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MOdelling and data acquisition for cont voc training of upper secondary school physics teachers in pupil-active learning of Superconductivity and ElectroMagnetism based on Minds-On Simple ExperiMents

Europe lacks competent physics teachers – driving a negative feedback loop that hinders recruitment of good candidates who can turn the trend. This situation is ongoing at both national and European levels, as has been documented by several studies and conferences in recent years.The MOSEM2 project aims to contribute to changing this situation in a positive way by promoting lifelong learning in physics and pedagogy for science teachers at the upper secondary level through offering a range of modelling tools based on existing commercial and non-profit solutions, as well as the outcomes of previous related Leonardo projects.Several conferences (e.g. the GIREP 2006 conference on Modelling hosted by the University of Amsterdam, one of the main partners of the MOSEM2 project) and recent publications (e.g. the January 2008 PhD thesis by Øystein Guttersrud at the University of Oslo) have pointed out that science education needs to employ the use of models – mental models and mathematical models – in order to strengthen the cognitive and affective understanding of the concepts that need to be constructed by the learners.The MOSEM2 project builds on the foundations of several collaborations in national and/or European projects, most recently the MOSEM and SUPERCOMET 2 projects, which are the direct sources of the ideas and the MOSEM2 consortium. The partnership behind the project proposal consists of leading European physics educators with a proven track record of collaboration in previous projects, as well as being frequent contributors at international conferences for physics education. Several partners have had presidencies or international scientific advisory capacities of international organisations like GIREP, MPTL and ESERA. As valorisation partners, the consortium includes a number of large professional organisations for teachers and engineers that have been active in the public debate on science education. Upper secondary schools in established partnerships with the teacher training organizations and universities behind the project propsal participate as testing schools for the developed products.The tangible results of the MOSEM2 project include new contents for an existing and internationally used electronic learning environment offered to participating schools and teachers. The new materials combine mathematical models, simulations and video analyses of simple thought-provoking tabletop experiments, supported by electronic and printed materials comprising additional videos, animations and text. Specially developed teacher seminars allow participants to experience first-hand these resources as well as pedagogical methods for facilitating active learning, building on the outcomes of SUPERCOMET 2 and MOSEM. Additionally, MOSEM2 will improve on the previous outcomes of SUPERCOMET 2 and MOSEM by adding a quantum-mechanical explanation of the physics behind superconductivity, courtesy of leading researchers in this exciting field of physics.The short term impact will be on the local and regional level, as testing schools and valorisation partners try out the developed modelling tools in connection with the Minds-On Kits developed in MOSEM and the online learning modules developed in SUPERCOMET 2. In the longer term, the large valorisation partners are expected to have a broader impact, as well as the outcome of future follow-up projects.The network of users extends beyond the MOSEM2 partnership due to the family of related projects that has established a pool of participants in 15 countries. We expect the results to spread like rings in water across borders, based on the international collaboration of the project and a planned online community connecting teachers in different countries in order to share experience, teaching materials and methods as well as improving language skills and cultural understanding.
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