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Quality for European Mobility for Small Businesses and Trainees

98.7% of European companies are SMEs;91.8% with less than 10 employees. Microbusinesses are the heart of the small business community but also most likely to see hosting a mobility as a risky and daunting activity,and are unlikely to consider it. There is also a severe lack of diversity in both the organisations hosting trainees and in the trainees themselves. A lack of guidance specifically tailored for host MSEs(Micro and Small Enterprises)without a HR department to guide them, results in varying levels of quality and diversity management across European mobilities. QUEST has brought together partners from AT,UK,PT,ES,FR,CH,IT with a combined wealth of experience hosting and organising quality mobility experiences. Sharing best practice and knowledge, QUEST has developed: 'Quality & Diversity Mobilities in European MSEs:A Quality and Diversity Management Guide for MSEs'. The e-guide hopes to ensure quality and equality is at the core of mobilities for any MSE and examine issues of diversity in both placement trainees and host organisations.Mobility in the labour market is the cornerstone of the modern European Union without borders and could be a key underlying factor in economic regeneration and resolving the current economic crisis. The new 'Erasmus for All' programme prioritises mobility for businesses and individuals from diverse backgrounds, bringing valuable business and social benefits. The need to increase trans-European involvement in mobilities whilst adhering to quality management standards is integral to 'Thinking Small' and ensuring guidance for MSEs remains focused on their specific needs. QUEST has actively encouraged MSEs to host a European mobility, highlighting business and social benefits by bringing together experienced and new host MSEs as learners.

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6 Partners Participants