Enhancing Social Characteristics and Public Respon..
Enhancing Social Characteristics and Public Responsibility of Israeli Teaching through a HEI/Student Alliance
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,
The project's wider objective aims to map, analyze and strengthen the social and public roles and responsibilities of HEIs in Israel. ESPRIT's main features include: 1) A survey of the current situation 2) A social benchmarking tool (SBT) to classify Israeli HEIs 3) Curriculum incorporating social engagement activities ("socially involved" modules)Specific objectives: - Gather current data related to HEI\student social engagement in Israel-Develop methodologies and creating a tool for benchmarking aimed at positioning Israeli HEIs according to their social characteristics -Develop new modalities for the student-HEI relationship-Pilot a model for a Social Benchmarking Tool (SBT) in Israeli partner HEIs-Prepare a model for the creation of curricula combing theoretical elements with social engagement activities-Train Israeli HEI faculty in developing curricula with social engagement component-Pilot modules with a social engagement component -Disseminating project’s objectives and progress-Ensuring quality control of the project’s content and progressionOUTCOMES AND OUTPUTS- Survey report: will provide Israeli students, faculty and HEI management, with an understanding of the current state of HEI/student social engagement in the country, and provide recommendations for policy reforms in their institutions.-The formation of a unique alliance between NUIS and Israeli HEIs will redefine the status and empowerment of students within the Israeli HE establishment-"Guidelines for the Creation of Socially Involved Modules”- to assist faculty in making necessary curricular changes-Israeli faculty will gain expertise in developing curriculum with a social engagement component-Pilot courses will be integrated in the curriculum-Website and digital archive- As the project is expected to produce novel outcomes, these will be available for use in Europe via the ESU and EU partner institutions
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