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Energy Efficiency for EU SMEs

The two main source in the world; water and energy. In spite of increasing demand, however these two source is notunlimited. Most of the energy is supplied from fossil which is enough 40-60 years (ATO Nuclear Energy Report). Not only itis exhaustible, but also it is harmful to nature, it become compulsory to use energy efficiently. In last decade, governmentsand above government organizations work on legal and encouraging arrangements about energy efficiency. Although mostof the energy is used in SMEs, they have lack of technical person and information about taking step for energy efficiency.Project will be implemented in OSTIM, energy efficiency in SMEs will be increased and disseminated to other industrialregion. In pilot implementation, current energy management status in different sector representatives in OSTIM will beanalyzed, obstacles and issues in front of the energy efficiency will be determined, realistic targets that specific to companyand it’s activities will be developed then SME managers and employers will be trained where they will acquire skills andabilities to increase energy efficiency in organization.Our main partner will be Energon, which is applicant organization of the original project, “Energy Efficiency for Europe” in2001. Aim of original Project is to provide employees and managers of small firms with further and continuing trainingopportunities in the field of environmental protection via intelligent energy use (water, air, gas, electricity, fuels, fossil rawmaterials).Project members are mostly academician from Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Poland Turkey and almost everyteam have least one professor.Project will be electronic-based training that organizations will access the all required tools and information throughout theinteractive web page and/or CD. These sources will help the managers and employees to manage energy in theirorganization by observing cost efficiency, minimal environmental loss and complying with national and internationallegislations. Since web-page will be dynamic and open access to organization, energy management activities will be adoptto new circumstances and legislation dynamically.In project framework, energy management policy in different country will be analyzed by both effective questionnaire andtechnical study visit to SMEs in these countries. So that successful applications will be disseminate through different EUcountries.Project will provoke the different sector organizations to communicate each other and make collaboration for energyexpenditures to acquire competitiveness in the international arena in fast and efficient way.
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9 Partners Participants