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The Triangulum project will demonstrate how a systems innovation approach based around the European Commission’s SCC Strategic Implementation Plan can drive dynamic smart city development. We will test the SIP across three lighthouse cities: Manchester, Eindhoven and Stavanger, which represent the main typologies of European cities. They will be complemented by our follower cities Prague, Leipzig ...
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Volunteerism Line From K-GEM to Europe

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

To the socialization of youth aims to overcome the problems. Be marginal , separated from the rest of society , excluded from social life and the limits of this gap in the center stage and have fallen back to life individuals gain foresees . Unfortunately, as part of the marginalized people of our society are not accepted. Therefore, we review the marginalized youth in the fight against the social ...
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Your Space!

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The project called „Your Space!” is and EVS project organised by „The House of Children and Youth of the Capital Prague“ in the Czech Republic and is planned for three volunteers with fewer opportunities, one coming from England, one from Bulgaria and one from Slovakia. The project is sequel of previous EVS projects carried out in the organisation and it uses experience of organisation in working ...
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Experience Art - Increase Motivation

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project "Experience Art - Increase Motivation" aims at students in danger of dropping out of school prematurely. We are six schools of upper secondary level from the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland, Spain and Turkey. Our aim is to develop and test concepts of increasing the students' motivation by involving them in various art projects. The concepts we want to develop and to test foll ...
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ARCHEST project aims at connecting four ancient Roman towns in Italy, Slovenia and Serbia: Aquileia, Emona (Ljubljana) Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica) and Viminacium (Kostolac). During the Roman Empire, a route linked Aquileia to the Black Sea through Emona, Sirmium and Viminacium. These four archaeological sites will work together for promoting the route and developing archaeological audience. The pr ...
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The exchange project (coordinated by BCPP in the United Kingdom and Eskilstuna Kommun in Sweden) is designed to facilitate and enable schools in different countries but faced with similar challenges, to compare and exchange ideas, values and practices that will support school improvement and improving pupil outcomes for children and staff within the European Union. The project will allow senior le ...
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Empowerment through community, culture and cultivation

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

Projektissa keskitytään yhteisöllisyyteen, kulttuuriin, itsensä kehittämiseen ja maanhoitoon. Projekti toteutetaan Kurjen ekokylässä ja sen biodynaamisella maatilalla. Valitsemallamme kuudella vapaaehtoisilla on mahdollisuus tutkia ekologisenelämäntavan eri aspekteja ja heijastella niitä omaan elämäänsä. Vapaaehtoiset esimerkiksi osallistuvat ekologiseen rakentamiseen, tapahtumien ja vierailujen j ...
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The participation of women in the workforce is one of the most important factors for the economic and social development and decreasing poverty. However, when examining historical processes, almost all communities separate women and men within society. This includes gender roles, and gender specific work and jobs regarded as suitable. Especially in our country, gender perception is affects the par ...
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Силата на младежката мотивация!

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

In the short-term EVS project are involved 20 volunteers from seven countries ( Macedonia, Latvia , Spain, Italy , Slovakia and Turkey) for a period of one month. During the project the volunteers will live and work in Sandanski town, Bulgaria which is the venue of the Balkan Youth Festival ' The Balkan Youth " - the largest youth event in South East Europe, which annually is carried out mainly by ...
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New Codes

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

OUR CODES, OUR WAYThis project will be held at the Youth Hostel "La casita" located in Casas de Juan Nunez, Albacete.In carrying out the project here, we intend to enjoy environmental education and teamwork, that will make us feel more respect for nature and animals.Moreover, the whole project will be a socialization process by which we intend to skip any communication barrier both among people fr ...
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New forms of sustainable urban transport and mobility (2MOVE2)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

Mobility for each citizen as well as the transport of goods must be ensured in combination with a free choice of transport modes. However, actions of mobility management should be strengthened to raise people’s awareness towards sustainable mobility.Due to changing conditions (e. g demographic development, rising energy costs, new ecological standards) new quality standards for an attractive pedes ...
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Go 4 your Europe

Start date: Aug 21, 2016, End date: Nov 20, 2016,

Project with title “Go4YOUR Europe” „will take a place in Banská Bystrica in Slovakia. Project dates are 21st August – 28th Augustwhat is 6 working days and 2 traveling days, together 8 day. This project is creating in cooperation with KAEBNAI (Spain), Georgian Youth for Europe (Georgia), Association of Young Azerbaijani Friends of Europe (Azerbaijan), ,Youth for City - City for Youth (Litvia) an ...
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The William Theatre

Start date: May 18, 2016, End date: Nov 17, 2016,

"The William Theatre" project is a youth exchange between 16 and 25 years old youngsters, that will take place in the municipality of Molfetta (Italy), located on the Adriatic coast. It foresees the following activities:- an advance planning visit on 28nd and 29rd of June with 1 leader and 1 participant with fewer opportunities each country- a youth exchange from 20th till 26th of July gathering 2 ...
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Pre-cycling Race

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Group of young people with a desire to get intercultural experience, improving language skills, getting to know with international friends, traveling, creation and realization of projects, building accountability and also to become known among people are actually meeting on the subject International projects at Gymnazium in Detva. The interest group focuses on creation, preparation and realizatio ...
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"Create another way:police for youth"

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Project „Create another way: Police for youth“ is oriented towards police officers directly working with young people having fewer opportunities, strengthening of their international cooperation and development of work with youth in international and national levels. The project will involve 4 police officers from Latvia, Poland, Norway, Czech Republic and Lithuania. Youth criminality remains topi ...
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Let´s hold hands in the community development

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Apr 16, 2016,

The citizen association “Active city”, within the European Voluntary Service as a CO/HO, submitted a project about 3 volunteers with different interests and personal orientations. Volunteers from Caucasus countries (Armenia and Georgia) and a volunteer from Bulgaria have set a project based on the association´s leisure time opportunities as well as the casual applicant´s activities following the i ...
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From Ankara to Detva Volunteerism Line

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

Our project aims to overcome the struggles related to raising awareness and cultural cohesion among young people. We will revive the people who isolated themselves from the rest of the society and social life, could not cross the certain limits, as a result have become depressed. Unfortunately, marginal people are not considered as a part of the society. Thus, we will carry out some activities to ...
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Raising the voices against the Corruption

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

The 7 day project in Detva, Slovakia with 21 youth from Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic and Spain has an aim to cover about the bad affects of Corruption and to raise our voices against it. The Corruption in Slovakia is rated as the fourth most serious problem behind the unemployment, standard of living and health care (FOCUS 2006). And even though it showed significant improvement during the la ...
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WIDER (Weaving Interrelations to Develop intercultural Education and self-Realization) is an EVS project coordinated by InCo with the participation of 4 volunteers from 4 different countries (Belgium, Slovakia, Spain and Ukraine). Volunteers will be involved in the activities of 3 ROs to promote intercultural education and youth empowerment. Youth empowerment is intended as a broad concept targeti ...
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Rediscover the Leather! (Deriyi Keşfet!)

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

14.10.2015-21.10.2015 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirmek istediğimiz proje Türkiye ile 5 ortaklı olacak ve toplam grup liderleri dahil 25 genç aktif rol alacak. 8 gün boyunca farklı dil, din ve kültüre sahip gençlerin bir araya getirilerek kültürel ve diyaloğun oluşturulması ve geliştirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu projede ülkemizde olduğu gibi ilimizde de el sanatları gelişen teknoloji ve endüstriye ...
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Силата на младежката мобилност!

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

During the project, the volunteers will work in the town of Sandanski - the venue of the Balkan Youth Festival "The Balkan youth". The EVS volunteers will participate in the preparation, realization and promotion of the Balkan Youth Festival (BYF), preparation and participation in various activities to promote the physical activity and healthy lifestyle, through practical outdoor activities as wel ...
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Say it loudly

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Project with title “Say it loudly „will take a place in Banská Bystrica in Slovakia. Project dates are 19.-27. September 2015 what is 6 working days and 2 traveling days, together 8 day.? This project is creating in cooperation with Czech organization from city Ústi nad Labem,Ukraine association AEGEE-Dnipropetrovsk, Serbia organization Urbazon and Slovak non-formal organization youth people from ...
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Recycling Roadshow - by Launch Pad Kainuu

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

That's done already.
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Nowe kwalifikacje - nowe perspektywy

Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Sep 3, 2015,

„New qualifications- New prospects” it is the name of the project in which 32 people take part (16 men and 16 women) at the age of 15-23 . The very exchange is held in Hufiec Pracy in Nowa Sól, 8 people from each country like Slovakia, Ukraine and Lithuania participate in it. The main aim of the international meeting is to develop the key competences and skills of these young people. The parti ...
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"Да - Младежко европейско начало!"

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

We believe that young people who practice as a hobby or study contemporary performing arts have the power and potential to make a positive and meaningful change, both on a personal level as well as in the community at local, national and international level. To realize their undoubted talent they put in a lot of work, which is not always sufficient to develop their creative capabilities, potential ...
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Satellitentelemetrie des Wachtelkönigs

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

A joint project of the Pilsen Region, Zoological and botanical gardens of Pilsen and colleagues from the group for cross-LBV is focused on conservation and research corncrake (Crex crex). Its aim is satellite telemetry in male corncrake. Joint Czech - German team of experts consisting of ornithologists and expert in satellite technology applied for a grant funded by the INTERREG IV - Objective 3 C ...
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TRANSPHORM brings together leading air quality and health researchers and users to improve the knowledge of transport related airborne particulate matter (PM) and its impact on human health and to develop and implement assessment tools for scales ranging from city to Europe. Over four years, TRANSPHORM will aim to develop and implement an integrated methodology to assess the health impacts of PM a ...
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By implementation of compatible book-information system on slovakian side and inovation of actual system on czech side support the exchange of information and exploring of cultural heritage of both lands with focus on partner border areas Achievements: The results of th ...
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Tatry spoločne

Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Nov 29, 2012,

Samotná realizácia projektu je naplánovaná na 20 mesiacov. V priebehu tohto obdobia bude vybudovaná sieť partnerských organizácií, ktorá bude založená nielen na spoločnom vzájomnom spoznávaní sa, výmene skúseností, transfere know-how, ale aj na spoločnej realizácii tematicky zameraných činností. Nosnou témou projektu je vytvorenie spoločnej komplexnej kampane Tatry spoločne, ktorej súčasťou budú r ...
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"The Researchers’ Night 2011 in the Czech Republic wants to present researchers to the public in an unusual way, in the roles of amusing experiments demonstrators, moderators, musicians, photographers, informal lecturers.The partners entering this project want to play a part in changing the current public attitudes towards researchers. They welcome the opportunity to introduce researchers as peopl ...
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The Researchers' Night 2010 in the Czech Republic (RN2010CZ)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2010,

"The common project of 8 partners Researchers’ Night 2010 in the Czech Republic wants to extend the success of the previous years’ events that attracted rather high awareness of media and thus enabled researchers to be presented to the public in an unusual way, exactly according to the goals of the European project as a whole.The project wants to play an important role in changing the current publ ...
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People living in the Edelényi and Údolie Bodvya Rudohorie regions have common cultural roots, which can be seen both on their folk music and folk dance. Although they live quite close to each other there aren´t strong connections among them as they hardly know each other. To solve this problem and bring them closer to each other we need to bring them together for common events, where they can have ...
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Help to increase the environment and development of land, increase the percentage of renewable resources using, extend the cultural cooperation and exchange the experiences with building and using the renewable resources Achievements: Contribute to improving the environ ...
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Researchers’ Night 2009 in the Czech Republic (RN2009CZ)

Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2009,

"The Researchers’ Night 2009 in the Czech Republic wants to carry on the successful approach from the past years that attracted rather high awareness of media and thus enabled researchers to be presented to the public in an unusual way, exactly according to the goals of the European project as a whole. The partners entering this project want to play a part in changing the current public attitudes ...
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The Researchers Night 2008 in the Czech Republic (RN2008CZ)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2008,

"The partners entering this project want to play a part in changing the current public attitudes towards researchers. They welcome the opportunity to introduce researchers as ordinary people who are involved in the ordinary life the same way as the others, as well as the chance to show the public how the researchers contribute to the well-being of the society. The activities planned for the event ...
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Informace - turistika - ekologie

Start date: May 31, 2007, End date: Apr 29, 2008,

Projekt je zaměřen na rozšíření turistického informačního systému cyklistické a naučné stezky v náchodské zámecké oboře a v přírodní rezervaci Peklo. Jedná se o kompletní výrobu celkem čtyř informačních tabulí určených k dovybavení míst velmi navštěvovaných jak místními obyvateli z obou stran hranice, tak i domácími a zahraničními návštěvníky. Tabule budou vyrobeny podle technického nákresu v míst ...
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Problems addressed• Lack of knowledge of the organisational structures and scope of competence of the various European regions. • The need for a database that specifies the various organisations with responsibilities in the area of co-operation. • The difficulties involved in establishing contacts with a view to the presentation of joint projects, with particular reference to the new Member Stat ...
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Stručný popis akce: Záměrem projektu je podpora přeshraniční spolupráce partnerských měst (jihočeské Třeboně a rakouského Gmundu a Schremsu), navázání a další rozvoj přátelských kontaktů a následně rozvoj a upevňování mezilidských vztahů s účinkem na širší veřejnost na obou stranách hranice. Jako nosná aktivita těchto stále se rozšiřujících partnerských vazeb je zvoleno téma: mládež a lidová ...
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Tématické jednolistovky (CZ.04.4.82/

Start date: Aug 30, 2006, End date: Mar 4, 2007,

Výchozí situace: V současné době existují pouze jednolistovky s přehledem ubytování a stravování. Obsah projektu: Za pomoci tohoto projektu vznikne sada jednolistovek, která bude obsahovat tipy na výlety, naučné stezky, cyklotrasy a sportovní vyžití. Cíle projektu: Díky tomuto projektu budou mít návštěvníci lepší přehled o možnostech, které Prachatice nabízí. Projekt pomůže zvýšit návštěvnost ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

The regions participating in the TWIST project are characterised by a lack of service and infrastructural balance in rural and mountain areas. The growing isolation of these populations, mostly older people, is the cause and the effect of the progressive abandonment of these territories. As a consequence, the resources assigned to the local transport services have been reduced, forcing the local p ...
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