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European Learning Pathways for Social and Health Care
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is a partnership project in the field of Social and Health Care. Target groups are teachers, students and colleges of vocational second degree of Social and Health Care. The main goal of the project is to agree on a content of Social and Health Care students’ workplacement periods, learning outcomes, assessment, documentation, and recognition of learning outcomes between participating countries. The project has 9 partners from 6 European countries. Kouvolan seudun ammattiopisto (KSAO), Koulutuskeskus Salpaus (SALPAUS), Lahden diakoniainstituutti (DILA) and Porvoon Ammattiopisto (AMISTO) from Finland; Diakonisches Bildungsinstitut Johannes Falck from Germany, IES La Torreta from Spain, Békéscsabai SZC Szent- Györgyi Albert Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma from Hungary, Future Focus Ltd from Malta and The College of West Anglia from UK. Kouvola Region Vocational College is the coordinator of the project. In the field of Social and Health Care possibilities for organizing students’ workplacement are very different in European countries because of a different legislation. There is a need to find out what kind of tasks students can carry out in partner countries and also requirements for workplacement, needed certificates and documents.The first objective of the project is to find out the country specific learning outcomes, the type of tasks students can carry out in partner countries and also requirements for workplacement, needed certificates and documents. The second objective is to to agree with partner countries on tasks and learning outcomes to be achieved during the workplacement period, their assessment and documentation.The third objective is to plan a learning unit which can be carried out in a partner college, assessment of learning outcomes and their documentation and recognition.The demand for the project has risen from participant colleges and teachers and it is based on the fact that in the field of Social and Health Care possibilities for organizing students’ workplacement are very different in European countries because of a different legislation and regulation. As a result of the project for the VET of social and health care, participants, organisations in participating countries, students and working life of social and health care there will be1) A plan how to organize students’ workplacement in each of the partner countries, learning outcomes and assessment2) A list of the special legislation and special requirements in each of the partner countries for working in the field of Social and Health Care3) A learning unit, which can be carried out in a partner college, learning outcomes and assessment.The intellectual outputs are carried out with 5 workpackages. Every workpackage includes virtual workshop and transnational learning/teaching activity. Themes for the workshops are selected so that every partner organization will bring their own country specific information to share and to distribute. Workpackage 1. GermanyWorkpackage 2. UK and MaltaWorkpackage 3 SpainWorkpackage 4 HungaryWorkpackage 5. FinlandAs a result of the project the participating organisations will have a consept for workplacement abroad in the field of social and health care and the quality of education and training will increase. Working-life in every participating country will have competent personnel to work in a multicultural working environment.The participants of the project are teachers and trainer of participating organisations. As a result of the project they can plan and guide students' workplacement periods during their workplacement in a multicultural working environment and. The teachers are more competent in international nursing and they have more information on nursing practises, legislation and regulations in the field of social and health care in different European countries.The participants have shared best practises with other partners of the project and with these developed also the VET in their own colleges. Their language and culture knowledge skills and have been improved and they understand better working environments of other European countries.One important impact is also strenghtening of the network between the organisations dealing with social and health care and to raise the quality of workplacement periods abroad. During all the dissemination venues the VET of social and health and organisations offering it will gain more popularity in participating countries.
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8 Partners Participants