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International Young Makers in Transit
Start date: Apr 27, 2012,

International Young Makers in Transit will be organised by the International Young Makers’ Exchange (IYME), a network of European based theatre and dance festivals which is aimed at the international showcasing of the work of young artists at a stage in their careers before they can access established funding streams. Although the internet has made our world very small and contacts in other countries within hand’s reach, there is a definite need for face to face connection. Real contact strengthens, broadens visions and inspires. Especially next generations art talents have to be able to cross country as well as cultural borders. Working with peers from other countries enlarges their network and thus providing them with new work possibilities while fully exploring the notion of theatre making in an intercultural environment. Also, it gives them new impulses to their artistic development and it shows them that the possibilities for presenting art work go far beyond one’s own backyard. Although the need is obvious, young talents just don’t have the financial and practical capabilities to organise international exchanges. Therefore we designed IYMT which consists of two parts: a visitors programme for graduate students, young artists and programmers and an exchange of works. Each target group within the visitors programme is given its own specific training programme (Early Transit, INSTED for young directors, Critics workshop for theatre university majors, Programmers network meeting and practical workshops) hosted by professional teachers. The aim of these programmes is to share knowledge, work together and learn from each other. Both the visitors programme and the exchange of works are dependent on each other as there is a need within the trainings to be able to relate to specific works seen by all the participants and the presenting artists greatly benefit from a debate with visitors from all over Europe to reflect on their own work.
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