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New Codes
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

OUR CODES, OUR WAYThis project will be held at the Youth Hostel "La casita" located in Casas de Juan Nunez, Albacete.In carrying out the project here, we intend to enjoy environmental education and teamwork, that will make us feel more respect for nature and animals.Moreover, the whole project will be a socialization process by which we intend to skip any communication barrier both among people from different countries and between deaf and hearing people. All this will achieve favoring the development of different forms of expression, developing social skills and working values. Participants Participants are young, active, creative, with initiative and without fear of the unknown. This project will involve 30 young people from different cultures (Turkey, Slovakia, Romania and Spain). We have some participants who do not speak English as well as hearing impaired participants.ACTIVITIES AND METHODOLOGY.Because we can not communicate through speaking, all activities are practical, they will be explained by gestures or pictograms and will be focused on the plastic work and physical expression. We have a wide range of activities:Acuatic games and sports: erobics, water polo, treasure hunts and swimming.Sport and leisure activities: Gymkhana, aerobic, zumba, giant party, traditional games, card games, energycers and group dynamics.- Training sessions: 8 Key compentences, Youthpass, evaluation. Building Europe,increasing our feelings as European Citizens. -Workshops: Dance, sign language, circus, crafts, cooking, meditation, relaxation and laughter therapy.-Multiadventure: Climbing, archery, obstacle course, suspension bridges and zip line.-Nighty Sessions: meeting culture and traditions of every country,, got talent contest, terrorific party, trust and stellar.- Trips: : Alcalá de Júcar, Casas de Juan Nunez, Albacete (Old City and Museum of Cutlery) and Valencia (OCEANOGRÀFIC, museum of arts and sciences, L'Hemisfèric and old town.- OTHER: Manufacture of bread, animal business, photography, land art, sculptures in the sand, subtitled film and dumb. Lip dubThe methodology will continue in all activities will be based on the principles of activity, motivation, individualization, socialization, play, intuition and globalization. He always dominate practice and iconic part.RESULTS EXPECTED IMPACT AND POTENTIAL LONG-TERM BENEFITS.The main objective we want to achieve is to create competent beings, without prejudice or limitations when communicating. In short, being able to resolve any conflict, to include anyone in your social group and function in any context.These skills and strategies acquired during the project will serve them throughout their lives when confronted with a conflict or context outside their comfort zone.After carrying out the project, we hope that participants bring a healthier life, have awakened their creativity, known different cultures relate inclusive and equitable way and, above all, they have acquired a European awareness.In addition to changing patterns of thought and behavior in our participants, we hope that our initiativereach more people through our blog and the participants themselves.

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