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The European Business Growth Catalyst Training Programme for SMEs
Start date: Oct 1, 2013,

The European Business Growth Catalyst (EBGC) project will develop a new blended learning programme for managers and owners of European Small to Medium Sized Businesses (SMEs), to grow their businesses, innovate and become more European in their focus and trade.EBGC responds directly to the contemporary European context of the crisis, in which business growth for SMEs in partner countries of UK, ES and EL is a paramount concern for future job and wealth creation (SBA, 2012). Via a consortium of EU HE Institutions and SME partners, dedicated to developing skills in growing European Business and wealth creation, EBGC re-inforces the contribution of Higher Education across Europe to Advanced Vocational Education (see Life Long Learning Programme, Strategic Priorities 2013, p 19).Jointly developed and delivered by HE and SMEs, EBGC will consist of 7 modules to cover different elements crucial to understanding and taking action to innovate and internationalise in European SMEs. Materials will be in EN, EL and ES. Training the Trainers materials will also be developed to pass on the methodology to others. EBGC methodology will link learning about business growth with the actions needed to ensure business growth and innovation. The pedagogic principles are based on action learning, i.e. a learning style which requires learners to undertake specific actions, based on guiding methods, followed by the abstraction of lessons drawn from the actions in a specific context. These pedagogic principles are to be applied in both face-to-face contexts, and also mediated via e-learning technology. A Learning Hub online will provide communities of learning for all target groups (SME Owners/Managers; HE educators and SME/VET trainers). Impact will be on European SME's immediately, enabling growth (envisaged in job creation) as a result of the learning. Impact will be also in the long term, via SME's whose role it will be to operationalize the EBGC beyond the life of the project.

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