of integrated real-time monitoring and control, Techniques for adaptation of NTS space-ground based monitoring technologies for flood forecasting, oil pollution monitoring in water areas and prediction of forest fires, Techniques for automatic analysis and synthesis of NTS monitoring programmes, software prototypes for NTS monitoring & control, Infrastructure of the integrated distribution network; *Performed 7 approbation studies & 2 real-time experiments, multiple modelling scenarios generated and simulated; *Arranged 2 seminars, 2 trainings for 40 specialists in 7 municipalities involved in Latvia and Russia; *Published 1 project book, 66 scientific papers, 5 deliverables and 3 scientific reports on IT design and development, on software prototypes for NTS monitoring and control, and on approbation studies; *Outputs presented in 3 project conferences, 3 International conferences and 11 conferences outside Programme area; *5 press-releases and 17 publications in mass-media, 7 posters and 14 booklets, 3 scientific journals, 3 press-conferences, 5 TV videos produced Results*In the Pskov Region (Russia) approbation of the developed techniques and software prototypes with satellite GeoEye-1 data is used to identify the area of soil disturbance of agricultural activities, to identify forest classification and environmental damages on the local territories; *Along the Daugava River (Latvia) the real-time approbation provides accurate forecast of water flow simulation in cases of high and low water; *New web-services are available with flood forecast software including hydrological data collection, modelling, results storing and converting, publishing on webpage and geoportal; *Positive assessment reviews of the project results are supported by municipalities involved (Riga city, Daugavpils, Madona, Gulbene, Alūksne, Lubāna and Jaunpiebalga Municipalities (Latvia) and Pskov region, Razdolje Rural Settlement Self-government Administration (Russia)); *Distributed hardware and software infrastructures in Riga Technical University (Riga, Latvia) and SPIIRAS (St. Petersburg, Russia) for environmental monitoring and modelling of natural and technological objects as well as for training of specialists; *Joint initiatives with the Daugavpils City Council performed for operative flood forecasting and visualization with a social action Daugavpils against floods and Flood room; *International research and educational institution network created including 10 institutions and 7 municipalities

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  • 89.1%   881 156,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Estonia-Latvia-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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