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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Keuda Group, Vocational education and training is the 9th biggest training provider in Finland. It is owned by seven municipalities: Järvenpää, Kerava, Mäntsälä, Nurmijärvi, Pornainen, Sipoo and Tuusula. The area is within 30-80 kilometres to the north of Helsinki. Keuda offers working life -oriented education and training to the young, the adults and the business life, and development services for the progress of the region. Keuda has vocational education and training (VET) in 12 establishments, or units, in all fields of secondary VET. We have some 7000 students of which ca. 2300 are adults. Our staff amounts to 620 persons, and turn-over in 2013 was 60 mill.€. International mobility has been carried out for years. After Keuda Group launched it’s first large, multi-sector mobility project for students and staff in 2014, a lot of emphasis has been put to develop internal processes: roles of actors involved in international activities, communication and co-operation between staff and students, common tools and procedures to plan and carry out the practical work, and equal opportunities of the students. IIn LevelUp –proposal, mobility is applied for 198 persons over years 2015-2017. It is an adequate amount for a large training provider like Keuda. VET students and adult learners will go on learning mobility for periods for 3-8 weeks. For staff, two types of mobility is planned. During 7-day-visits Keuda's teachers/guidance counsellor will job shadow, participate in teaching, visit workplaces and companies, and most importantly, go over ECVET practicalities with partner school’s colleagues. For guidance counsellors especially career planning is a theme of interest. Overall staff mobility is utilized for finding ways of recognizing and validating the so called non-formal and hidden competencies acquired during mobility, together with some of the more experienced long term partners. Also 14-day on-the-job-learning in companies is planned for members of staff. LevelUp -project gathers Keuda’s most active and well functioning networks under one proposal, as well as introduces some new partners. The rather impressive network comprises 14 partners from 9 countries. Mobility is carried out reciprocally with most of the partners. A Memorandum of Understanding is signed with all partners, and all mobility is carried out using a Learning Agreement template specifically developed in Keuda. LevelUp –project supports and gives framework and content to individual study paths and prior-to-mobility coaching, that are currently being developed in Keuda Group. These themes are all written down in Keuda’s strategic plan for international activities. Also recognition of non-formal and informal learning, or the so called hidden competencies acquired during international mobility is a topic that will be looked into with some of the most longstanding, experienced partners. It is essential that all the “hidden” skills acquired by students during mobility be recognized, documented, and communicated to employers who value endurance, curiosity and productivity when recruiting new staff. The paradox is that employers are not yet aware that international mobility is an excellent indicator to find these skills in a new recruit. VET-schools can do a lot to bridge the missing gap.
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13 Partners Participants