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The Project is classified as a University management and student services project – in the category of Student Services (962) and its duration will be 3 years. In this project university teachers and students participate as project staff as well as a target group, which also consists of university administrative staff.The Wider objective is equalizing of opportunities in higher education for Stude ...
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The Erasmus Mundus Partnership programme aims at mutual enrichment and better understanding between the European Union and Third-Countries. It is designed to foster institutional cooperation in the field of higher education between the European Union and Third-Countries through a mobility scheme addressing student and staff exchanges for the purpose of studying, teaching, training and research. Se ...
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Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

Like its two predecessor programmes, JoinEU-SEE III is a scholarship scheme supporting academic mobility between EU and Western Balkan countries. The project consortium, which consists of a total of 20 institutions, is coordinated by the University of Graz, which also acts as the coordinating institution of JoinEU-SEE I and II. Students and university staff applying for the programme have the chan ...
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Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

...d 20 staff mobilities from which 10 will be for academic staff and 10 for personnel involved in institutional building. They will receive a tailor-made program on research and innovation organized by Masaryk University.
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In accordance with the EMA2 call, the objective of the project is to facilitate the new collaborations between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from the least developed countries in South and Southeast Asia and EU, and also to reinforce the existing cooperation in the region by exchanging information in science and policy issues while sharing key issues of sustainable development in academic c ...
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MEDASTAR is a project committed to bring opportunities to students from both public and private universities of Egypt and Lebanon, paying attention to develop the capacity of public administrators in Lebanon and unemployed graduate population in Egypt. Gender balance and equal opportunities is enhanced in the project. The particular goal is to promote Science and Technology initiatives in these tw ...
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The objective of the project is to enhance the understanding (linguistically, culturally, socially and educationally) and the international cooperation capacity in the field of science, education and culture between Europe, Jordan and Syria through an institution-based mobility scheme (all five levels included) between 10 universities in Europe, 5 universities in Jordan and 5 universities in Syria ...
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Nursing, as a profession, varies greatly across Europe. Partly this is a consequence of significant differences in the way nurses are educated. One indicator of nursing development phase is activeness of qualified nurses in supervision process of student nurses during their clinical placements. A crucial factor within all nurse education systems should be the educational relationship between the s ...
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The exchange programme developed by the consortium composed of the above mentioned partners offers a wide choice of thematic study fields and provides opportunities for undergraduates, masters, doctorates, post-doctorates and staff to obtain further qualifications in their specific academic fields.The consortium selects the scholars to be granted a scholarship in the context of the programme from ...
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This project places an emphasis on research and cooperation, establishing collaborative framework forhuman resource development through training and upgrading the skills of junior faculty staff,undergraduates, postgraduates and postdoc researchers by specified learning objectives in the field ofengineering and technology, agricultural sciences, environmental studies, business-management andsocial ...
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Two main factors that gave the original thrust to the project were 1) the dedication of Lund University (LU) to developing the cooperation with Middle Eastern universities as laid down in LU's strategic plan, and 2) previous fruitful experiences of long-term cooperation with the European universities and with several universities in the targeted countries. Both European and lot country partners em ...
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The "EMA2SA" consortium (Erasmus Mundus Action 2 for South Africa) aims at building strong multilateral and multidisciplinary relationships between universities in South Africa and Europe. Its EMA2 project connects higher education in Europe and South Africa with guarantees for collaboration and exchange leading to a broad mutual understanding. By exchanging master and doctoral students, as well a ...
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The Partnership is composed of 10 European Universities representing 9 European states and 10 Asian Universities settled in 9 Asian countries: all partners have been carefully selected in order to ensure both a fair geographical balance and academic excellence proved by the position covered in national and international ranking by the represented Universities. The main objective of AREAS (Academi ...
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The Project GOMES has been designed to support the structural reform of higher education in Serbia and the strategic framework development adopted at the national level by the National Council of Higher Education (NCHE), Ministry of Education (MoE) and the Conference of Serbian Universities (CSU). In the last years, the higher education reform in Serbia has been conducted entirely in the spirit of ...
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English Profile Network

Start date: Nov 1, 2009,

The English Profile Network (EPN) is a pan-European network which encompasses different types of educational establishments (schools, universities, private language schools), an internationally renowned publisher and assessment body, plus several research centres and key education professionals. These various organisations hold a wealth of experience and knowledge of all aspects of language teac ...
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The psychological sciences have relevance to all EU citizens. They provide an understanding of human behaviour in society, the workplace, educational settings and the home. There is a need to enhance the quality of education within the psychological sciences in order to increase the impact of these psychological sciences to meet the Lisbon goals and the education of lifelong learners that are inst ...
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The overall goal is to sustain and maintain a sustainable network and to support the participation of Central Asia in the modernisation of higher education with curriculum development and quality assurance. Supported by a Tempus project, Canqa, particular actions and guidance in the organization of the mobility should guarantee better adaptation of curriculum to the needs of a knowledge-based soci ...
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The IMTNIS project will develop a distance-learning package for cartographic publishers for access via a dedicated website. The project directly builds upon two previously fundedLeonardo da Vinci projects (EPTNIS I and II) and focuses upon the need for transnational training in distribution and commercial skills in the cartographic industry, particularly amongst the project's central European part ...
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A compass for the agricultural sector : The creation of training content and instructional tools which are available free of charge on the Internet, and are sufficiently flexible to adapt to the different requirements of classroom and distance learning, lends a new dimension to the geographical information systems (GIS's) in the agricultural training sector in Europe. This project started in 2001 ...
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The project aims at the development of high quality standards of the vocational training and daily business for European Eco Counselling-offices.The formulation and implementation of e-learning modules and train the trainer courses will be based on the demand analysis and the comparision of the countries involved.
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"The project aims at the following specific objectives: To perform a study report on existing educational programmes in BME, recent advances in medical technology; To create generic programs for graduate and postgraduate studies in BME; To promote the development of new programs in BME; To guide and assist restructuring of existing programs; To investigate potential creation of joint degrees; To p ...
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This project aims at establishing a structured liaison between higher education institutions and enterprises for Research, Development and Innovation The specific objectives are: "The establishment of a structured liaison between higher education institutions and enterprises with the support of the state authoritiesThe dissemination of European regional experience studies and preparation of docum ...
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Europe lacks competent physics teachers – driving a negative feedback loop that hinders recruitment of good candidates who can turn the trend. This situation is ongoing at both national and European levels, as has been documented by several studies and conferences in recent years.The MOSEM2 project aims to contribute to changing this situation in a positive way by promoting lifelong learning in ph ...
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Erasmus Mundus EU Israel

Start date: Jul 15, 2012,

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The project aims to reinforce support for dyslexic students in mainstream education through foreign languageteacher training.Dyslexia can bring about serious educational consequences which leave their imprint on social and emotionalwell-being of an individual, during school years and later on in adulthood. Individuals with dyslexia are prone toencounter difficulties in foreign language study, vary ...
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The project's wider objective aims to map, analyze and strengthen the social and public roles and responsibilities of HEIs in Israel. ESPRIT's main features include: 1) A survey of the current situation 2) A social benchmarking tool (SBT) to classify Israeli HEIs 3) Curriculum incorporating social engagement activities ("socially involved" modules)Specific objectives: - Gather current data relate ...
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EMAIL III is an Erasmus Mundus Action II project for the cooperation of higher education institutions from the EU and Israel. The consortium consists of 18 full partners and 4 associated partners, from Israel 8 HEIs and 1 NGO in the role of associated partner, from the EU, 10 HEIs and 3 associated partners (2 university networks and 1 NGO).The main activity of EMAIL III is the mobility exchange be ...
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The Project KITE seeks to create opportunities for cooperation with the ACP region. The first aim of the project is to introduce the Central and Eastern Europe as a centre of excellence for comprehensive study and research. Secondly, the project aims to create new institutional capacity and develop Labour force requirements through cooperation and mobility opportunities for students and staff. The ...
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The proposal Aurora – Towards Modern and Innovative Higher Education II (Aurora II) will promote multidisciplinary cooperation at various levels, which will increase the links between Europe and Russia and contribute to cultural dialogue and mutual understanding.The proposal builds on an agenda of higher education institutions and business benefiting from working together. By developing partnershi ...
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One of the main goals of Experts4Asia is to give continuity and sustainability to the successful multilateral collaboration created in previous projects while including new players in the Erasmus Mundus program. The consortium is composed of 5 countries from group A (Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan) and 7 countries from group B (China, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, the ...
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AREAS+ aims to provide international study, research and training opportunities to individuals at all academic levels with the goal of developing their qualifications and international experience, with attention to gender balance and participation of the socially or economically disadvantaged, while at the same time fostering the bilateral cooperation and mutual enrichment of the European and Asia ...
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Educational reformers seem to agree on the important role of school leaders as key agents of improvement in schools and in quality schooling. Empirical research also shows clearly that school leaders play a significant role with respect to improving schools in order to support students’ learning (see for an overview of studies Huber & Muijs, 2010). Providers of continuous professional development ...
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Main objectives of NETREL is to provide a methodology and well trained personnel to unravel the complexity of aquatic pollution and to support the water policies in Western Balkan countries. This will be achieved in the following partial steps:• Development of capacity to provide up-to-date training for the staff of University of Novi Sad, University of Belgrade, University of Sarajevo, University ...
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As a credit transfer mechanism, ECTS is now the common instrument in use in the European Higher Education Area. ECTS has been integrated into the legal systems of the EU Member States and a considerable number of states beyond, providing the means to enable the full academic recognition of studies taken abroad by students in higher education. Yet the technical implementation of ECTS in the student ...
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In recent years the importance of strengthening evidence-based policy and practice in education is emphasized. The 2006 Spring European Council Conclusions stresses the need for an evaluation culture, and a more systematic use of evidence as a basis for the modernisation of education. The demand for data driven decision making is becoming evident across Europe. At the same time educational practit ...
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