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Women Educators in Mentoring

The project WE:MENTOR brought together experienced programme co-ordinators and less experienced co-ordinators of mentoring programmes (particularly focused on women) together in order to share knowledge and best practice in order to increase the potential quality of programmes provided for both mentors and mentees. Main aim was to encourage participants to combine their new knowledge of these methods and ideas for future activities and implement them in new lifelong learning projects. A series of practical workshops ran throughout the partnership, facilitated by partners with the most experience in that particular field. Possibilities like mentoring volunteers and ICT tools for future mentors and program leaders were introduced and encouraged them to use these tools and therefore brought more innovation and variety into the field of mentoring.The project led to greater European co-operation between mentoring coordinators, their organisations, mentors and female mentees across Europe. Through sharing knowledge and experiences gained in different countries and cultures, the partnership also developed greater awareness of the cultural experiences of mentors and female mentees across Europe which led to greater understanding of (cultural) differences as strengths.

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4 Partners Participants