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30 European Projects Found

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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

Training course ‘Rethink Media’ is applied by organization Platform Spartak and will be host by organization ASSOCIATION OF SVT PROGRAMME ALUMNI SKOPJE in Kocani, Macedonia from 20.03.2017 to 26.03.2017. By the training course ‘Rethink Media’ we aim to develop media and communication competencies of young workers and youth leaders and provide them an opportunity to experience various tools, method ...
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Linking cultures 2

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

This long term EVS project will involve one volunteer from The Netherlands. He will stay for 12 months in Georgia, hosted by the Student Youth Council of Ozurgeti. During his voluntary period in Georgia he will support the hosting organization in all its activities and projects. In particular, he will provide workshops and activities for the youth in the Day Care Center and for the participants of ...
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SAfe spaces for Inclusion of Lgbt+ youth

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The project “SAIL - SAfe spaces for Inclusion of Lgbt+ youth” starts from the desire to build a society that is inclusive towards every kind of diversity, particularly for minorities related to sexual identity. That is why the project’s main aim is to promote the inclusion of lgbt+ youth through the creation of safe and inclusive spaces in usually heteronormative contexts. This aim will be reached ...
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Non-formal education in conflict transformation can exert a big influence at different levels: in general population conception of conflicts, in small confronted communities, in youth organizations and CSOs, or in societies facing both, low and high intensity violence. Different organizations and institutions have been working on this field at different levels for decades, and the work with youth ...
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Entrepreneurs for Social Change

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

...raining course will gather 24 young leaders, youth workers or project coordinators from Netherlands, Macedonia, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Poland, Spain and Romania to engage them in an open learning platform where social entrepreneurship reality in Macedonia will be discovered and learn from the positive experience of it.Firstly, we organize this project to promote value of using entrepreneurship ...
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Draw The Line Against Youth Unemployment

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Context/backgroundUnemployment among young people is a growing problem in Europe. There are many youngsters out there with highly valuable creative skills, but often it is not clear for them how to put these skills to use and turn their ideas into realities. In this youth exchange we want youngsters to get more insights in the value their abilities and talents. ObjectivesThis project aims to addre ...
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How we coach ?

Start date: Aug 2, 2016, End date: Jan 1, 2017,

This initiative is an 8 days youth worker training focused on improving hosting and coordinating of the long term EVS project by introducing coaching methodology, researching, proposing and finding ways it could be adapted in EVS project.Project creates a space where organizations experienced in EVS are meeting in order to explore ways they could improve and widen their horizons. This training is ...
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Your Body Is Your Statement

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

“Your Body is Your Statement” is an 8 days training course gathering 30 youth workers, facilitators, trainers and educators from various European countries in Poland with the aim to explore new learning methodologies based on work with body and movement, while experiencing how embodied learning approaches and methods can be used in different realities within youth work and non-formal education. ...
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Project Development for Social Transformation

Start date: Jan 15, 2016, End date: Nov 14, 2016,

...tivities at local and international level that contribute to social change,• To create a portfolio with activities and good practices used by the organizations,• To create a web-based platform in which the theories of change of the organizations will be shared by using creative methodsThe main activity will be a training course that will take place in Misaktsieli, Georgia, from 24th April until 1s ...
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Linking cultures

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The type of activity is a long term EVS project, which will be hosted by Semper Avanti, Bakelit and Oberliht. . Platform Spartak is involved as Coordinating and Sending Organization from The Netherlands (The Hague). The project date starts on 01-05-2015 nd lasts until 01-11-2016 (18 months in total). The activity dates will last from 01-05-2015 until 01-05-2016. A range of non-formal and informal ...
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Mediation: a new tool for dealing with conflicts In Youth Work

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

When discussing the current challenges for youth workers in Europe Platform Spartak and Synergy recognised that existing tensions between groups of people in vulnerable conditions and situation needs to be addressed, for example in the youth sector and in youth organizations. On a bigger scale, tendencies which feature discrimination, stereotyping and prejudices can create an on-going and long las ...
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Invisible people, unheard voices: supporting communities in Europe 2

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2016,

...ther on our experiences and commitment to support mobility and non-formal learning of young European citizens. Objectives: Our EVS projects formed one of the main pillars in the community program of Platform Spartak. This program focused on creating and promoting an alternative to current social and cultural trends by informing and involving local communities, partners and volunteers. While devel ...
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Co-Working & Co-Living: Co-Inspiring

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

The Job shadowing 'Co-working & Co-living: Co-inspiring' has been the first project developed out of a new cooperation between Sende and Platform Spartak. The Job shadowing took place from the 19th of August until the 17th of October 2015. The project activity involved one youth worker from The Netherlands working within the framework of non formal education in cooperation with 2 youth workers fro ...
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Art in Action: How can art have a positive impact in social issues?

Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Apr 3, 2016,

“Art in Action” project was implemented between 9 - 15 October, 2015 in Guimaraes, Portugal. The Youth Exchange project, Art in Action was carried out with 30 participants from 6 different countries, including the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Estonia, Italy and Turkey. Bringing together these young creative people, the Art in Action project aimed at exploring and understanding certain problem ...
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CC: Challenging Communication

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

A good ability to communicate is nowadays crucial in every sphere of our life: to have healthy personal relations, to be successful in our studies, to access new job positions, to exercise social leadership or to transfer our ideas into bigger groups and audiences. This becomes specially relevant when working as leaders with groups of youngsters: communication becomes a crucial aspect in each sta ...
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Pride and prejudice in Europe

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The project Pride and Prejudice in Europe will take place from 4 - 12 of August 2014 in Serbia. The main aim of the project is to create mutual understanding among Portuguese, Dutch, Polish and Serbian youngsters by using non-formal learning, activities, theatre and debate. Thirty youngsters will take part in the project (10 from each country). To be able to actively participate during the project ...
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Let's Create!

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The "Let's Create!" is a 5 days long partnership building contact seminar aimed at crating longlasting partner relation between organizations from countries such as : Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Italy, Slovenia and Poland. Mobility is scheduled for February 2015, and will be held in Lodz, Poland. The project will bring 3 participants from 7 different organizations partner count ...
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Mid Term: A training for EVS Organizations

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

...m the 20th until the 28th of January in Struga, Macedonia. During the project 28 youth workers developed essential skills for their work with EVS. The participants from six partner organizations, Platform Spartak (The Netherlands), Creactive (Macedonia), CVS Bulgaria (Bulgaria), Desincoop (Portugal), Center8 (Serbia) and (Poland) shared their expertise on EVS facilitated by 2 trainers. ...
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Trainer of Trainers: The art of facilitation

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

The training course Training of Trainers: The art of facilitation, takes place from the 2nd until the 10th of January in Bakuriani, Georgia. During the training course 24 youth workers from 8 different countries will develop their skills in facilitation, program design and interpersonal conflict management. The project consists of 4 stages. In the first stage the projects will create an open and c ...
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Participation Fabric

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jan 20, 2015,

The Contact Making Seminar will take place in July 2014 in Innsbruck (Austria), with youth workers and activists from 6 different european partners. In 5 days of active seminar activity, we will provide the opportunity to establish an international cooperation in the field of youth active citizenship and inclusion through art, to improve the quality of our next Action. Our project's goal is to p ...
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The training about EVS issues realised by YC KOSMOS from Kljuc, Bosnia-Herzegowina in the frame of the YOUTH in ACTION programme is focused on the improvment and ensuring quality standards for European Voluntary Service activities in cooperation between programme countries and neighbouring partners countries from South Eastern Europe (SEE) and the development of the cooperation between programme c ...
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The organization Generator from Serbia and will organize a Short Study Visit on this theme. From Oktober 9 untili Oktober 17 2009 young youth leaders from Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Poland, Germany and the Netherlands will visit several NGOs in southern Serbia, eastern Kosovo and northern Macedonia. They will have round table discussions about the possibilities of cross-border cooperation on sever ...
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Artistic scenes are a fundamental factor for the cultural enrichment of a specific community. Throughout history, small groups of young artists have contributed to revolution the established cultural discourses, adding their diverse conceptions about art and challenging the cultural mainstream. In order to achieve these goals, though, creative scenes should be sustained and should rely on specific ...
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Strip ¡t! Is a 9-day youth-exçhange held in Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia in the third week of September 2Q09. It gives young and creative comic-writers of 5 different European countries the chance to explore the power of the image as a communication tool in getting to know more about other cultures and countries. The project revolves around the theme of European Superheroes. Participants f ...
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'To ACT or not to ACT" - is THIS the question? was a training course on active youthparticipation - Action 3.1The training was aiming to the promotion and exploration of active youth participation invarious different fields of social and community life. In 6 training days, 24 participants fromBosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Gerogia, Moldova, Ukraine, Cyprus, Portugal, Italy, Romaniaand The Netherlands ...
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Diversity in Connection

Start date: Jan 2, 2012,

Egyesek will host a partnership making seminar Diversity in Connection. It will take place in Hollókő and Budapest, Hungary from the 20th till the 27th of February, 2012. The 8-day long project's main themes - reflecting on the needs of our partners and using their knowledge and experience - are to enable organisations to effectively use the results of local youthwork in international context and ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

RE:DESIGN IT! is a 10 day youth exchange which will be realized in Hollókő, Hungary 1-10 of May 2012, organised and hosted by Egyesek Youth Association. Participants are 24 young people from 6 countries (Bulgaria, Spain, the Nederlands, Cyprus, Romania and Hungary) supported by 6 group leaders. Themes:-exchange methods of creative recycling-find solutions for environmental problems with art and de ...
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To support the creation of stable cooperation between youth NGO’s and the communities in which they work that lead to more young people taking part in public life in their communities, the planned TC “Youth Caravan 2012 – Promoting Youth Participation in Europe’’ will give its participants the necessary knowledge and set of practical skills to promote youth participation, civic activism and volunt ...
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“Break the Monotony-Express Yourself through Graffiti” 7 days Youth Exchange will take place in the seaside town Gonio in Georgia and will gather 32 participants and 6 leaders from 4 EU countries and 2 countries form EECA region. Young people, young artists and graffiti painters from 6 different countries will meet each other and paint Gonio sea side walls on the topic of cultural diversity and Y ...
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Experience Nature Together!

Start date: Sep 1, 2008,

On the Island of Terschelling (Netherlands) young people from Germany, France, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland and the Netherlands will meet in order to experience nature together and learn from each other. Outdoor activities are used as a tool for intercultural learning: The youngsters will be active together, work towards a common goals and have to rely on each other. This will make them conscious of ...
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