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25 European Projects Found

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Hosteleros hacia Europa 2016

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018, bakery • Basic operations for bars and restaurants• Bar and coffee services• Reception, events, communication and marketing• Basic operations for room servicesThe host countries are Malta, Italy, United Kingdom and Portugal and the length of each work placement are 2 months. The project will take place from December 2016 until November 2018 with a length of 24 months.The objectives and expect ...
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Mobilité des Apprenants de FOrmation Professionnelle en Europe 2

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

...n of candidates, the intercultural preparation, the evaluation and the help to find a job at the end of their internship.Our European partners (Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Ireland and Malta) are recognized in the transnational mobility process. They are all professionals of training, education and employment policies in their respective country..Their objectives are the same as APRECA. The ...
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Mobilità transnazionale per il settore del TErmale e del BEnessere

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT. Italy is the European country with the largest number of spas thanks to its unique geology volcanic phenomena. In fact the spa and wellness tourism in Italy host 4.2% of tourists in hotels or other types of accommodation, that means 15 million people every year. If we analyze the human capital skill in the sector, we understand that the demand for the prof ...
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Empowering Agribusiness Training in Emilia 2

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

...labor market with better perspectives and with a portfolio of validated skills and experiences in a clear, recognizable and readable way.The foreseen destination countries are: Spain, Malta, UK, Ireland, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands and France.
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+Hosteleria en Europa 2015

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...telry galician professionals observe and experiment the job market in an international environment, with the aim of training or orientation for the professional future. The hosting countries are Malta, Italy, UK, The Netherlands and Portugal with a total number of 18 mobilitites, 2 months each. The intermediary and hosting partners are entities that collaborated previously in the last proyect LdV- ...
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INTER NATIONS- High Level Skills in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

... purpose of contributing for the reduction of school drop-outs, promoting the equality of opportunities and social inclusion through practical internships in companies located in Germany, Spain and Malta seeking to increase the attractiveness of VET teaching.During the mobilities the participants will carry out work plans for the development of the following contents:Learning of foreign languagesC ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...ess and Technical School, Ltd. in Zlin through training of selected work operations during their internships with foreign partners. There are a total of four partner organizations: Reattiva in Italy, Malta European Mobility in Malta, EUROPROYECTOS LEONARDO DA VINCI S.L. in Spain and Secondary Polytechnic School in Slovakia. In the project we plan to send six groups of students of different fields ...
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PROJECT CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND. The 3DGoldSkills project was born within Arezzo’s GOLD AND SILVER DISTRICT, which is one of the most traditional and historical sectors of Tuscan industry and that represents the Italian excellence in the world of jewellery. The current difficult economic situation, however, has resulted in a sharp change in the competitive landscape that had hitherto supported the ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Valga Secondary school faces the challenge of participating in an ERASMUS+ project with the conviction that it is an important aspect for the professional development of the students and the updating of the institution, therefore it will represent a great opportunity to rise the academic training quality of our students and to make exchange, cooperation and mobility among the education systems, an ...
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MObility for Vocational and Educational Training 2.0

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project MOVET 2.0 combines the Province of Reggio Emilia, 9 technical and professional high schools of the province, the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Chamber of Commerce, the main local trade associations, in addition to receiving partners and many European SMEs interested in a transnational dimension of business and labor market. The project develops mobility experiences for 90 students and 36 ...
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MechMob - Mechanical&Mechatronics Mobility

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016,

... / or at risk of exclusion, so that the GROWTH of our territories may be INCLUSIVE, as stated in EU2020 The participants’ countries of destination are: Germany, Spain, Ireland, Netherlands, Malta, United Kingdom, Portugal.
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PROJECT’s BACKGROUND MOVE4TRADE is a trans-regional project developed in Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Tuscany, three Italian regions characterized by a similar economic and social system. In times of financial and economic crisis, the project aims to develop internationalization strategies for SMEs, in order to promote their survival, the growth of the local communities and the increasing of the ...
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Empowering Agribusiness Training in Emilia

Start date: Dec 15, 2015, End date: Dec 14, 2016, with better perspectives and with a portfolio of validated skills and experiences in a clear, recognizable and readable way. The foreseen destination countries are: Spain, Netherlands, Malta, UK, Ireland and Portugal.
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Buds Budding Mobility

Start date: Dec 14, 2015, End date: Dec 13, 2016,

...s and skills which are also clear, recognizable and readable in the contexts of education, training and work. The participants’ countries of destination are: Spain, the Netherlands, Malta, United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal.
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Green-Skills&Competences for a sustainable development

Start date: Dec 14, 2015, End date: Dec 13, 2016,

PROJECT CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND. The GreenS&Co project was created to strengthen and improve green skills within Southern Tuscany (provinces of Siena, Arezzo, Grosseto) in order to provide businesses with innovative and updated professional figures, who have acquired effective knowledge and skills that, combined with a proper development policy, may result in raising the quality of life standards o ...
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Tourism Training Towards Europe - dall'Italia verso l'Europa

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

...spondence between demand and offer of competences in labour market. B. OBJECTIVES 70 young Italians will qualify their competences with a 2 months training in a sector enterprise in Germany, Greece, Malta, Portugal, United Kingdom, Spain. The project will: - transfer participants knowledge for working in the sectors: tourism, hotel and restaurant industry; - fulfil participants gap between hands- ...
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Exchange and Training in Renewable Energy Sector

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

A. CONTEXT Environmental sustainability, efficient use of energy resources and development and use of renewable energies are European priorities (European Strategy 2020). EC – DG Employment, Social Affaires and Inclusion states that more than 20 million workers in Europe are engaged in activities connected to environmental sustainability; moreover, in the upcoming years the request of Green Jobs w ...
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MObility for Vocational and Educational Training

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project MOVET! (MObility for Vocational and Educational Training) involves the Province of Reggio Emilia, 13 technical and professional high schools of the province, the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Chamber of commerce of Reggio Emilia, the main local trade associations, as well as 10 EU hosting partners and, with them, several European SMEs interested in a transnational dimension of the busines ...
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azubi-mobil - Individuelle Mobilität für betriebliche Auszubildende

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

...pool project in the open -flow management. Continuously, a high number of trainees is interested in our company’s mobility program. Especially internships in English language target countries (UK , Malta) are in high demand. Most of the participants come from the commercial and office sector, but industry, tourism, hotel and catering services are common branches as well. In principle, Azubi-Mobil ...
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Young Learners Mobility – YoulMob

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

...ining, but also to internship experience of training, spreading its application to the non-formal learning contexts. The Countries of destination expected for participants are Spain, the Netherlands, Malta, UK, Germany, and Portugal.
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Wellness Project

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

...cond or third year, and all of them had least 18 years old. The project partners, chosen in the design phase, hosted the girls for 30 days, putting them in different work contexts: - On the island of Malta, with the support of the Malta European Mobility (MEMo), 14 girls have found use in many beauty and wellness centers, which have received them at different times, teaching them the special Malte ...
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The "2nd International Youth Meeting: European Citizen - Where are you?" will bring together young people and people active in youth work from more than 20 different European countries (EU programme countries and neighbouring partner countries from SEE) in order to offer them a platform to discuss basic issues concerning participation and European citizenship, share experiences and additionally le ...
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The project ACMEmob will develop accompanying actions in order to promote the LdV programme's objectives and the results of the projects carried out by the partners.The acronym of the project is from the Greek language. It has been choose because it is full of meaning related to the activities to be carried out. The Greek word Q , in a literal translation, means flower of age, youth, energy, but ...
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To reach our aims for a “Quality-mentor” with a high knowledge on the topic ECVET in mobility,we developed a special training curricula with the following topics:- Practical knowledge about the EU programme ERASMUS+ for learning mobility in VET- Introduction to the ECVET toolbox - Presentation of different player’s and their role in geographical mobility- Tools, examples, good practice to aid succ ...
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The theme of the valorisation of cultural resources in the territories of Europe was mainly handled by the administrations with a safeguard, according to paradigms that consider a culture a good more patrimonial that profitable or at most as a subordinate resource in key of tourism valorisation. The role of culture in the process of implementation of the Lisbon strategy goes far beyond tourist ent ...
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