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Raising the voices against the Corruption
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 7 day project in Detva, Slovakia with 21 youth from Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic and Spain has an aim to cover about the bad affects of Corruption and to raise our voices against it. The Corruption in Slovakia is rated as the fourth most serious problem behind the unemployment, standard of living and health care (FOCUS 2006). And even though it showed significant improvement during the last decade there are still ways to improve the system. The highlight will be the educational sector as students, youth workers and leaders encounter with it the most. We hope by gathering the youth from neighbor countries, Czech Republic, Poland and Western European country, Spain to meet the same goal of raising the awareness of corruption through non formal activities and helping them later to share the knowledge in their communities. We will be able looking at the different corruption winds:one coming from Spain and anothen one from postcommunistic countries. The objective of the project is not to only discuss what we see or what we hear but to find common solutions fighting against the corruption. Our objectives are studying the impact and cost of corruption through a variety of case studies across the globe, studying the impact of corruption on youth education and finding the ways of stopping the corruption cases in our communities. Our goal is seeing the future of these three countries in less corrupted environment where the education, the job market, the medical care and the politics open the same doors for everyone no matter of their origin and the content of the wallets. During the project we will use Salto tools, non formal activities to break the ice in international environment. The activities will balance the informative, educative part with the part when participants could have cultural exchange and fun time in Detva. We will create a warm atmosphere where everyones' voice will be heard. The longer term benefits will be seeing our particpants organising workshops in their communities, the teachers having special classes(couple hours during school year) about anticorruption in education and using the anticorruption guideline prepared by our youth, our participants, the target groups being active and not silent on social media.
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