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14 European Projects Found

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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The MOVINVET project is targeting two main groups: training center's staff (short-time job shadowing in training centers) and young graduates that have obtained an accredited training certificate during the previous year to the departure (3 month internships). Hosting countries are Ireland, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Lithuania and the Czech Republic. Job shadowing activities for staff wi ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

LUCUSMUNDI project, requested through the Consortium, approved by the Council of Lugo, through Espazo>Lab/CEI-Nodus (coordinator), together with three VET organisation which provide Practical Training Cycles in the city of Lugo (Escola de Arte e Superior de Deseño Ramón Falcón, IES Muralla Romana e IES Sanxillao), has the general objective of improving employability of young qualified people in th ...
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SeVET - Sevilla para la Formación Profesional en Europa

Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015,

“SeVET – Seville for the Vocational Training in Europe” was born after a publicity campaign that ONECO aimed at Intermediate Vocational Training Schools in the Province of Seville, to let them know the advantages of Mobility Programmes for learners, KA102. Due to the interest shown by several Educational Centers, a Consortium was formed, in which ONECO was the applying entity, and the Schools wer ...
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"The overall objective of project is to contribute to improve the security in the airport area and, thus, on board of departing aircrafts by: • detecting and identifying, without interfering neither with the normal passengers flows, nor with the normal airport operations, the presence of hazardous materials or tools, concealed (under clothes or inside bags) by ill-intentioned people circulating in ...
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ICT Enabled Prediction of Cancer Reoccurrence (NeoMark)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

Description NeoMark will record and combine heterogeneous clinical, laboratory, molecular and imaging data to develop a data integration environment facilitating multiscale and multilevel modelling.Objectives of the projectThe clinical problemThe continuous improvement in treatment protocols for neoplastic diseases has substantially incre ...
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According to recent studies, Risks Against Patient Safety (RAPS) represent one of the most important factors of dead in hospitals: during therapy, more then 8% of patients recovered in hospitals suffer for additional disease that in almost 50% of the cases produce either dead or significant additional health problems. RAPS occur in any stage of the patient care process.REMINE project idea origina ...
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Whilst quality assurance and evaluation are recognised as fundamental elements of education and training and whilst common, structured quality criteria, indicators and evaluation methodologies exist for secondary and tertiary education, such a structured approach is often lacking in adult education due to the diversity of institutes that deliver training. As a result, EQUAL project partners came t ...
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The project aims the development of a quality assurance system based on the Common quality assurance framework to be common to all the partners involved and that can improve the effectiveness of the training systems in relation to the real needs of the companies facing changing productive processes. The partnership, 11 partners in 6 countries, will develop a benchmarking on the current quality ass ...
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An ecosystem for environmental expertise exchange : A network has been created to raise awareness and allow information exchange on environmental problems. A website and eLearning course have been developed to train people across Europe for new jobs in the environmental sector. This project started in 2001 and lasted 38 months.
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It is necessary to get a correspondence between the qualifications offered by VET systems and the real needs of companies (Agenda New Qualifications and Employments, 2010).VET Systems have been focused on training in technical aspects. Companies, on their part, are requesting also some non-formal and informal competences they consider necessary in their productive contexts.Therefore the role of te ...
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By all is known the importance of vocational training as a factor of competitiveness and job creation. However, VET systems of Euro- Southern area countries, despite having undergone reforms in recent years, still show shortcomings: poor motivation of students/families; mismatch between the training and the productive structures needs; scarce development of apprenticeship in enterprises, lack of t ...
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...% of the value of agricultural production.The strategy for Europe 2020 will present a new vision of social economy; it is based on 3 main lines of action. Smart growth, to develop an economy closely linked to knowledge and innovation, sustainable growth and integrated growth that seeks to promote social and territorial cohesion in terms of employment. Therefore, one of the objectives to be met by ...
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The two main source in the world; water and energy. In spite of increasing demand, however these two source is notunlimited. Most of the energy is supplied from fossil which is enough 40-60 years (ATO Nuclear Energy Report). Not only itis exhaustible, but also it is harmful to nature, it become compulsory to use energy efficiently. In last decade, governmentsand above government organizations work ...
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The Chemical sector is exposed to important medium-term changes: in his processes, technological innovations, innovations for the progress of products, integrated systems of management, quality, prevention of risks, reduction of the environmental impact... Changes that affect to the competences of the workers.In this context, QUEMIFOR was to be framed to favour the development of vocational self-t ...
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