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By all is known the importance of vocational training as a factor of competitiveness and job creation. However, VET systems of Euro- Southern area countries, despite having undergone reforms in recent years, still show shortcomings: poor motivation of students/families; mismatch between the training and the productive structures needs; scarce development of apprenticeship in enterprises, lack of technical knowledge and experience in organizing apprenticeship as well as shortages of skills among tutors, high rates of dropouts … Specifically, the retail sector is one of the most detect the lack of motivation of learners and where is considered more beneficial to increase apprenticeship during the students training. The retail sector faces a serious lack of professionalism and an employee loss.The apprenticeship in the Retail sector within the Euro southern area countries demands more systematic approach, to increase the innovation though open approaches to quality, as well as the learning from the experiences of the countries, which have well developed models of the apprenticeship. UPPRETAIL adapts and transfers the methodology and results of Devapprent project (DE/10/LLP-LdV/TOI/147320) to analyze the experiences of the apprenticeship development from the countries with different socioeconomic and institutional models of VET (Germany, UK, Netherlands and France) to implement an innovative apprenticeship in the current Retail VET system of Euro southern area countries that permit to solve these problems and significantly contribute to increase the level of innovation and the capacity of reaction to change of European VET at a system level.The main outcomes: National reports about the current situation of apprenticeship in Euro southern area countries; Comparative analysis of good practices in Europe Apprenticeship Systems; Guidelines and Recommendations for Development of a quality Apprenticeship in Retail VET system; training seminars for the VET teachers; Testing of the prepared exemplary cases of the apprenticeship training methods; disseminate the results to the VET stakeholders.
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