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Modern Information Services for Improvement Study Quality
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

The main goal of the project is to create e-Library for academic community in Moldova, which support education and research process according to international requirements. The information system infrastructure will be created and advanced integrated Library Information System will be implemented into seven Moldovan universities. This will ensure document cataloguing according international standards, computerized acquisition, circulation, searching in the shared e-catalogue and access to information resources for local and remote users round the clock. One of the main project objectives is creation of institutional e-repositories for study and research output archiving and open access for users. This task meets EU recommendations on OA policy for higher education & research. Another goal of the project is to arise information literacy level among students and researchers is one of the main project objectives that enable effective usage of information resources and improve scholar communication internationally. A lot of information literacy courses will be organized to train trainers, who will give further courses to students under curriculum or free choice basis. Estimated project results will ensure equal Moldovan students' abilities to participate in international student exchange programmes. Library staff will arise their professional skills during workshops, study tours and other project events, that enable them to integrate into international professional community. The implementation of project ideas will have positive influence on the establishing circumstances of life long learning for Moldovan community-wide.

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