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Baltic Sea Virtual Campus - Supplying the Baltic Sea Regions equally with academic on-line education for balanced regional development (BSVC )
Start date: Jun 30, 2002, End date: Jun 29, 2005 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Baltic Sea Virtual Campus is a project whose objective is to build sustainable e-learning structures throughout the Baltic Sea Region, to supply the Baltic Sea countries equally with academic online education in future. The project has a running time of three years (2002-2005) and is financed through the participating partners, the regions and the EU.The overall aims of the BSVC, besides the establishment of sustainable e-learning structures in the Baltic Sea Region, are the creation of an "European Area of Higher Education", the support of the integration of Eastern European partners into the EU and the contribution to a more balanced regional development.A network of 13 universities and regions has been built up from almost all countries of the Baltic Sea Region who are supporting and participating in the construction of the virtual educational network.In addition 7 associated partners from business and administration are involved. This co-operation ensures that the BSVC is close to the economy. Future educational offers of the BSVC will be regular studies like Bachelor-/Masters-courses and continuing education via Internet in modular form, for example in the fields: Industrial Engineering; Business Informatics; Health Care Management; Transregional Management.The target groups of the BSVC especially are students who aspire to an academic qualification, employees, who wish to continue individually with their academic studies as well as companies and public authorities whose managers and staff are continuing with their academic education.The advantages for the users of online learning lie above all in the possibility to integrate courses and academic continuing education more flexibly into their daily routine as the place and time for learning can be freely selected. This option is of particular interest to people in employment who are tied to specific times and others who due to their circumstances up to now have had no access, or only with difficulty, to academic education. Achievements: A standard version of the unified systems platform (LUVIT Learning Management System) was installed at Lund University and Lübeck University of Applied Sciences. The platform is the basis to develop and run the BSVC study programs. On this basis an extended version with especially tailored features was developed. The representatives of the partner universities and of Region Skåne signed a consortium agreement that puts in concrete terms the future collaboration of the partners. The academic and organisational structures of the BSVC were defined These includes board of rectors, executive steering committee, peer groups, national selling institutions. The Baltic Sea Virtual Campus is going to offer online-Master-Programmes and their modules in the fields of Transregional Management, Industrial Engineering, Health Care Management and E-Business- and ICT-Management. The BSVC partner organisations signed a BSVC partnership agreement for e-Learning services. Oncampus GmbH and Lund Education AB are jointly as a virtual organisation delivering the services towards the universities. The set-up for Industrial Engineering and Transregional Management study programmes was finished and first e-learning content was developed. The pilot runs of these study programs started successfully in October 2004 with international students. For the study programmes Healthcare Management and eBusiness Management the peer groups were installed and curricula drafted. Business model has been developed for the BSVC and national selling institutions defined for Germany, Sweden and Poland.
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  • 50%   1 424 500,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

19 Partners Participants