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35 European Projects Found

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Skill mismatch can contribute to unemployment and may reduce productivity and competitiveness. It appears in various forms such as skill shortages or skill gaps, but also applies to situations where the qualifications, knowledge and skills of an individual exceed the requirements of their job. ‘Vertical’ mismatch, commonly referred to as over-education, occurs when an individual is employed in a j ...
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SME's tool to prevent burnout

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2019,

The aim of the project is to prevent burnout at work and raise resilience by developing toolkits for SMEs staff, management staff, SME owners to help them to forecast burnout ( develop coaching and counselling methods and tools) recognize the warning signs, to take steps to get balance back and to change peoples’ approach to a balanced life, to improve working conditions, reduce the cost of burn ...
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Internationalization is becoming critical for an increasing number of European academic spin offs. Managers of these organizations are in a key position to effectively and strategically deal with the new challenges of the globalization of markets. The GLOBAL-SPIN project aims to develop an innovative and inclusive training tool for managers of academic spin offs on transnational entrepreneurship, ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

SMART PLUS aims to develop an innovative system that allows the identification of the mismatch between the needs in terms of competences required by the tourism industry labour market and the training contents offered by the educational institutions. This system will allow institutions to conduct a self-assessment that, together with an ontology-based tool (transfer and adaptation of SMART), provi ...
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The artistic and cultural sector is growing all over Europe. This trend is stronger in countries with a long tradition (like UK) where the impact on GDP and jobs is considerable, weaker in other areas of Europe that still need policies and ecosystem to foster the growth of the sector.What is visible all around Europe is the need, for the operators of the sectors, particularly arts/culture, to dev ...
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Innovative Business Growth Incubator for Start-ups

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Aug 30, 2018,

I-BIS is a consortium of 5 partners from the UK, Spain, Lithuania and Finland all committed to promoting entrepreneurship. I-BIS is an innovative training programme for business incubators across Europe. Its aim is to enable start-up companies to grow and become more European in their focus and trade. It responds directly to the contemporary European context, as business growth for Small and Medi ...
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...tner countries (UK, LT, EL and IS) who all work in the field of gender and VET. The consortium of partners consists of two NGOs in social care (KMOP and SIF), an SME specialised in gender projects (INOVA) and the worldwide humanitarian organisation, Red Cross (RKR). EMPOWER focuses on a strengths-based training and coaching programme for volunteers and paid Support Workers affiliated to organisati ...
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Female Rural Enterprise Empowerment

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

... online training programme for the women, focusing on hard skills which will be supported by the development of Enterprise Circles™ which will be developed based on an existing methodology from Inova in the UK. A Facilitators Guide will be produced, providing guidelines for the trainers and how they can deliver the methodology in the best way. Also, a Guide for Policy Makers will be produced, wher ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The project proposal aims at launching a transnational training program devoted to European rural tourism providers. It is a “Tourism e–Kit”, an online marketing program which can help SMEs of tourism sector to achieve more effective operation through online presence and communication. Nowadays enter to the digital market is essential for the enterprises, especially for small companies on remote ...
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More than 5 million people under 25 are unemployed in EU today. According to “Rethinking Education” initiative (2012), in order to build “skills for the 21st century”, efforts are needed to develop skills such as entrepreneurship, which should be given particular attention, since they enhance employability of people. Entrepreneurship is included in national curricula to VET of many EU countries bu ...
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Online Game for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Millions of users around the world are gaming regularly. Even though online gaming was primarily designed for entertainment and profit, quite recently it moved beyond private industry and turned into a research field in educational, training and learning disciplines. Gaming is based on interaction, collaboration, active and dynamic learning and an informal educational process that is invaluable. S ...
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CREATive Urban Sharing in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

BACKGROUND The crisis has highlighted the major role which Adult Learning (AL) can play in achieving the Europe 2020 goals, by enabling adults — in particular the low-skilled and older workers — to improve their ability to adapt to changes in the labor market and society. AL provides a means of up-skilling or reskilling those affected by unemployment, restructuring and career transitions, as well ...
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SALE Yourself makes a difference. Although the number of higher education graduates is the highest in history, the unemployment rate among this target group is as high as never before. In Europe we are currently facing unemployment rates among higher education graduates between 14% and 22% which means that the potential of around one fifth of the highest educated people in Europe cannot exploit th ...
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MENTEE: MEntoring, Networking and Training for European Entrepreneurs

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

In the Europe2020 perspective, entrepreneurship is a pillar and fostering entrepreneurial spirit is considered a priority to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In the recent crisis, with significant unemployment rates and even higher youth unemployment, European countries need to focus even more on promoting entrepreneurship among young generation as an alternative solution to the la ...
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 FINISHED methodologies for increasing teachers' gender-awareness in STEM in their teaching approaches. - Career Circles: Girls in STEM Based on a peer mentoring and action learning methodology developed by Inova (UK), GAP will develop Career Circles to support girls studying or recently finishing STEM subjects to help them develop the soft skills they need to develop their career plans, assess their goa ...
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...opics regarding mentoring and coaching, e-inclusion, realising barriers and developing strategies of how to overcome the transition period for adult learners were also discussed. The partnership (Inova Consultancy (UK), SCIENTER ESPAÑA (ES), New Technologies and Learning in Europe (NTL) (DE), that has been brought together by the project, has significantly contributed to the achievements of TEAL b ...
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Within the context of globalization women’s labour force participation and employment rates have grown all over the world where as Turkey differs from most countries with no increase. This situation is associated with low demand for female labour as well as with socio-cultural factors limiting the supply of female labour. Women’s entrepreneurship is both about women’s position in society and about ...
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The European Business Growth Catalyst (EBGC) project will develop a new blended learning programme for managers and owners of European Small to Medium Sized Businesses (SMEs), to grow their businesses, innovate and become more European in their focus and trade.EBGC responds directly to the contemporary European context of the crisis, in which business growth for SMEs in partner countries of UK, ES ...
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The project WE:MENTOR brought together experienced programme co-ordinators and less experienced co-ordinators of mentoring programmes (particularly focused on women) together in order to share knowledge and best practice in order to increase the potential quality of programmes provided for both mentors and mentees. Main aim was to encourage participants to combine their new knowledge of these meth ...
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The project is aimed at providing unemployed people with the necessary enterprising skills for creating their own business and generating their own job focusing on the most vulnerable and needed people, affected by the crisis: • young people• long-term unemployed people• +45 people.In order to achieve this goal, the project idea is to import innovative training materials and methodologies coming f ...
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Even though EU member states have focused more on women entrepreneurs in the last years, the percentage of women owned companies in Europe is only 30% on average. This means that the skills and competencies of women are not utilized to the fullest in the labour market. As a consequence, fewer jobs are created, the unemployment rate stays high and employment of women in many countries are low. The ...
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In the new globalized economy there is a need for innovative thinking in all sectors of society. This project aims to produce new ideas addressing vocational training programmes. Most vocational training programmes have been unexploited as entrepreneurial arenas and this is most true in the programmes that traditionally are female dominated. This project proposes to develop a European model for in ...
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The Get Mobile project has:-Encouraged greater European mobility of recent female graduates who are unemployed/under-employed through Get Mobile Circles, the Get Connected Zone and online material such as case studies.-Promoted the value of hosting a trainee to SMEs (particularly female-owned SMEs)through Business Briefing workshops, a Business Handbook and online material such as case studies.-Be ...
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The objective of making European vocational education and training globally competitive and attractive has put teachers, trainers and leaders in VET in the spotlight and pushes them to continuously expand their horizons and to adopt new teaching methods and skills. Especially the integration of mentoring principles in VET trainers’ continuing education has proven to be highly effective and is cons ...
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Mentoring is a form of effective informal training to improve the employability of people without direct access to traditional training. Mentoring is an instructional strategy, a form of teaching where tutor is teaching alongside the students, encouraging them to learn from mentor's own working examples. Mentoring involves approaches such as encouragement/advice/befriending, ongoing contact and sh ...
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Human Trafficking is a European and global crime and yet few EU VET training courses exist to tackle this subject for frontline workers. EU Directive 2011/36/EU states that EU countries should provide training in raising awareness of HT for workers in social care sectors and sectors most likely to meet potential victims/perpetrators. The TRUTH project aimed to:• Train frontline staff (social care) ...
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An ageing workforce across Europe; a global economic crisis; an EU labour market comprising of 99% SMEs; the highest need for digital literacy and the highest recorded levels of youth unemployment in Europe (46% ES; 33% IT; 22% UK).These conditions combine to form a crisis in provisions for lifelong learning and employment to young (16-25yrs) and old (50+yrs). Over the last 2 years, Learning 2.0ge ...
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98.7% of European companies are SMEs;91.8% with less than 10 employees. Microbusinesses are the heart of the small business community but also most likely to see hosting a mobility as a risky and daunting activity,and are unlikely to consider it. There is also a severe lack of diversity in both the organisations hosting trainees and in the trainees themselves. A lack of guidance specifically tailo ...
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BADGE aimed to transfer and adapt an innovative support programme - Diversity in Business Workshops - developed in the UK, and that enabled female start-ups experiencing double-disadvantage to gain valuable soft skills and competences to assist them in starting up their own business. The purpose of the transfer was to strengthen the position of women entrepreneurs in the face of a difficult econom ...
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Europe is facing the problem of population aging, which is on the top of the EC 2020 Strategies. According to Eurostat EU27 active population is about 58 million people aged 50-60, representing almost 25% of all actives, when 22% of aged 5-24 are unemployed.People are living healthy longer lives, which opens large opportunities to continue working and having important roles in the world of work. B ...
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The FOMOTEX project aims to promote increased business competencies amongst a specific target group, namely, women with employment experience in the textile or clothing sector. Further focused upon women living in rural areas, the project aims to provide this group with the knowledge, competences and tools to create their own company, contributing at the same time to an increase employment rates a ...
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The FORCREST project aims at improving the employability of highly qualified young people in order to facilitate their insertion into the labour market. To do that the project will develop a set of innovative training tools focusing upon key technical skills particular to the environmental sector. The end results of the project will comprise a training needs analysis of the targeted group, a serie ...
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Recent statistical data confirms a persisting high gender imbalance in ICTprofessions with women accounting for less than 20% of computersystems designers, analysts and programmers in the EU27. This meanswomen miss important employment opportunities in a sector that isdriving European economic growth and greatly depends on skilledworkers and on consumers who take up technological innovation. Since ...
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Women entrepreneurs are under-represented across all of the European countries represented in FE:MALE. Research indicates common barriers at the core of this under-representation including lack of confidence, work-life balance concerns and anxiety about risk-taking. Barriers are amplified for women facing 'double-disadvantage'(DD) i.e. being a woman over 50, BME-Black & Minority Ethnic, Migrants ...
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To bring an innovative way to access, share & disseminate high quality EU research outputs as well as learning tools, fostering equality in business opportunities for women, WINGS project aims to create a strong, recognizable & sustainable EU-wide network & multi-lingual online platform for facilitating the access & share of existing innovative learning offers available for supporting women entrep ...
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