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...versität Darmstadt - coordinating partner; Utrecht University; PRISMA-Planning and Research Consultants and Szechenyi Istvan University) and three local authorities (the Cities of Darmstadt, Athens, Gyor) and 4 associated partners including the municipality BrabantCity.The results of the project include desk research and user surveys in the partners’ countries; dissemination and publicity campaign ...
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European Learning Pathways for Social and Health Care

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The project is a partnership project in the field of Social and Health Care. Target groups are teachers, students and colleges of vocational second degree of Social and Health Care. The main goal of the project is to agree on a content of Social and Health Care students’ workplacement periods, learning outcomes, assessment, documentation, and recognition of learning outcomes between participating ...
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Szent-Györgyis tanulók ápolási gyakorlata külföldön

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Background:As part of Békéscsaba Center of Vocational Training Szent-Györgyi Albert Secondary School and Youth Hostel joins the international mobility programme for the first time. With the help of the administrator of international affairs from Békéscsaba Center of Vocational Training we would like to gain experience as well as be able to build well functioning relationships between our future pa ...
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"A year for you, a year for others - EVS in Hungary"

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta (HCSOM) was founded on February 4, 1989, as a not-for-profit NGO whose core mission is based on voluntary action in the true sense of the word as most of its first employees were unpaid individuals who willingly sacrificed their free time and energy to serve those in need. Our project plan for 2016-2017 is to host 12 young EVS volunteers for a 11 ...
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BRANDING EU – Branding and Extroversion of EU enterprises

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Brand could be a name, a logo or the culture that distinguish one product or service from others. It could be accounted as an intangible asset if it is valuable, and the company owners preserve and improve in order to increase the value of the company and make it more recognizable which will result in more sales. Extroverted is defined as someone who is open, sociable and talkative, that is direct ...
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The integration of European nations is a major historical process we are participating in. It is a current development in the process of emergence of European nations, which determined the shape and history of Europe in the previous centuries. After a series of catastrophes a new concept was born to stress the need of peaceful coexistence and cooperation of European cultures and peoples - the conc ...
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Volunteering at European Youth Olimpic Festival Győr 2017

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

The next European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF), which is the multi-sport event in the Olympic tradition specifically for European youth athletes (15-17 year olds), will be organized in Győr in July2017 with more than 3500 athletes. In the framework of the Erasmus+ Sport Programme the Municipality of the City of Győr would like to implement a project aiming the professional recruitment, selection, ...
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TINKERING: Contemporary Education for the Innovators of Tomorrow

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project “Tinkering: Contemporary Education for the Innovators of tomorrow” emerges from the need for citizens able to respond to the contemporary global challenges by being competent in science and technology, self-confident and critical thinkers, socially-engaged, with innovative and entrepreneurial attitude. The project responds to these needs through a learner-centred approach aiming at edu ...
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To our project "GRENZERFAHRUNGEN - BORDERLINE EXPERIENCES. Meine Grenzen. Unsere Grenzen. Die Grenzen Europas" we invite 42 young people aged 15-18 years from Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom to Sindelfingen. In this intercultural youth exchange, the young people create a joint performance which they will perform publicly in a youth center and a theater in Si ...
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"Egy év az életemből neked"- MMSz önkéntes program

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta (HCSOM) was founded on February 4, 1989, as a not-for-profit NGO whose core mission is based on voluntary action in the true sense of the word as most of its first employees were unpaid individuals who willingly sacrificed their free time and energy to serve those in need. Our project plan for 2015-2016 is to host 15 young EVS volunteers for a 12 ...
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Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's in the Enterprise Europe NetworkThe global objective of the services delivered under this project is to effectively contribute to the innovation driven competitiveness and sustainable growth of the European economy via improving the innovation management processes in SMEs enabling them to get their products, serv ...
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The project primarily aims to strengthen the Danube regional cultural identity and brand by fostering transnational cultural ties between the settlements along the Danube, and at the same time, by exploring the unused or hidden cultural and social capital resources of this regional network. The main goal of the project is to create a comprehensive tourism strategy connecting all cities along the D ...
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Cross-Border 16

Start date: May 3, 2016, End date: Nov 2, 2016,

„Cross-Border 16“ is a multilateral activity with the aim to arrange the meeting of youth and to cross borders. „To find out who we are we have to move“ (adapted from Heiner Müller). We must move and cross borders. The intention of „Cross-Border 16“ is to open and to break down borders, literally as well as symbolically. It means to go beyond the borders of one´s own self-assessment, to have conf ...
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The project title: Assessment tools used in the development of professional skills of student workers in the field of basic Tourism Services. The purpose: creating a good account of the exchange experience by implementing assessment tools drawn up by 2, 3 teachers transferred to 4 partners; the tools are useful for helping the students in our school to make the transition from education to the la ...
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Plastic-S-kills - Die Plastiktüte zwischen Kult und Katastrophe

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The project "Plastic(s)kills" is neatly connected to slowenian EU- commissioners Janez Potocnik initiative of incentivating the legal possibilities towards a prohibition of plastic bags in the EU member states. The title of the project refers to the claim of forbidding plastic bags in accordance with its motto "plastic kills", while it also indicates the technical and intellectual "skills" to be d ...
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Gastrobrücke: Erfurt-Győr

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

The aim of the project was the foreign apprentice training of the future cooks and catering organizers from the vocational school with special stress on deepening the special language knowledge, getting acquainted with a foreign culture and learning new social competencies. The trainees have been learning in our school first of all German, they have to pass an exam in this subject, that is, why we ...
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1945, exactly 70 years ago, World War II ended, reducing great parts of the European continent in ash and rubble. The citizens suffered heavily from the devastating consequences of the terrible years of war. In many parts of Europe, civilization and society were collapsed. Nothing was the way it was before and because of the great numbers of refugees, many communities hat to change or the groups o ...
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The emblem's meeting : Orzel, Solyom, Coq

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

" The of emblem meeting: Orzel, Solyom, Coq " is a project introduced and realized by French, Polish and Hungarian young people from 14 to 17 years old. During 12 days they will meet in France with as objectives common to meet, to exchange, to share their culture, their heritage(holdings), and to open on Europe. Implied(involved) throughout the project, the young people are the driving actors and ...
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Cross-Border 15

Start date: May 3, 2015, End date: Nov 2, 2015,

„Cross-Border 15“ is a multilateral activity with the aim to arrange the meeting of youth and to cross borders. „To find out who we are we have to move“ (adapted from Heiner Müller). We must move and cross borders. The intention of „Cross-Border 15“ is to open and to break down borders, literally as well as symbolically. It means to go beyond the borders of one´s own self-assessment, to have conf ...
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"An einem Samstag im April: Jugendkulturen in Europa"

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Idea of the project: With this project we focus on young people and their so called "youth culture". The joint work shall aim at a better understanding between and knowledge of the youths and their respective culture, to set reflection process in motion and to offer the young people new options. Preparation of the project: All young people who take part in this project write some kind of diary at ...
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Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's in the Enterprise Europe NetworkThe global objective of the services delivered under this project is to effectively contribute to the innovation driven competitiveness and sustainable growth of the European economy via improving the innovation management processes in SMEs enabling them to get their products, serv ...
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motion of Financing Innovation in South-East Europe  (PROFIS)

Start date: Dec 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

PROFIS aims at developing new capacities and capabilities in the SEE region to facilitate early stage funding of innovative projects of both individual inventors and spin-off or start-up companies. New services will be developed, introduced and tested at non-profit intermediary organisations which are active in the field of innovation promotion at regional level. The project will provide a state o ...
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Obwohl sich die Sicherung von Eisenbahnkreuzungen (EK) in den letzten Jahren verbessert hat, wurden in den Jahren 2010 und 2011 in den ungarischen Komitaten Györ-Moson-Sopron und Vas sowie im Burgenland insgesamt 7 Personen auf Bahnübergängen getötet sowie 8 verletzt. Zusätzlich wurden in 70 Fällen durch Fahrzeuge Sachschäden im Bereich der technischen Anlagen verursacht. Der Verletzungsgrad bei ...
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Anlehnend an den ÖkoBusinessplanWien soll im Raum Györ-Moson-Sopron mit Hilfe des Netzwerkes der Wirtschaftskammer Wien ein Informations-und Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen ungarischen und österreichischen Unternehmen in Bezug auf Energiesparmaßnahmen und Energieeffizienz geschaffen werden. Durch die Organisation von Informationsveranstaltungen werden grenzübergreifend Träger von Unterstützungsprogra ...
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South East Transport Axis (SETA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Together with the projects SoNorA, BATCo, SCANDRIA North and SEETAC (Central Europe, Baltic Sea, SEE Programme), SETA is aiming on the analysis and development of the transport corridors from Scandinavia to South-East Europe. Competitive Accessibility of regions is one of the most important preconditions for their economic growth and development (as the project SIC! has shown). Fluent transport of ...
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From wounds of an inconvenient & terrible past, the architectural traces of totalitarian regimes of XX° Century could become an important source of local development, if they were managed & valorized through a trans - national cultural route (in compliance with requisites set out by the Council of Europe with the Resolution n° 12/07) corroborated by tourism cultural products. ATRIUM has been desig ...
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CENTROPE – an area connecting regions in Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia - is still characterized by substantial internal social and economic disparities through significant differences due to their location in “new” and ”old” EU member states and substantial differences between the cities, their environments and more rural areas, with some areas lacking behind in their economic perf ...
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In Eisenstadt wurde im Oktober 2006 die Mobilitätszentrale Burgenland „“ im Rahmen des österreich-ungarisch-slowakischen Schirmprojektes „Nachhaltiger umwelt-freundlicher Verkehr und Tourismus in sensiblen Gebieten am Beispiel der Region Neusiedler See/Fertö-to“ eröffnet.„“ ist zentrale Anlaufstelle für alle Belange mit Mobilitäts- oder ökotouristischem Bezug in der Region ...
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Real -time travel information improves mobility in cities and regions. Journey planners and similar systems reduce congestion and fuel costs and contribute to reducing the effect of transport on the environment. These systems, however, often end at borders and cross-border solutions do not exist even though there is high demand. Multimodal traveller information is key to enabling and keeping up s ...
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Die Wirtschaftskrise bedeutet für die burgenländischen und ungarischen Unternehmen hohen Anpassungsbedarf der Produkte an geänderte Marktbedingungen. Durch den Mangel an Ressourcen, vor allem Zeit und Geld, ist es vielen KMU nicht möglich ihre Märkte aufzuarbeiten und unternehmerisch langfristig strategisch vorauszuplanen. Die Wirtschaftskammern werden in diesem Projekt den Rahmen als „Trendscout“ ...
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Tools for Transnational Innovation Support in Centrope (CENTROPE_TT)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

Innovation is regarded as an important success factor for regions in their striving for economic competitiveness. Successful regional innovation systems involve many different players in networks and enable them to easily access information. Geographical proximity is still an important aspect of an innovation system, since especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) depend, to a high degree, on ...
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Das Hauptziel der grenzüberschreitenden Katastrophenschutzkooperation ist die gegenseitige, schnelle Hilfeleistung, welche die Effizienz der Einsätze erheblich erhöht. Bei Einsätzen ist die erste Viertelstunde lebenswichtig und seit Ungarn dem Schengenraum beigetreten ist, ergibt sich eine einzigartige Möglichkeit für die österreichisch-ungarische Katastrophenschutz- kooperation und für die gemein ...
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Im Zuge der Internationalisierung und gemeinsamen Standortentwicklung im Kooperationsraum Österreich-Ungarn haben die bilateralen Geschäftsbeziehungen in den letzten Jahren rasant zugenommen. Die Herausforderungen der Zusammenarbeit liegen oftmals im kulturellen Unverständnis fremder, wenn auch benachbarter Arbeitskulturen. Weiters ergeben sich durch die länderübergreifende Zusammenarbeit häufig h ...
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Erneuerung und Erweiterung der Sturmwarnan-lage Neusiedlersee (STWA)

Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Oct 30, 2010,

Die Sturmwarnanlage am Neusiedlersee bestand vor Projektumsetzung aus 9 Standorten und einer zentralen Steuereinheit im Landespolizeikommando in Eisenstadt. Die Steuereinheit und die Übertragungstechnik wurden in den letzten Jahren erneuert und auf Digitalfunk umgestellt. Alle neun Standorte befanden sich auf österreichischem Staatsgebiet. Der ungarische Teil des Neusiedlersees war nicht versorgt. ...
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Regions on the fringes of long established, new or forthcoming EU Member States, in particular, are in need of transnational collaborations and development. The co-operation area of the MATRIOSCA-AAP project, the "Adria-Alpe-Pannonia" (AAP) space, comprises old and new EU Member States as well as candidate countries. It is characterised by strong regional and cultural diversity. The MATRIOSCA-AAP ...
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Networking with EMAS for Sustainable Development (NEST)

Start date: Oct 15, 2004, End date: Oct 15, 2007,

Background The EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is one of the key tools highlighted for enabling application of the 6th Environmental Action Programme. Increasing its application internationally and developing an internationally accepted and understood approach for effective implementation of EMAS in the public sector therefore seems essential. ...
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Welfare housing policies for senior citizens (Wel_hops)

Start date: Mar 31, 2005, End date: Sep 29, 2007,

The EU is presently facing unprecedented demographic changes that will have a major impact on society and economy. One important factor of demographic change are todays longer life expectancy. The improved health profile of younger generations holds out the hope that senior citizens of the future will remain self-sufficient for longer and will thus be able to remain in their own homes, a trend alr ...
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Network of Danubian Cities for Economic Co-operation (DONAUHANSE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2002, End date: Dec 30, 2006,

DONAUHANSE is a network of cities connected by the River Danube. The project has the aim to foster economic prosperity of its citizens by enhanced co-operation between administrations and the business sectors of the participating cities, by co-operative marketing activities both on the level of the cities and the level of special economic sectors of common interest (e.g. tourism, creative industri ...
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Le but du projet est de transférer les résultats du projet Leonardo intitulé „Systèmes de gestion de la qualité pour des PME” qui a été mis en oeuvre entre 2002 et 2005. Le projet a élaboré une série d’outils d’apprentissage et de pratique pour acquérir les connaissances et compétences nécessaires pour le développement d’un système d’assurance de la qualité en accord avec les standards ISO 9001:20 ...
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Analysis of the latest data relating to female entrepreneurship underlines the growing presence of self-employed women, and consequently highlights their increasing importance in the economic system as creators of new employment opportunities.However, there is little and only partial information concerning the specificity of female entrepreneurship or the most appropriate way of supporting and dev ...
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