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27 European Projects Found

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Creating collaborative training networks

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

Even in apprenticeship, skilled apprentices and SMEs face skills mismatches. One of the reasons is that the classic model “one apprentice-one company” does not always allow to cover all the activities of an occupation/training profile. In the dual system of the models countries, like Germany and Austria, training centers have developed collaborative networks. Collaborative training means that a co ...
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The ConstructyVET project is aimed at devising a transnational action plan for the development of middle management skills on building sites. The partners want to narrow the gap between the expectations of companies with regard to knowledge, skills and competences on the one hand and the qualifications of the workforce immediately after training on the other. Indeed, on completion of current train ...
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International placement for students and apprentices

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018,

Røros Upper Secondary School (RVGS) together with Tverrfaglig Opplæringskontor in Fjellregionen and Holtålen municipality wants to give students and apprentices in the fields of building and construction (BAT), health and youth development (HO) and Service and Communications (SS ) the opportunity to have an internship period of 3 weeks in another country for the school years 2016/17 and 2017/1 ...
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Alter et go!

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

...nterest of transnational mobility in their professional sectors. At the pedagogical point of view, we will assess the learning outcomes through an assessment grid (developed on the basis of IFAPME training frameworks). The assessment will be continuous but formalized at the end of the work placement. The accompanying trainer will be present for this assessment in order to validate it with the “ind ...
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Mobilité + BTP 2016 is a European mobility project managed by the Coordination Committee of Apprenticeship in the Construction Industry (CCCA-BTP, Comité de Concertation et de Coordination de l'Apprentissage du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics). The project aims at improving the attractiveness of the construction trades through European mobility.With its enlarged partnership composed by 28 training ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017, project HORECVET 2017 is larger ans concerns a largest number of qualifications. 24 grants are asking. The main objective of HORECVET project is to provide learners entrepreneur training IFAPME (EQF 5), adult learners (students, workers and unemployed) to follow all or part of their practical in-company training in a context providing some added value in their learning, through a cros ...
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Transfer of know-how from older construction workers to young ones

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

...pants: 775 -Potential or indirect participants: +1.000.000 As for the partnership, 6 entities experts in VET and in the construction industry will participate: -FLC (Leader, Spain) - BZB (Germany) - IFAPME (Belgium) - CCCA-BTP (France) - CENFIC (Portugal) - FORMEDIL-PUGLIA (Italy) 4. METHODOLOGY AND ACTIVITIES The project methodology is structured along the 24 months planned in different activitie ...
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Context/background of the project For several years the European Commission has stressed in each of its communiqués the importance of vocational education and training (VET) for the employability of (young) people as well as for the competitiveness and growth of the economy. In many countries strategies to foster VET focus, however, largely on initial VET. Higher VET, that is, VET leading to quali ...
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eMovA - Virtual Mobility project for Apprenticeship

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Within the Euro Apprenticeship network - European network of more than three hundred organizations in Europe , reflections and experiments are being conducted to improve learning courses of short duration mobility quality and provide a virtual alternative to those who do can not leave. In this sense, virtual mobility , defined as all ICT activities to support, facilitate or carry out experiments o ...
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Social Media in exchanges (preparation, operation, postprocessing)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Relevance of vocational education and training has increased during the last years, especially worked-based learning (EQF 3+), which is the bridge, especially in construction sector, between training and labor marked needs. With the background of economic crisis and rising young people in unemployment some European countries, workers and especially younger ones have to be more mobile than before ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

An incentive strategy to promote the mobility of apprentices in Midi-Pyrenees, Region leads an incentive policy to encourage the mobility of apprentices in Midi-Pyrenees. It affects around 500 apprentices each year and the Regional Assembly voted again for 2015, an amount of € 350,000 from its budget, to encourage the mobility of the public. To boost this policy, the region received significant su ...
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Mobility Coach

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

“MobiCoach“ aims at enhancing the quality and quantity of mobility of our learners in Europe. We would like to improve the international vocational competence of both – learners (IVT and dual system) and teachers. Due to the installation of so-called “European Classes” in our IT and Design departments we integrate work placements abroad within the curricula of these IVT full time training courses ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Keuda Group, Vocational education and training is the 9th biggest training provider in Finland. It is owned by seven municipalities: Järvenpää, Kerava, Mäntsälä, Nurmijärvi, Pornainen, Sipoo and Tuusula. The area is within 30-80 kilometres to the north of Helsinki. Keuda offers working life -oriented education and training to the young, the adults and the business life, and development services fo ...
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International placement for students and apprentices

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Røros Upper Secondry School (RVGS) together with Interdisciplinary Opplæringskontor in Fjellregionen (TOIF) and Holtålen municipality (HK) wants to give students and apprentices in the fields of building and construction (BAT), hairdresser, health and youth development (HO) and Service and Communications (SS ) the opportunity to have an internship period of 3 weeks in another country for the sch ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

... Skole and to work for two week in a regional enterprise. The courses and the work experience will be focused on the wood structure construction’s techniques. These competences are part of the IFAPME Carpentry framework so the aim of this work experience is to allow trainees to learn new competences but also to improve their basic skills. It is also important to highlight that those learners are ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Regarding the success of the two projects HORECVET Mobility in the food sector, the IFAPME and its partners decided to continue the experience to become a structural offer for some training qualifications. The main objective of the project is to offer at some 26 IFAPME learners (adults from 18 years, students, workers or job seekers) of the managerial/entrepreneurial level (EQF 5) to follow a par ...
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The Francophone Belgium decided to implement a reform of its alternating systems. This reform has as overall objective to ensure the quality of the learning sector, to harmonize the statutes, to improve the reception of young, to reduce dropouts and failures and allow real permeability between systems. To do this, a single management and harmonization of practices were decided through the creation ...
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Approche et connaissance culinaire de la Gastronomie européenne

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016, local producers in Gubbio) On completion of the ‘work experience,’ the students will be evaluated following an official evaluation chart. These evaluations will be further validated by IFAPME. The three weeks will be preceded by a period of preparation in Belgium: - Albi: A discovery of the town, its architectural heritage and culture, as well as a investigation into the culinary specialities o ...
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Mobilité + BTP is a European mobility project managed by the Coordination Committee of Apprenticeship in the Construction Industry (CCCA-BTP, Comité de Concertation et de Coordination de l'Apprentissage du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics). Its network includes 103 vocational training Centers for Apprentices (CFA en French), that comprises 71% of the French apprentices of the construction sector. I ...
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De l'or dans les mains

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

This project is composed of two different sub-projects, both divided in three mobility flows. The first sub-project, dedicated to our trainees in masonry (apprenticeship and master craftsperson), concerned two mobility flows, one in 2015 and another in 2016. A second sub-project for trainees in jewelry (master craftsperson) with one mobility flow in 2016. Masonry: Trainees had the opportunity to ...
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...ngs, visits, …) The methodology on which you will rely to run your project. As a first step, we will establish a correlation between the training levels of the host organizations and those of the IFAPME. Worth noting: for the CFA (Centers of Apprentice training) this stage has already started. Then, we will compare the educational reference guides of our training organizations in order to identify ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015,

The project is in continuation of previous projects and HORECVET and HORECVET 4 weeks that ended in 2014. The IFAPME, Alfmed and Foyle International, its partners, wish to pursue experience to enable learners of IFAPME Network enrich their learning pathway by a mobility experience. HORECVET 2015 brings together in a single folder durations of 4 and 13 weeks for the 2015 season. The main objective ...
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Start date: Oct 31, 2008, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

Das Ziel besteht darin, durch die frühzeitige Bedarfserkennung das Angebot und das Potenzial von Bildungseinrichtungen in der Großregion, die in verschiedenen Bereichen tätig sind, zu verbessern. Insbesondere sollen die Bereiche natürliches Ressourcenmanagement, Finanzmanagement und Ma-nagement und Nutzung von Informationssystemen ausgebaut werden.
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Using regulations for the promotion of SMEs in the food sector : The training provided by ALIQUAL will allow SMEs in the food sector to acquire a more detailed knowledge of the regulations which affect them, thereby allowing their compliance with health and safety rules to be exploited more effectively as a mark of quality for consumers. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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The IMP@CT proposal is starting from the lack of communication and information between the target groups involved in this project: the vocational training centres, the trainees and the training experts from enterprise, which have a real effect on the quality of training and on the trainees' educational motivations. Consequently, the objectives of the project are: to improve the professional guidan ...
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Ce projet a pour but de transférer des outils favorisant la culture d’entreprendre à des apprentis ou jeunes en formation par alternance. En effet, dans de nombreux pays européens des actions sont menées afin de susciter l’esprit d’entreprendre chez les jeunes mais ce sont les étudiants ou les lycéens qui sont visés. Les apprentis constituent pourtant un atout essentiel dans le développement et la ...
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Le projet Abilitic propose de déployer une méthodologie « adaptée » d’anticipation des compétences (pas seulement compétences TIC) sur les métiers susceptibles d’évoluer dans chaque région, et de valider les résultats au niveau interrégional. Cette logique permettra ainsi de faire des recommandations en terme de formation aux organismes de formation initiale et continue pour répondre aux besoins e ...
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