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The exchange and development of transnational innovative and effective practice in schools through job shadowing.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The exchange project (coordinated by BCPP in the United Kingdom and Eskilstuna Kommun in Sweden) is designed to facilitate and enable schools in different countries but faced with similar challenges, to compare and exchange ideas, values and practices that will support school improvement and improving pupil outcomes for children and staff within the European Union. The project will allow senior leaders and current classroom practitioners in different European countries to learn from each other through a focus on, comparison of and sharing of approaches to school management, curriculum delivery and cultural pedagogy across transnational boundaries. The headteacher job shadowing opportunity will focus on demonstrable processes that have supported the development of effective school settings resulting in improved pupil outcomes. Special needs and additional language teacher job shadowing opportunities will enable practitioners to focus on ways and means of evaluating the most effective ways of promoting improved educational outcomes particularly for the educationally and socially disadvantaged. The review will focus on effective educational practice and provision as well as cultural outreach to parents and hard to reach groups as well as the in-school values and priority given. Early years practitioners will be able to compare and contrast the pedagogical approaches that define two different educational systems and how the fusion of best practice from both, within different cultural settings can improve the life chances of the children in the communities they serve. The project will involve: five head teacher job shadowing exchanges over the period of the project twelve Special Educational Needs job shadowing exchanges over the period of the project three Additional Language teacher job shadowing exchanges over the period of the project three Early Years Practitioner job shadowing exchanges over the period of the project As a result of schools establishing an international link and embedding practice learned to aid school improvement, it will enhance * the exchange of information and practice digitally (through websites twitter, blogs etc) * the exchange of views and practice digitally [staff and children] through skype and video conferencing etc. spreading the relationship as wide as possible * increase cultural awareness, understanding and tolerance In the longer term the impact of the project will be seen in many ways. It will be seen in the quality and effectiveness of institutions as they adapt and evolve to meet the needs of a world that requires a global economic workforce. It will be seen in institutions that are prepared to look to the world rather than the locality for best or innovative practice that it can share, evaluate or adapt to improve outcomes for children. It will be seen in communities with a wider cultural understanding of the world resulting in tolerance, harmony and social justice underpinning interaction within and between communities It will be seen in an enthused and motivated workforce committed to ideals that will move the world forward for all It will be seen as a start in the drive to reduce the gap for those in our communities perceived as economically or educationally disadvantaged with their neighbour.
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