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Fostering Female Entrepreneurship through Mentoring and learning in Europe

Even though EU member states have focused more on women entrepreneurs in the last years, the percentage of women owned companies in Europe is only 30% on average. This means that the skills and competencies of women are not utilized to the fullest in the labour market. As a consequence, fewer jobs are created, the unemployment rate stays high and employment of women in many countries are low. The crisis has put these facts into perspective, women entrepreneurs are needed to increase growth and create jobs. This project addresses this issue, with its aim to develop skills and competencies of women that recently have started up their company. The project will transfer a methodology -Business Accelerator Growth Program - that combines hard and soft skills; hard skills such as business strategy, finance, tax and accountancy, product development, marketing, exporting, social media. The soft skills module includes self efficacy training and goal setting, using action learning methods. The methodology has been tested and used in UK, with great success but will now be transferred to Iceland, Spain and Lithuania. The project will develop a practical online handbook for the target group and transfer an online platform for women to network,share experience and trade. The consortium is composed of 6 capable partners, that all have good resources to implement the project. The partners have highly skilled and competent staff. The consortium consists of a public body, government agency, an association for women entrepreneurs, development agency for entrepreneurs, a consultation company for women entrepreneurs, an IT company and a Business University. Partners have complementary skills and expertise, which will contribute to the project.The tangible outcome will be the courses for business growth delivered, (6 modules of hard skills and soft skills), a practical online handbook for women entrepreneurs, with tips for those who are starting up a company and success stories from other entrepreneurs. Another output are the trainers' and learners' pack, translated into English, Icelandic, Spanish and Lithuanian. The material will be used after the project is finished, enabling partners to use in further implementation of other projects, adding to sustainability.Participants will have an ongoing access to the portal, enabling them to network and market their products. The impact of the project will be more qualified entrepreneurs, contributing to growth and creating jobs. Also a raised awareness of women entrepreneurs and their needs. Partners will have more skilled staff and access to a new methodology which will be sustainable after the project endsThe project will have impact on the VET system, increasing the availability of learning material for entrepreneurs.
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5 Partners Participants