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KITE - Knowledge, Integration and Transparency in Education (EU-ACP Countries)
Start date: Jul 15, 2013,

The Project KITE seeks to create opportunities for cooperation with the ACP region. The first aim of the project is to introduce the Central and Eastern Europe as a centre of excellence for comprehensive study and research. Secondly, the project aims to create new institutional capacity and develop Labour force requirements through cooperation and mobility opportunities for students and staff. The last main goal of KITE is to wide open the EM also for disabled ones and to offer them equal mobility opportunity and support. All activities planned for the project are subordinated to these goals with respect to the needs of the ACP partners and the capacities of the EU partners. The project intends to offer 226 mobilities, the majority of which (160) are MA level,great emphasis is put also on the staff mobility in order to create capacity for internationalization and to introduce the principles and the mobility tools established by the Bologna process. For the partners, majority of which have no experience with any Erasmus Mundus project, KITE seeks to establish conditions for sustainable cooperation and research in the fields that are important for the region and stressed in the strategic papers of the EU for the region (education, social sciences, and environmental studies). As a very new partnership, KITE’s members seek to set a high level of quality of their cooperation as well as education and services offered for the grant holders. All partners are involved in the implementation of the project and are committed to work for fulfilment of the aims and ideas. The partners consider the issue of brain-drain very seriously since the emigration of educated people is substantial in the region. The project seeks to offer equal opportunities and access to the programme to all candidates regardless of their gender, language or socio-economic status. Special attention is also paid to reaching people in vulnerable situations as well as people belonging to disadvantaged groups.

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27 Partners Participants