European Projects
eMovA - Virtual Mobility project for Apprenticeshi..
eMovA - Virtual Mobility project for Apprenticeship
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
Within the Euro Apprenticeship network - European network of more than three hundred organizations in Europe , reflections and experiments are being conducted to improve learning courses of short duration mobility quality and provide a virtual alternative to those who do can not leave.
In this sense, virtual mobility , defined as all ICT activities to support, facilitate or carry out experiments of international collaboration in the context of teaching and / or learning - has been identified as a valuable tool for members network .
Successfully tested in the framework of the Euro-DIM project (2011 -1- FR1- LEO05 - 24448 ), virtual mobility has shown that it can really bring a European dimension to the training systems in Learning .
It gives everyone the opportunity to live the experiences of European collaboration with people from different cultures and to enrich their intercultural competence , language and digital , regardless of geographic location, financial or personal situation.
Integrated or not in a draft physical mobility , it helps to internationalize courses and provides open and flexible learning process.
In addition, under the Erasmus program + , it is an economical alternative to linguistic and cultural preparation apprentices whose length of stay is usually less than four weeks.
Virtual mobility represents a real opportunity to promote mobility for learning purposes, and increasing European cooperation for new practices and innovative teaching methods . Yet , to date , it is still untapped in the area of Learning.
On the occasion of Peer -learning Virtual Mobility, the EuroApprenticeship network has gathered about thirty structures from different European countries to determine the conditions necessary for the development of virtual mobility . These exchange events helped define the three objectives of the project eMovA :
1- Provide instructional sequences virtualized
Be defined by sequence , a series of meetings, organized around one or more activities to experience international collaboration in teaching and / or learning context. These sequences will be available online and directly integrate ICT tools needed to achieve them . The device will be open to sharing new sequences created directly by users.
2 - Assisting in the use of ICT
Today , ICTs are ubiquitous in life, to entertain, communicate, work ... However, their educational use is still limited despite the opportunities they offer. To change practices and facilitate educational appropriation of ICTs, the project eMovA offer video tutorials designed to show and explain the potential and pedagogical use of ICT for virtual mobility.
3 - Create a virtual information space and development sector specific relationship Learning
This space dedicated to mobility of virtual mobility will:
- Firstly , to facilitate international collaborations also incorporating players workplace,
- And secondly , to adapt the offer virtual mobility inherent constraints of Learning training (sandwich courses, language levels , employee status ... ) .
EMovA The project will therefore aim to address these three needs through the development of tools and adequate resources . Besides the development of virtual mobility in the sector of Learning outcomes eMova project will:
- Professional development actors in ICT training methodologies ,
- Dissemination of open educational resources in various European languages,
- Improving the quality of training in learning by providing a European dimension and promote the adoption of innovative teaching practices ,
- And international cooperation between players in vocational training.