European Projects
Common Past and Common Future Seen through the Eye..
Common Past and Common Future Seen through the Eyes of Austrian, Bulgarian, Hungarian and Turkish Students
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Oct 31, 2017
The integration of European nations is a major historical process we are participating in. It is a current development in the process of emergence of European nations, which determined the shape and history of Europe in the previous centuries. After a series of catastrophes a new concept was born to stress the need of peaceful coexistence and cooperation of European cultures and peoples - the concept of coalescence. Among European cultures and peoples we include the citizens of the Republic of Turkey, since the Turks had an enormous impact on European history and were part of it for centuries. It is the dream of a peaceful world of harmony, mutual assistance and integration instead of competition and exclusion. The question is what can be done to enhance the achievement of this ideal. Our answer is, there is still a long way to go and a great deal of work to do.
That is why we decided to start a project, which is dedicated to the overcoming of bias having existed for centuries based on historical facts and events. We want to discuss sensitive historical topics in order to work out the reasons for emotional and historical prejudices and learn to deal with them. We want to get to know the viewpoint of the other participants in this part of history and understand what issues they are placing value on. We want to show different facets of past events and developments and search for examples of fruitful interaction and positive cultural effects. Through a better knowledge and understanding of historical events and the perspectives of the other participants, we want to reach a better intercultural understanding and rapproachment.
There are many historical topics which can be used in this context. We chose to review seven centuries of European-Turkish history. We brought together schools from countries, which were part of this common European-Turkish history and which are willing to try out the innovative and modern approach mentioned above. We chose this topic also because of the fact that the issue of integration of the Republic of Turkey in the European Union is one of the most frequently discussed political topics at present. We want to deal with these questions, too, exchange views and form our own opinion.
Four high schools from four different countries are participating in the project: the Commercial Academy of Bruck an der Leitha in Lower Austria near Vienna, the Cagaloglu Anadolu Lisesi, a High School with a focus on language teaching in Istanbul, Turkey, the 7 General Hightschool "Sveti Sedmochislenitzi", a special high school for languages in Sofia, Bulgaria, and the Györi Deák Ferenc Közgazdasági és Informatikai Szakközépiskola, a high school with emphasis on economics from Győr, Hungary.
We will meet four times in 26 months’ time, once in each participating country to present the results of our studies, to discuss viewpoints and to get to know our partners and their countries. We want to visit historical sights, to learn a bit of each language and to improve our English language skills by doing the whole project in English. We will work with ICT and improve our skills in this field, too. We want to make contacts and make friends in the other countries and thus live the European integration in reality.
We are planning to create an Internet site to make our studies and discussions, our visits of historical sights and our cultural activities available for history teaching and for the general public. We will disseminate our experience at a local, regional, national and European level in order to set an example to an intercultural project and encourage other educational institutions to follow our lead.
In the long run the project will help all partners to become more international and open for working in a multinational environment. It will improve our language skills and give us the chance to acquire experience of managing international events and projects. It will bolster the connections and contacts between young people from different countries, between schools, teachers and educational systems and it will contribute to a stronger integration both within the European Union and between the European Union and one of its most important strategic neighbours - the Republic of Turkey. We are convinced that a friendly relationship between states and nations develops through the close connections between common people.