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Buds Budding Mobility
Start date: Dec 14, 2015, End date: Dec 13, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EYES, EARS, PALATES, NOSTRILS ARE THE UNIVERSAL TARGETs OF THAT EMOTIONS RADIATED FORM OUR LANDS. THEY REPRESENT OUR OWN FLAGSHIP IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE EU2020 OBJECTIVES. The project was born in the wake of an active cooperation in the field of agribusiness within South Tuscany, that was also strengthened by the creation of three Professional-Technical High Schools (PTS) in the provinces of Grosseto, Siena, Arezzo. It represents a bridge towards the renovated regional vocational education and training system (IeFP), which complies with the integrated planning of the educational offer: hence, it has favoured the application of the ITS Higher Technical Institute “MADE IN ITALY - AGRI-FOOD SYSTEM” by the Agricultural-Technical Institute “Leopoldo II di Lorena” of Grosseto. The agri-food system is at the centre of an increasing interest due to the upcoming Expo 2015, which is hoped to focus the world’s attention on our way of living and eating respecting our territory. ISTAT and IRPET-ARSIA data demonstrate that in Tuscany agriculture is not just an activity shaping the landscape and creating that picture postcard so widespread and popular all over the world. Agriculture represents, above all, the labour, skills and ingenuity of about 90 thousand businesses giving life, through their activities, to an extraordinary mix of tradition and innovation that looks at sustainability as a cornerstone of development. QUALITY, then TRACEABILITY and CERTIFICATION, ENHANCEMENT of typical and local products represent our history: they stand out as the cornerstones of economic and social development of our territories. They also represent a new employment sector for young people, who show an increasing desire and energy of reinterpreting the traditions and resources of their territory. The members of the PTS and ITS, businesses, professional associations (of the Chambers of Commerce), schools, universities, Public Administrations, all of them strongly believe in the importance of young people’s training in transnational contexts, in order to give them more employment opportunities, to facilitate their empowerment, to help them becoming aware and active UE citizens and workers. BBuM aims at enabling young people to closely observe the world of work and to experience it from within in an international environment, both for educational and information purposes with respect to their professional future. Today, we aim at guiding the choice of business / territorial areas where the mobility experiences will take place, by trying to meet the territory’s needs as well as the request of the receiving sectors. Specific surveys have been carried out along with the social partners and the data resulting from previous professional and training needs surveys had been taken into account too. This transnational action will be characterized by innovative and cross features as: - INNOVATIVE TECHNICAL-PROFESSIONAL SKILLS for FOOD INDUSTRY and TOURISM / CULTURAL HERITAGE - Support and DEVELOPMENT OF KEY COMPETENCES for lifelong learning - Support and specific attention to YOUNG PEOPLE WITH FEWER OPPORTUNITIES and / or at risk of exclusion - ACQUIRED SKILLS RECOGNITION through reconstruction, description and validation in compliance with UE Recommendations, in particular EQF, EQAVET and ECVET Each school / curriculum involved will be associated with learning experiences representing education and / or training credits, that will provide the young with at least one specific skill / performance among those identified in the regional Directory of Professional Figures, or in the national partners directories, in order to create new skills suitable for the local and European labour market. We must start from young people, as thanks to BBuM they will have equal opportunities for personal and professional growth, thanks to a thorough linguistic and cultural knowledge of their destination country. Moreover, they will have the great opportunity to make a 30 days (students) or a 3 months (high school graduates and graduates) working experience in SMEs of the UE. They will be able to develop those life skills which are essential to become real UE citizens and which will facilitate their entry into the world of work. Therefore, BBuM complies with Youth Guarantee’s objectives, it meets the needs of competitiveness and internationalization of our businesses. It also offers young people useful tools to grow as individuals and to enter the world of work with better prospects as well as a wide range of validated experiences and skills which are also clear, recognizable and readable in the contexts of education, training and work. The participants’ countries of destination are: Spain, the Netherlands, Malta, United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal.
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19 Partners Participants