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Performing Arts Cooperation between Central Europe and Palestine - The Clowndoctors
Start date: Jan 1, 2011,

The project focuses upon the very special interface between art and society embodied in the clowndoctors: a group of 2 actors, who visit the wards of hospitals and care homes to give 3 to 5-hour performances that are specially conceived for an audience of seriously ill children or people requiring special care. The recognized work of these artists supports the clinical healing process, using the magic of comedy and theatre as an effective means of reducing the psychological stress and hospital-induced isolation experienced by patients. The project is coordinated by "RN INT - Red Noses International" which runs the ISH-International School of Humor in Vienna/AT to provide regular trainings, workshops and exchange of experience to the clowndoctor performers. The project involves 14 performing artists (a mixed group of Arabs and Europeans) to be trained and coached to work as clowndoctors in PS. In the project, these artists will a) be trained at the ISH, b) receive practical training in cooperation with selected Red Noses clowndoctor performers (20 persons) in 3 different European countries (AT, CZ and SK), c) be supported to introduce their own clowndoctor programme in PS (150 performances in PS) which will be implemented until the end of the project. In addition to the artistic programme, the RN network will assist and train 2 managing persons of the PS project partners, AL KASABA Theatre in Ramallah and INAD Theatre in Beit Jala, to implement new fund-raising structures at home in order to assure a permanent clowndoctor programme in PS hospitals. The RN network will use national and international dissemination structures and exploit their current experiences from building-up new RN institutions in New Zealand and Croatia (This RN activity in Croatia is part of a current Culture 07-13 project, which is the basis and pre-condition to implement these separate activities connected with PS. Both the projects will be clearly distinguishable from each other.)
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