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YOUNG OPERA MAKERS Programme by enoa

Start date: May 11, 2016, End date: May 10, 2020,

...ogramme will give young creators (such as composers, writers and directors among others) and performers (singers, conductors, pianists and vocal coaches) the keys to develop their employability and international career in a constantly evolving field. It will offer them excellent training, with an interdisciplinary and contemporary approach to opera, enable them to perform and experience creative p ...
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IMAGINE 2020 (2.0) - Art, ecology & possible futures

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

Imagine 2020 (2.0) -Art, ecology & possible futuresImagine 2020 started as a network of eleven arts organizations in 2010 with the main focus to raise awareness in the cultural field and in a broader civil society context around climate change and the socio-ecological crisis. Now, five years down the road the network wants to take a step up. Besides analysing the current situation and raising awar ...
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Urban Heat

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

...rn from, and apply the lessons of, highly successful existing strategies of community and public engagement that exist outside the world of the arts, particularly the strategies of activism- Increase international capacity and intercultural knowledge- Promote the creation and transnational circulation of cultural works and the mobility of artists across the breadth of Europe and beyondUrban Heat i ...
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Be SpectACTive!

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

...provide an online forum for organizations, communities and audiences with a tool to collectively explore and define curatorial strategies and discuss artistic content and ideas; 4. open rehearsals, international seminars, the production of a documentary (distributed to cultural European networks & TV), publications and other appropriate activities for promotion and dissemination of the project.
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Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

The project has a precise focus: the diffusion of performing arts for children between 0 and 6 years, which is a real “current non-audience”, especially as far as children under 36 months are concerned.A European networking project involving theatres and cultural centres that have been focusing their artistic research on children and that have developed a real, specific professional competence in ...
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European Opera Digital Project

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The European Opera Digital Project will offer audiences a single, authoritative, accessible ‘go to’ online destination for discovering the whole world of European opera. This online platform, Opera.EU (a working title), will have far-reaching editorial content, centring on live streams and a wide range of complete performances, subtitled in at least six languages. It will feature full contextual ...
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Theatrum Mundi - a journey trough European performing arts

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

...ic practices, to inspire new visions of the present and a new production of the future, to reach new audiences. The project features the implementation of a range of artistic activities, based on international mobility, exchange of artists and works of art as well as on audience development actions, that are combined with a participatory research. Activities aim to: improve artists professionalism ...
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...grario Superiore Valnerina, Sant’Anatolia di Narco (PG) 5) Municipality of Spoleto 6) ConSpoleto - Consorzio Operatori Turistici 7) Umbria Training Center - Scheggino (PG), and a broad international partnership consisting of several organizations. The IP is composed by seven intermediary organizations from Spain, Greece, UK, Bulgaria, Malta, Cyprus, and Germany, by various receiving organizations ...
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Training for Theatre Trainers

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

...exander technique’s principles are better implemented in Theater training practices. The opportunity of skills and knowledge exchange during the flows was enormous due to the aspect of different international influences on theater training methods. The participants gained invaluable knowledge and experience in theater training methods which were impossible to get in Cyprus because of the lack o ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

...s to the social inclusion and cultural rapprochement in Europe. The project promotes the active outdoor physical activities and the healthy life style. We envisage two youth mobility activities: INTERNATIONAL YOUTH CULTYRAL EXCHANGE (July 20th ~ August 03rd 2014): 38 participants from 6 EU countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Slovenia and Croatia) will spend together 15 days engaged with cr ...
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Intercultural Dialogue for European Awareness

Start date: Jan 4, 2016, End date: Jun 3, 2016,

The project "IDEA - Intercultural Dialogue for European Awareness" comes as a direct follow-up of the youth exchange "ACID - Art and Creativity for Intercultural Dialogue" in the framework of the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Commission (2014-3-ES02-KA105-005146); organized by INCA Catalunya in September 2015. The project aims at providing young people from European partner organizations with ...
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Art and Creativity for Intercultural Dialogue

Start date: Mar 2, 2015, End date: Nov 1, 2015,

...e integration between different European cultures in a true "interculturality"; new networking projects between European youth organisations. The project had a direct impact in young participants, in international partner organisations and in the local community where the activities took place, as well as an indirect impact in the communities of origin of the participants, through a deep multiplie ...
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KAEBNAI introduced 3 new and ambitious milestones of activities under one main project called "Preparing 2016… Objective Donostia-San Sebastian. European Capital of Culture.". The project activities were organized during 2014 and 2015. Including two seminars (one contact making and one exchange of best practices) and EVS project, hosting 9 volunteers from different countries each. The main objecti ...
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Wonderous Stories: and it's perfect as it is

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

...lutionary human beings in the 21st Century through media and performance arts. The young participants came from different educational, social and cultural backgrounds and were motivated to work in an international environment in order to create a live performance in front of an audience. The project had an interdisciplinary approach, by bringing together video, photography, body movement, dance, t ...
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Start date: Mar 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Every year over the past 5 years in autumn, the Lille-Courtrai-Tournai region welcomes a cross-border arts festival covering a wide range of artistic disciplines.Following the positive feedback after the NEXT festival, the partners now wish to extend the initiative to new locations and cities in the cross-border region to create a comprehensive cross-border cultural network.
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Start date: Dec 31, 2007, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

With Le PLÔT, a cooperation on circus arts between Lille and Tournai, the partners give a boost to circus arts and aim for more recognition. The cooperation also involves counselling and supporting new artisticforms.The cross-border cultural cooperation should contribute to fostering the movement of audiences, artists and works of art between the regions. In addition, communication and information ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

Description ECLAP - making accessible via Europeana a large amount of performing arts heritage material. Sophocles, Terence, Shakespeare, Calderon, Molière, Pirandello, Beckett, Brecht, Dario Fo; the richness and value of the European performing arts heritage is unquestionable. While such content ...
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The International Young Makers' Exchange (IYME) is a unique collaboration between various European theatre festivals whose focus is on promoting and developing student and young emerging artists at a formative stage in their careers. The IYME programme will give young theatre practitioners a unique opportunity to tour their work to culturally diverse audiences, test their skills in an environment ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2012,

...e of issues on the political and social agenda. Each production will be co-produced by at least two partners of the network and made available for further presentation in Europe. Thus, HoF strives to internationalize the strong creative impulses of the new paradigm of social responsibility and political activism that is emerging in arts.Thematic programsHoF will develop multidisciplinary thematic ...
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International Young Makers in Transit

Start date: Apr 27, 2012,

International Young Makers in Transit will be organised by the International Young Makers’ Exchange (IYME), a network of European based theatre and dance festivals which is aimed at the international showcasing of the work of young artists at a stage in their careers before they can access established funding streams. Although the internet has made our world very small and contacts in other countr ...
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'Circus of Hip Hop'

Start date: May 1, 2011,

Our project 'Circus of Hip Hop' hosts a number of activities, that enables new intercultural performance work to be presented within multicultural international festival. The main project objectives are:1. To provide opportunities for the mobility of European artists and their work.2. To deliver workshops to a culturally diverse range of participants.3. To develop high quality outdoor performance ...
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Start date: May 1, 2011,

connect connect A mentorship initiative and laboratory of the contemporary in the performing arts Mentors: Alain Platel, René Pollesch, Philippe Quesne and Ong Ken SengCONNECT CONNECT is a newly designed mentorship initiative to support emerging artists in the field of performing arts in Europe. Its goal is open up a new realm of experience and development for artists in a special "CONNECT CONNECT ...
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"EUROMEDINCULTURE(s): partages et créations" propose, à travers les Rencontres euroméditerranéennes de la coopération artistique et culturelle, d'ouvrir des espaces permettant les échanges entre artistes, professionnels de la Culture et experts, de valoriser des créations artistiques issues des différents pays concernés auprès du plus large public possible et de faciliter l'émergence de projets cu ...
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The Mechanics

Start date: Nov 1, 2010,

The project is a progression of the award winning work in bilingual radio drama produced by "The Works" partnership. With this project, we are extending both the partnership and the approach we are taking to collaborative work in the context of inter cultural dialogue. We have maintained core membership of "The Works" but developed it with the inclusion of a partner from France and expanded its re ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2012,

La crise financière de 2008 s’est aujourd’hui transformée en crise économique, crise des états et crise de société. Les conséquences du crash sont à l’œuvre en Europe et dans le monde sous des formes très variées, à la fois économiques, sociales et politiques.Comment trouver un sens, comment s’approprier un sujet aussi vaste et insaisissable ? Pourquoi concevoir une démarche artistique et citoyenn ...
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... chance for a 1-6 months residency at one of the five co-organizing festivals, where they conceive and develop their own European artistic program, which will then be presented as part of the hosting international festival.Objectives:- To provide young postgraduate potential festival programmers the theoretical skills for this profession, a chance to explore festival programming on a European leve ...
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The project supports the rights of young children to enjoy the Arts, to be part of artistic processes fostering their emotional intelligence and helping them to develop their sensibility skills. It aims at making an increasing number of young children approach artists and their performative arts. It supports artistic production for children from 3 to 6, fosters artistic experimentation, values the ...
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... the innovation of pedagogical practice and a new understanding of the concept of training the project aims to strengthen the position of the teacher in theatre.AKT-ZENT, the Research Centre of the International Theatre Institute / TECOM and CUT – Centro Universitario de Teatro of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico have invited 12 Partners from 9 European countries and 2 partners from Mex ...
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 FINISHED the magic of comedy and theatre as an effective means of reducing the psychological stress and hospital-induced isolation experienced by patients. The project is coordinated by "RN INT - Red Noses International" which runs the ISH-International School of Humor in Vienna/AT to provide regular trainings, workshops and exchange of experience to the clowndoctor performers. The project involves 14 p ...
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The project is related to the need of facilitating the encounter of artists and people from different countries, backgrounds, cultures in order to foster reflections, debates, common artistic work about diversity and migration in the context of European communities,where theatre and arts are called to play their function of critical and civil awareness.The Project supports a cultural network of ar ...
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The objective of the project is to create the cultural event "Good Artcountres Festival" having an inter-border nature, which will be a place of meetings, sharing experiences, acquiring new workshop skills, confrontations of creative people and groups with similar artistic interests. The Festival will be a cyclical event, taking place in a different place each year, i.e. Elbask, Sovetsk, and Klaip ...
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IMAGINE 2020 - ARTS AND CLIMATE CHANGEClimate Change is the greatest challenges of the 21st century. Eleven arts organisations in nine European countries share a sense of responsibility to rise up to this challenge and harness the power of the imagination to bring about change required for the re-invention of modern society. They will use their passion, their expertise, and their connections withi ...
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Sound in Audiovision

Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

SOUND in AUDIO VISION: SOUND and SOUND LITERACY at the crossroad of audiovisual media and contemporary, innovative art.European culture and heritage plays an active and decisive role in the historical experience and mapping of sound, as it does in the history of painting and literature. Although the History of Sound has yet to be documented. The increasing cross-border flow of disciplines, student ...
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The seminar will take place from 9th until 14th October 2011 in Rezekne, Latvia. It will be organized by the “World at Our Home” which will host 49 participants from 26 organizations both European and neighbouring countries. Participants will come from Armenia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Israel, Jordan, Kosovo, Macedonia, Malta, Morocco, Romania, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and La ...
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In today's global knowledge society and with ever increasing mobility, migrants face many challenges before they can settle and feel part of a new community. Two major challenges, which affect many new arrivals, are lack of language skills and lack of basic knowledge on financial matters.The aim of the project is to work together with social partners such as migrant communities and financial insti ...
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Le projet a pour objectif de permettre à des jeunes de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée de vivre, dans le cadre du SVE, une expérience concrète, dans une organisation impliquée dans le domaine culturel, dans un autre pays que le leur. En moyenne, la durée des services est de 10 mois, ils se déroulent dans 7 pays différents de l'espace euro-méditerranéen. Les jeunes seront impliqués dans toutes les a ...
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Meeting of Minds - Stereotypes!

Start date: Jul 5, 2010,

Meeting of Minds-Stereotypes-is an eight day youth project where young people, through the primal experience of theatre, face the problems of stereotyping and prejudice and the consequent apathy of the individual leading to the stratification of society.The project will involve four groups of young people from Great Britain, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Slovenia. Each country will deal with t ...
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The seminar aims to help all the participants to prepare and develop youth exchanges projects with young people from 13 to 17 years old, in particular by providing assistance in the development of the Action 1.1 of the Youth in Action Programme, support for partner-finding, a platform for discussion around child safety and protection.The activities will be focused on the prevention approach in par ...
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Europe is becoming more and more culturally diverse, resulting from the expansion of the European Union and from migration flows. Nonetheless, this cultural diversity remains invisible to the established cultural world and art schools. On the other hand, competences in performing arts are hardly accredited for.Luckily, numerous young artists are not discouraged by this lack of official recognition ...
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