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35 European Projects Found

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Leadership +

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

The training course is executed in Hungary from 3rd to 10th November and will gather 34 participants from Portugal, Estonia, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey, Poland, France and Lithuania. Project "Leadership +" is based on the fact, that group leaders from different NGOs, including some that work with people with disabilities, are able to increase the quality of Yout ...
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Start date: Aug 3, 2015, End date: Aug 2, 2017,

To live together in peace and social integration are important elements of the common future of society imagine someone. The elimination of social inequality is removed and citizens require a fair society based on equality. A society in socio-economic status, ethnic origin, religious belief, gender, gender identity, physical, mental and spiritual health status or age-related discriminatory policie ...
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Roma Youth European Youth 4

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

Until now we have organized already 3 seminars Roma Youth European Youth. During those 3 seminars we developed the guide " 9 steps in working with Roma youngsters" which to help young trainers, facilitators, youth workers, youth leaders, social workers, volunteers and all other people to work with Roma youngsters to do their work better and to increase the involvement of the Roma youngsters in you ...
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Youth Employment Action!

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The EU Employment and Social Situation, as well the labor market situation remains very difficult for young people under the age of 25, with an unemployment rate of 21.4% by November 2015, while employment growth benefits mainly older workers age 55 to 64. Young people remain hit by underemployment and feel discouraged to look for work and when it's about Roma youngsters the figures are even big ...
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Nothing about us without us!

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The seminar organized by Amaro Foro e.V. will bring together 33 Roma and non-Roma multipliers and youth activists from 9 European countries (Germany, Macedonia, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, France, Spain, Hungary and Albania) aims to develop a comprehensive approach on the issue of Genocide remembrance and education of marginalized youth, their effective involvement and participation in local ...
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PUTREN LE JAKHA - International Youth Conference on Antigypsyism

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

Racism and antigypsyism against Roma and Sinti are widely spread in Europe, but rarely questioned. The visible results are violent assaults, agitation and hate speech in the media, as well as increasing social exclusion. In many countries, measures and initiatives against this form of racism are taken, but there is too little transnational exchange and too little transnational activities. In this ...
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Peers to Peers

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"Peers to Peers" is a project intended for youth workers working with young people with less opportunities, as well as for youth workers who run EVS project and want to engage young people from less privileged. To participate in the project we invited experienced sending organizations, host and coordinating EVS projects as well as organizations that are just going to start their work with the Eras ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2015, End date: Dec 29, 2016,

Feel it! Is it your heart beating faster and your inner voice calling for action, new challenges, unforgetable experience and broading your comfort zone? Its not just your inner voice - its the youth exchange musiCALL calling you on the stage to dance out of your daily routine and comfort zone. Shake away your doubts and fears of public performing and join the dancing vibes of musical Grease , wh ...
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Strana EVS Idea

Start date: May 18, 2015, End date: Nov 17, 2016,

Stranaidea was founded in 1986 and has been working mainly in Turin and surrounding municipalities in the social and educational field proposing succesful projects in different areas. It is a solid organisation with 122 social workers and started working with European Programmes in 2000, with EVS in 2007. The main purpose of this project is to host a group of 6 volunteers available to spend 12 mon ...
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Act intercultural 2

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

Act intrecutural 2 its a project which bring together 49 participants from 7 countries Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy, Holand, Macedonia and Czech Republic.The project consist in a youth exchange which will be implemented in Romania, in Milcoveni between 10-19.07.2016.We want with this project to help the youngsters from Rural areas to face an interview and to discover the benefits of taking p ...
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Project Against Segregative Situations

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Oct 1, 2016,

Segregation is a relative expression; it may appear on different levels and social groups. Anyone can be segregated in a small company for any reasons. Ethnical origin or social obstacles may cause segregation. People from different countries can feel segregation if they didn’t learn general attitudes of being Europeans.Segregation is a phenomenon, which we know we have to PASS for everyone’s purp ...
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RoMancipate Youthself

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The project “RoMancipate Youthself” gives two young Roma or non-Roma persons the opportunity to live and engage in the local community and projects carried out in the central Slovakia region: 2 volunteers for the period of 10 months, from October 2014 until end of July 2015, and 2 volunteers from beginning of July 2015 until end of April 2016. Project activities are to be carried out mainly in bea ...
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Optimisation of validation process of EVS learning outcomes

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Youth organizations actively involved in working with EVS volunteers have specified various problems regarding the sustainability and the recognition of the volunteering experience in its whole dimension. In general, lack of sustainability of the outcomes gained though EVS as international experience and also lack of recognition for the competences developed through are often stated by them. It ha ...
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Challenging Antigypsyism through grassroots activism

Start date: Feb 5, 2016, End date: Aug 4, 2016,

Based on various experiences and projects in the last years, antigypsyism appeared as increasingly relevant topic in the youth work of Association of Young Roma (AYR) and of the Phiren Amenca International Network, especially regarding educational approaches and youth activism. The seminar aims to raise the awareness and activism to challenge antigypsyism, by creating local, national and European ...
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Intersectionality and Building Alliances in Youth Activism

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

This one year lasting multi-measure project aims to strengthen the reflection on intersectionality and alliance building of young Roma and non-Roma as former volunteers, multipliers and youth leaders to engage for a Roma youth movement. The mission of Phiren Amenca to challenge stereotypes and racism against Roma will be broadened to a perspective of multiple discriminations with intersections of ...
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Work ReAct

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

“Work ReACT” is multi-measure project that aims to fight youth unemplyment using nonformal education methods. During the project we will held one training for group leaders in Melnik, Czech Republic and 2 youth exchanges in Mircoveni (Romania). The general objectives of the project are: - To develop the cooperation between 12 NGO’s from 12 countries; - To raise the awerness regarding the situation ...
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Transition in Action

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The Youth Exchange “Transition in Action” under the Erasmus+ Programme took place from 20st July (arrival day) till 2nd August (departure day) 2015 in Hungary, Kunbábony a village situated 80 km to the South of Budapest in a beautiful rural setting, in a peaceful homestead used for educational and training purposes in Kunbábony, Hungary. The homestead is run by a cooperative, the Adács-bábony Soci ...
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Antygypsism – Mobile Books

Start date: Aug 3, 2015, End date: Jan 2, 2016,

This project brings together 30 youth leaders, workers, multipliers, trainers and volunteers from over 11 different countries during a 7 day lasting seminar in Struga, Macedonia, and it involves them in a long lasting preparatory and follow-up process. As the venue is in Macedonia, a study visit and the final performance using Living Library method will take place in the Roma municipality with mo ...
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This one year lasting multi-measure project aims to strengthen the activism of young Roma and non-Roma as former volunteers, multipliers and youth leaders to engage for a Roma youth movement by building a long-term sustainable and self-organized youth structure, and by promoting volunteering and the Phiren Amenca mission to challenge stereotypes and racism. The project involves 9 Roma and non-Rom ...
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Acting youth employment

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

With this project were we are 10 partners from 10 countries (Romania, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Cyprus, and Poland) we try to facilitate the access of the youngsters on the labor market. We will organize one training in 06-14 May 2015, and two youth exchanges, one in 20-30 June 2015 and one in 10-19 July 2015, all of them taking place in The camp Marabu from Milco ...
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Live and learn

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

The topics of our project are the unemployment of young people, competencies needed for employment, and development of the knowledge of participants in order to increase their chances on the labour market. The topic is coming from our former youth exchange where many questions were raised regarding the labour market and the participants shared their negative experiences regarding it. Surveys in Hu ...
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Making a Scene for Change ll

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

Making a scene for Change II was a training course which explored social inclusion and youth participation through Theatre of the Oppressed, Forum theatre and, which planed achievable local and international projects that support the participation of young people! Objectives of the training: • Through creative drama workshops to learn about Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed. • Create Forum ...
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Jóvenes emprendedores para el cambio

Start date: Feb 15, 2015, End date: Jun 15, 2015,

La motivación para realizar éste proyecto es que según el informe de la Comisión Europea “PLAN DE ACCIÓN PARA EL EMPRENDIMIENTO 2020”, existe una carencia en la falta de mentalidad empresarial y las competencias esenciales relacionadas con la misma entre los jóvenes en Europa. Adicionalmente, se ha detectado en la mayoría de los países miembro de la UE una carencia en el aprendizaje del emprendim ...
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"Build up your future"

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

"Build up your future" was an international training course under the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Program on topic of youth active participation and development of responsible civil society attitude for effective engagement of young people within their local communities. The training course has been held during 7 days in Rimini, Italy. The project has gathered youth workers and NGO representative ...
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HELIOS - Healthy lifestyles and social inclusion

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

To be able to respect the environment it is neccessary to know it and to live it, in a way of admiring its beauty, importance and its value in vary points of view. Even just doing an activity outside, taking a walk or being taught by the experts on the environment awareness could raise our sensibility and our desire to become more active. In addition adapting a behaviour which is respectful to the ...
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Volunteering - as a guarantee of future leadership

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

PROJECT TITLE: Volunteering - as a guarantee of future leadership DATE: 9-16 September 2014 PLACE: Kobuleti, Georgia The activity will gather representatives of 15 youth organisations and/ or informal groups from 14 countries (Finland, Georgia, Romania, Sweden, Italy, Turkey, Armenia, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Croatia, United Kingdom, Latvia and Azerbaijan). SUMMARY: This is a training course f ...
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“S.U.N.RI.S.E. Village - Smart Union of NGOs against the RIsk of Social Exclusion” is an exchange programmed to take place in Savigno (Bologna, Italy) from 20th to 31th of October 2014, with 31 boys and girls aged 18-25 from 5 European countries: Italy, Romania, Spain, Latvia and Turkey. SUNRISE aims at increase self-esteem, enterpreneurship and possibilities of social inclusion for youngsters wit ...
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Learning with Peers Living with Trees

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

Nous voulions mettre en place une formation d'éducation à l'environnement à destination d'un public d'animateurs ou de responsables de jeunesse ayant ou non une expérience en pédagogie de l'environnement. Nous avons choisi le thème de l'arbre comme thème principal pour cette formation, car c'est un sujet international. Les compétences acquises durant la formation sont applicables dans les différen ...
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Youth Training and Resource for Energizing the Employability

Start date: Jun 16, 2014, End date: Jan 15, 2015,

The "Youth TREE" project will take place in Istanbul, Turkey between the dates of 11-20 September, 2014 with the participation of 50 young people from 23 different countries (youth workers, trainers and experts) and facilitators, speakers and various actors. Within the scope of the project, the problem of youth unemployment and its solutions will be discussed together with young people from 23 dif ...
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You(th) are Creating an Inclusive World!

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

“You(th) are Creating an Inclusive World!” is a training course for youth workers, youth leaders and social workers that are working with youth/youngsters with fewer opportunities. The training course will be held in Czech Republic, Ochoz u Brna and will getter youth from 9 countries. The main aim of the project is to present LARP (Live Acting Role Play) and role-play as a non-formal tool to pro ...
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Internationale Jugendkonferenz zu Antiziganismus

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Racism against Roma and Sinti („Anti-Gypsyism“) is widely spread in Europe, but rarely questioned. Moreover, it leads to violent assaults, agitation and hate speech in the media und increasing social exclusion. In many countries, measures and initiatives against this form of racism are taken, but there is too little transnational exchange and too little transnational activities. On this account, R ...
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H.O.M.E: Higher Opportunities for Migrants in Europe

Start date: Jul 15, 2014, End date: Nov 14, 2014,

The seminar H.O.M.E: Higher Opportunities for Migrants in Europe is a jointly activity of Youth Express Network (Y-E-N) and Voice of Young Refugees in Europe (VYRE). It will gather 25 participants from 9 different countries (France, Spain, Germany, The Netherlands, Romania, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia and Bosnia & Herzegovina). This activiti will be held from 21st to 28th September 2014, in Mollina, ...
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From unemployment to employment

Start date: Mar 3, 2014,

Youth unemployment in Europe is a huge problem nowadays. Moreover, the unemployment rate in rural areas is even higher all over the Europe which is strongly related with depopulation process in rural areas. This project is aimed at empowerment of young people especially young people from rural areas and with fewer opportunity towards employability and entrepreneurship by providing the participants ...
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Let's win together!

Start date: Mar 1, 2013,

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Training Course "European Dream"

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

"European Dream" ¡s a training course for youth leaders to improve the quality of the projects of the youth in action programme they participate in and aims to improve the integration of young people with fewer opportunities such as minorities and their active participation in these projects and in public life. This 6 days training course will give the participants the possibility to improve their ...
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