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INTER NATIONS- High Level Skills in Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project INTER NATIONS – High Level Skills in Europe seeks to suppress the quality and internationalization development needs of the applicant organization, the Proandi-Consultores, Lda, through cooperation with European partnerships, seeking to improve the competencies, knowledge and organizational skills, in an international dimension, of the staff involved and the applying trainees. The transfer of knowledge allows an international dimension and vision for the integration in the international market. In a world where the global economy reigns, and the consequent demand of proper skills at every level and sector, the access to information and global communication reveals itself as crucial for a total insertion in the labour market. Society is in a process of exponential growth, instigating the need to form versatile economic agents capable of dealing with the new winds of change. As agents inserted in the market of global education, the national VET system needs to be connected with the world in order to stay updated and competitive.The project is directed at 35 trainees and 15 graduated trainees of the learning courses (level 4 of Qualifications Ordinance 149/2008) of Restaurant & Bar, I.T. and Systems, Multimedia and Health Care Assistant, with the purpose of contributing for the reduction of school drop-outs, promoting the equality of opportunities and social inclusion through practical internships in companies located in Germany, Spain and Malta seeking to increase the attractiveness of VET teaching.During the mobilities the participants will carry out work plans for the development of the following contents:Learning of foreign languagesCultural knowledge and understandingRestaurant & Bar – 3 flows (5 graduates/90 days and 8+10 trainees/ 30 days in Spain and Malta) - Planning, preparing and carrying out the service of table/bar, drinks/reception of clients, billing/market research;I.T. and Systems – 1 flow of 8 trainees /30 days in Germany) - Perform the installation, configuration and maintenance of computers, peripherals, local networks and operating and utilitarian systems, management and administration of databases, software development;Multimedia – 1 flow of 9 trainees/ 30 days in Malta) - Preparing, selecting equipment and technologies for multimedia, creating, treating sound sources, images (both stills and animated), developing offline/internet multimedia apps and an integrated multimedia project;Health Care Assistants – 1 flow of 10 graduates (90 days in Spain) - Assisting in providing health care to users, post-mortem, collecting biological samples, assuring cleaning and hygiene of materials, providing logistical and administrative support.The applying participants present socio-economical difficulties. They are native from a poor zone of the country, with parents’ either unemployed or emigrated, living in rural and suburban zones of risk. The graduated candidates are unemployed and at risk of marginalization.With the participation in the project it is intended for them to achieve new competencies, knowledge and skills with the access to new techniques, technologies and tools, the improvement of the usage of ICT’s and knowledge of other languages, the understanding of cultural diversity and the access to the European document Europass Mobility in order to strengthen their competitiveness and increase their level of employability, as well as making future mobilities easier.With the project it is expected to achieve positive and lasting results in the organization and in the participants:Bigger visibility of the organization profile increasing its reputation with the recognition of the importance of the participation in the project by local authorities and companies to increase partnerships between them, with views to provide more places for professional internships, a bigger captivation of workers between the graduates of the organization, a bigger support and orientation towards entrepreneurship and even the captivation of funds to sponsor the quality improvement of national/international project management;Increase of participation in European projects;Increase in the flow of applications on professional training courses thanks to its participation in the project resulting in a bigger attractiveness of vocational education by presenting itself to students, parents and the society as a quality option pointed towards the future and beyond borders;The sustainability of the project will be ensured through measures and channels adequate for usage by the partner organizations in publicizing and disseminating the learning and project outcomes, seeking to provoke a strong impact of the project in the greatest number of people and entities possible influencing political decisions and measures at the local, regional, national and international. It is intended that the results of the project are immediately used and beyond its life cycle by the maximum interested persons

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