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Instrumente de evaluare utilizate în dezvoltarea competențelor profesionale ale elevilor lucrători în cadrul serviciilor turistice de bază
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project title: Assessment tools used in the development of professional skills of student workers in the field of basic Tourism Services. The purpose: creating a good account of the exchange experience by implementing assessment tools drawn up by 2, 3 teachers transferred to 4 partners; the tools are useful for helping the students in our school to make the transition from education to the labour market, and they also have the purpose of updating and enhancing the education quality on a national level. The main objective: studying, elaborating and applying assessment tools by teachers in order to train and develop the initial practical professional skills and competencies of the students within the line of basic toursim services so that the students be integrated in the labour market, and that their transition from education to the labour market be facilitated. The teachers’ training stage at the hosting partners gives the former the opportunity to elaborate specific assessment tools for the purpose of developing the skills of students in the professions of: waiter, worker in the line of Public Food, tourism technician, tourism and board; the above stated tools will contribute to the increase of tourism services quality. The students’ interships will represent a part of their training stated in our syllabus, by the carrying out of a part of practical training, with the following activities: -Malta: Act.1 - 3 teachers between 13-19. 12. 2015; Act. 2 - 10 students,3 11th graders - waiters +4 11th graders tourism techn. +3 12th graders - tourism techn. between 4-18.01.2016, with 60h of practice - 6h/ day; Act.3 - 2 visiting teachers for 3 days – purpose: conducting the project and contracting in W1.09. 2015. -Hungary: Act.1 - 2 teachers between 14–18. 03. 2016; Act. 2 - 12 students, 4 11th graders - waiters, workers in the line of Public Food+3 11th graders tourism techn.+5 12th graders tourism techn. between 04-17.04.2016, with 60h of practice - 6h/ day, ; Act. 3 - 2 visiting teachers for 3 days – purpose: conducting the project and contracting in W2.09. 2015. -Germany: Act.1 - 2 teachers between 17.04 – 23. 04. 2016; Act. 2 with 10 students, 7 10th graders-tourism and board +3 12th graders tourism techn. between 17.04 – 01.05.2016, with 60h of practice - 6h/ day; Act.3 - 2 visiting teachers for 3 days – purpose: conducting the project and contracting in W2.09. 2015. -Turkey: Act.1 - 3 teachers between 31. 01-06. 02. 2016; Act.2 - 20 students, 7 10th graders tourism and board + 5 11th graders-waiters, workers in the line of Public Food + 8 11th graders tourism techn. Between 20.06-18.07.2016, with 120h of practice - 6h/ day; Act.3 - 2 visiting teachers for 3 days – purpose: conducting the project and contracting in W1.09. 2015. The practical training of the students takes the form of periods of time divided in Stages of Practical Training, and comply with SPP and the curriculum approved by OM 4681/29.06.2012, OM 3412/16.03.2009, OM 4353/25.07.2013, the modules in the curriculum which are also approved by the County School Inspectorate Hunedoara. The period will suffice for the participants’ adjustment to the new life conditions, language training and getting introduced to the cultural aspects of the host country. The teachers’ activities will include lectures, video presentations, studies that will lead to the stimulation of drawing up the assessment tools for obtaining the qualifications. The professional training activities of the 52 students will be accompanied by collective and individual activities that will ask for a motivating student-centered type of education. The methodology used in the project: observation, analysis, group focus, questioning, along with the following tools: assessment grid, swot analysis, assessment items, assessment tests of the satisfaction level. Results: editing 2 brochures about the ISBN certified assessment tools applicable nationally (elaborated by the participating teachers), 52 well trained students following the mobility experience whose learning outcomes acquired by the participant,and assessed positively by the tutor in the host organization, will be certified within the Europass and ECVET systems. The impact of the project: locally – updating the education quality by enhancing the teaching process; regionally - updating the quality of education, practical training and promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and professional insertion; the hereby European project will promote the county of Hunedoara; nationally – it will lead to the qualitative increase of waiters; at a European level – encouraging more teachers to conduct international European educational projects, creating the shape of an active European citizen who is responsible for promoting EU values. Advantages: brochures about the assessment tools elaborated and tested – useful for all schools with the same line; the skills developed by the students – future waiters contribute to wellness and youth

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