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Eco Forum Baltica (Eco Forum Baltica )
Start date: May 31, 2002, End date: Dec 30, 2004 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Eco Forum Baltica has two main objectives; to promote the development and knowledge on Environmental Management Systems (EMS) in companies (mainly SMEs) and authorities in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland and to develop the Spatial planning process (starting in the Harju region) and integrating Waste management/EMS perspectives in this process. The project is based on Eco Forum St Petersburg, a very successful Interreg IIC/Sida-financed project run since 1998 in co-operation between the Stockholm County Administration and a number of Russian and Swedish partners. Achievements: An EMS handbook was translated and printed in Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Russian. Over 1000 copies have been distributed already. The networks for environmental managers in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland were set up and started to work. A common website project for these networks was launched in co-operation with Inem. There are four national versions of these websites. Approximately 42 workshops/seminars/conferences have been carried out within these networks. During the project 88 environmental managers from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland have visited Sweden and made study visits at Swedish companies and authorities. EMAS Competent bodies were established in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. A network of EMAS competent bodies in the participating countries was set up as well. The support of trade and co-operation between companies in the environmental area were focused on Latvia and Lithuania. The investment targets of the project were not met but the project will have a long-term effect that is hard to estimate at present. The spatial planning co-operation with the Harju County led to a large waste management project – RECO (receiving Interreg IIIB funding in round 6) in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. A parallel project is being planned in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in cooperation with the Swedish Environment Protection Agency.
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  • 50%   380 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

21 Partners Participants