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Améliorer l’attractivité des métiers du BTP grâce à la mobilité européenne
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mobilité + BTP is a European mobility project managed by the Coordination Committee of Apprenticeship in the Construction Industry (CCCA-BTP, Comité de Concertation et de Coordination de l'Apprentissage du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics). Its network includes 103 vocational training Centers for Apprentices (CFA en French), that comprises 71% of the French apprentices of the construction sector. Its aim is to improve the attractiveness of the construction trades through European mobility. Promoting apprenticeship and mobility in the network of CFA are also long-term objectives. It has four components: Two groups of apprentices of EU qualification level 4 and 3: 1) Apprentices preparing a 'brevet professionnel' (Professional Certificate, European Qualification Level 4) with a European component: masonry, electricity, cover or paint. These sections will start their training in September 2014 and at least 3 weeks mobility period in another country will be compulsory in their training period. 2) Apprentices in public works sector sections to increase their employability: the transnational mobility is a real added value for the workers of the public works sector, given the interdisciplinary nature of the dockyards and the international size of this sector's companies. Two groups of management staff and trainers: 3) CFA directors will participate in a one week placement in Spain focused on the exchange of management practices and experiences: 1 group of 11 . 4) CFA trainers of 2 groups of 11 will participate in 2 activities of 1 week each. These actions will be focused on the exchange of professional teaching practices and the comparison for French trainers of their apprenticeship system to another VET system. Both pedagogical practices and the relationship to the learners will be studied. The CCCA-BTP hopes that the European experience will then encourage trainers to design mobility projects for apprentices. The main objectives of the project are: - Employability and personal fulfillment of the learner, but also to offer him a concrete experience of European citizenship. - Valorization of the CFA, through the proof of the quality of their training, of their ability to conduct a transnational project. - Develop synergies within the CFA with these exchanges, with their participation in the 4 project components involving apprentices, trainers and managers. - Valorization of the sending and host partners. - Improve recognition of mobility's outcomes, through a systematic approach focused on the competences, and their evaluation. - Implement the ECVET approach. All apprentices are concerned with the on-site assessment of learning outcomes , their validation ; and ultimately for the bac pros : the certification of learning outcomes, by taking into account in their diplomas the learning credits that will have been associated to the learning outcomes. The main expected impact is professional added value . Then , the aim is that mobility would be a lever on the motivation and commitment of apprentices for careers in the construction trades . Moreover , through this experience, young people become aware of the value of the training they receive , as they are confronted with a different cultural and professional context . Finally, through this immersion, young people understand better the need for learning another language. The expected impacts on the apprentices are : - Personal fulfillment and development: Personal opening another operation, development of autonomy and maturity, self-recognition; - Active citizenship: evolution of personal representations of Europe : through these projects , Europe gets closer to citizens who are often quite distant from it ; - Social inclusion and employment: professional skills , employability , language immersion , greater interdisciplinary . These 3 elements overlap the components of the key competencies listed in the Regulation [EU] No 1288/2013 establishing the Erasmus + program. For trainers and management staff, the first two elements are quite relevant; however the development of professional skills is the main aspect of this exchange of practices and experiences. The management scheme is that CCCA-BTP provides coordination, animation, administrative support and pedagogical coherence of the whole projet. The CFAs build partnership relations; provide logistical, pedagogical organization and monitoring of participants, relationships with host partners. Mobility Teams are dedicated to this in the CFAs, and an ad hoc steering committee within the CCCA-BTP, alongside with a specific ECEVT steering committee. Regarding CFA staff, the CCCA-BTP is directly in charge of the management. In total, the project will involve 200 apprentices ( 7 trades and 2 levels of certification ) and 29 staff training from 13 CFA, 22 trainers and 11 directors, which makes 262 participants.
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