European Projects
CHEMIFOR. Integrated Selflearning System for the C..
CHEMIFOR. Integrated Selflearning System for the Chemical Sector
The Chemical sector is exposed to important medium-term changes: in his processes, technological innovations, innovations for the progress of products, integrated systems of management, quality, prevention of risks, reduction of the environmental impact... Changes that affect to the competences of the workers.In this context, QUEMIFOR was to be framed to favour the development of vocational self-training methods at the workplace using open and distance learning and training methods, particularly to facilitate the access to continuous vocational training.The project aimed at developing a TRANSFER OF INNOVATION experience from the succesfull AUTOMOVE 2 project (E/01/B/F/115.560). We wanted to test the adaptation of the vocational training contents and methods, needed in the sector of chemical industries of the participant countries, through the creation of a flexible, multimedia and interactive self-training method. We pretended to grant the incorporation of learning procedures at the workplace. The final product was the edition of vocational training modules in the area of key competences of the CHEMICAL SECTOR, on CD ROM support, in the languages of the participant countries, so as to contribute to the acquisition of key competences and to the virtual movement of workers throughout the participant regions.CHEMIFOR responded to Priority number 6 of the LLL programme, Leonardo Multilateral Transfer of Innovation proposals: Developing the learning environment Project under this priority should promote pedagogical innovation in VET.FFE as promoter in collaboration with the national and transnational partners was consciencious about the importance of incorporating the “training” variable to the workers of the Chemical sector, on this way the project wanted to incorporate a self-training model using new learning environment model in a traditional sector; developing a stimulus in their use of new technologies to account for the possibilities offered by the information society.The specific objectives pursued were: 1. To obtain a new and optimum training methodology adapted to the chemical sector needs.2. To incorporate the training variable to the workers and enterprises of the chemical sector.3. To ellaborate training modules common to the European regions that eventually allowed the virtual geographical movement of workers.4. To contribute to the development of a cooperative enviroment among the companies and the workers to permit the adoption of common policies to respond to the new requirements5. To impulse and consolidate the adoption of NTIC as a managament tool, expandable to the training dimension.6. To facilitate the transfer of the results thoughout wider contexts.7. To grant the exchange of transnational experiences.The direct beneficiaries of the project were, firstly, the workers of chemical sector in the european participant regions.The project was also benefit the managers of companies, by contributing to the cultural change necessary to manage their companies under the coordinates of competitiveness.Finally, trainers, designers and managers of training programmes were also benefit from the results of this Transfer of Innovation experience by using the didactic materials in paper and multimedia support with the possibility of extrapolating the methodology to other sectors dealing with continuous vocational training programmes.