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International placement for students and apprentices
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Røros Upper Secondry School (RVGS) together with Interdisciplinary Opplæringskontor in Fjellregionen (TOIF) and Holtålen municipality (HK) wants to give students and apprentices in the fields of building and construction (BAT), hairdresser, health and youth development (HO) and Service and Communications (SS ) the opportunity to have an internship period of 3 weeks in another country for the school years 2015/16 and 2016/17. For students, this will be implemented as part of the subject In-depth study project. The consortium have contact with organizations / institutions respectively Belgium, England and Iceland, which will help with the practical arrangements in the recipient country. Røros Upper school and the other members of the consortium wishes to strengthen efforts of internationalization. The aim is increased mobility among teachers and among students and apprentices. Increased internationalization will contribute to develop the school and provide better learning outcomes and better implementation. The school may be more attractive to students, and it strengthens the school's reputation. Increased opportunities for international mobility will strengthen the vocational repute. Several of the program areas that are incorporated by this application are struggling with recruitment and international mobility will improve this. 2-3 students/ apprentices from each of the three disciplines will each year have the opportunity to participate in this deployment, the selection of these will occur throughout the school year and be based on motivation and strength in subjects, interest and personal suitability. In addition, it will be desirable that 1-2 responsible persons from school / training body is allowed to visit the students/apprentices once during deployment time. Students / trainees will be deployed in companies / institutions within its field in the recipient country. For students, this will be a natural part of the subject In-depth study project, and follow the learning objectives relevant to the field. They are also evaluated in the deployment period through cooperation between school teachers and administrators in deploying enterprise. For apprentices will deployment time be included as part of the apprenticeship, and they will also have to deal with their learning objectives, and keep a log of the deployment in the same way as on the regular apprenticeship. We hope and believe that this will strengthen the participants both in their area and their language and culture competencies. In addition, it will strengthen participants' autonomy and personal development. This will partly be measured through students / apprentices' academic achievements. The project will also strengthen the affected vocational subjects status, and thus contribute to increased recruitment. In addition, we believe that such a project strengthens the institutions reputation and also strenghten the cooperation between school and training offices in the region (and thus firms).

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