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MObility for Vocational and Educational Training 2.0
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project MOVET 2.0 combines the Province of Reggio Emilia, 9 technical and professional high schools of the province, the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Chamber of Commerce, the main local trade associations, in addition to receiving partners and many European SMEs interested in a transnational dimension of business and labor market. The project develops mobility experiences for 90 students and 36 newly graduated/qualified.The level of territorial cooperation in Reggio Emilia is particularly high and lively, economic categories are really interested in actively participating and cooperating in the Vocational Education and Training sector either in transnational projects; fields that in the present proposal can directly dialogue.The professional competences requested by local entrepreneurs reflects the complexity and diversification of the economic framework in our province, mainly devoted to manufacture but also to tertiary sector, territorial qualification and welfare.MOVET 2.0 in fact expresses this complexity and diversification in contents and objectives of learning, which are and will be in line with several specializations of schools, but customized. It replies to a common need expressed by the partnership to grow up and train young people open to dialogue, able to become EUROPEAN CITIZENS AND WORKERS in a common job market more free and integrated. One of the aim of the project is to overcome language and cultural barriers, which continue to obstacle the transnational mobility of the European labour market, slowing down the internationalization process, then the FULL COMPETITIVENESS of the local economic framework, especially because it is composed mostly by micro and small companies. Those companies, in the framework of a DEVELOPMENT which should be INCLUSIVE (Europe 2020), need new competences in order to stimulate further innovation, to benefit of opportunities from the single market, to translate the environmental challenges in opportunities and to take advantage from the market development. (see 10 principles of Small Business Act).We need to start from the young people which, with MOVET 2.0, will have the opportunity of a professional and personal growth, through a language-cultural in-depth training related to the hosting country and a traineeship abroad in European SMEs lasting 5 weeks for students and 13 weeks for newly graduated/qualified. Furthermore, this experience would let them to develop those life skills which are necessary to become fully-fledged European citizens and to enter the EU labour market. In particular, we will pay attention on ICT skills and potential of Web 2.0 to be developed across sectors.MOVET 2.0, then, is in line with the objectives of the “Youth Guarantee”, it responds to the need of competitiveness and internationalization of our companies and, at the same time, offers to young people tools to grow as individuals and enter the labor market with better perspectives and a portfolio of validated skills and experiences clear, recognizable and readable in the contexts of education, training and work.MOVET 2.0 grasps the suggestion of applying ECVET not only to language training, but also the experience of training, broadening of the application made to the non-formal learning. The partnership, on this point, is available to:- sign a MoU (attached template) based on good practices developed at European level;- define learning objectives expressed as Unit of Competence recognizable within the system of Vocational Education and Training (Regional and National Qualification Frameworks) as indicated in the Learning Agreement adopted (attached template);- strengthen the aspect of Learning Outcomes validation in Italy and abroad -> qualified accompanying persons and/or experts;- raise the awareness of hosting partners and SMEs and activate an adequate and skilled tutoring;- assess the Learning Outcomes of participants in order to validate them in Italy (Province / Local Employment Service);- recognize educational and/or school credits for the participant.
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