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Nothing about us without us!
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The seminar organized by Amaro Foro e.V. will bring together 33 Roma and non-Roma multipliers and youth activists from 9 European countries (Germany, Macedonia, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, France, Spain, Hungary and Albania) aims to develop a comprehensive approach on the issue of Genocide remembrance and education of marginalized youth, their effective involvement and participation in local, national and international programmes, to strengthen cooperation and relations between Roma and non-Roma youth and youth organizations in order to strengthen the conceptual understanding for inter-cultural dialogue, youth inclusion, empowerment and mobilization, as well active citizenship and to establish a support system for enhancing Roma youth capacities and developing new projects within the new Erasmus plus Programme. Moreover, the project will look into practices and methods for youth inclusion and empowerment among youth organizations in addressing and fighting discrimination, racism, xenophobia, especially antigypsyism as a modern form of racism towards Roma and help developing a collective memory of remembrance and commemoration by raising awareness about the Holocaust and Roma genocide during WWII. The 8 days seminar "Nothing about us, without us!"will take place on December 1-8, 2016 in Berlin, Germany representing an opportunity for young people that are capable of addressing human rights issues in grassroots, national and international actions. The seminar aims to strengthen the coordinated efforts of building joint initiatives on grassroots level, as well as on international level towards the commemoration and to challenge antigypsyism and racism in Europe. This project will not only increase the knowledge and sensitivity of the young Europeans on the topics, but the increased awareness of the young Roma and non-Roma can strengthen the consciousness of the participants about their role and responsibility within their communities, the society and in Europe at large. Strengthening cooperation between young Roma and non-Roma, and different youth and human rights organizations will be another step in building the collective historical memory, awareness and respect for human rights and impulse to a wider official recognition by European countries of August 2nd, as a day of commemoration of the Roma Genocide during World War II. April 15, 2015 marked a historical moment, The European Parliament voted with an overwhelming majority to finally adopt a resolution which recognizes “the historical fact of the genocide of Roma that took place during World War II” and concludes “that a European day should be dedicated to commemorating the victims of the genocide of the Roma during World War II.” Of huge importance is the fact that this resolution also “underlines the need to combat anti-Gypsyism at every level and by every means, and stresses that this phenomenon is an especially persistent, violent, recurrent and common place form of racism.”
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