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19 European Projects Found

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The dual system in Germany and Austria is a factor for solving the European problems with youth unemployment. The parallel training in a company and in a vocational school has established itself and it became a winner of “the big hope” for the improvement of the quality of the vocational qualification.The project aims to support the actual political development and supporting reforms in the vocati ...
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Serious games on Health and Safety for mobile learning

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

BACKGROUND The “Strategy for the sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector and its enterprises” (2012) highlighted that the emergence of new occupations on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies is provoking new labor hazards related to the appearance of new methods and technologies applied to buildings (AESST, 2013). Besides, the movement of low-skilled workers to others European r ...
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Each year, more than 3,7 million children are born in Europe, growing into a tight rearranged media world, whose development entails an unstoppable media embossing. In our view, the biggest challenge in the history of education, combined with a permanent task of prevention debate, because families are the place where the future course for the electronic media use is provided. The Internet has beco ...
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Every year more, than 3.7 million children are born in Europe. They grow up in an enviroment where social media is everywhere. One of the dangers of this media has in recent years gotten more and more public attention. That of cyberbullying, sexting, posting and grooming. These are new forms of bullying that are present on platforms such as email, instant messaging services, chatrooms and mobile p ...
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Already in 2008 The EU brought its Climate Package on its way. With the 20-20-20 targets as relevant part of the Europe 2020 Strategy the CO2 emissions shall be reduced until 202 by 20 per cent, the share of renewable energies shall be raised by 20 per cent and the energy efficiency shall be increased by 20 per cent. Apart from increasing the efficiency in all energy applications and in energy tr ...
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Demographic change is particularly visible within the borders of the EU founding countries. Thus, the living conditions have to be adapted to this changing requirement of an ageing society. Taking into account the demographic trend, residential homes for the elderly are often overcrowded and there is a shortage of professional caregivers in this area. We have to find ways to provide a life in dign ...
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The threats of climatic changes are just an additional and most recent aspect of the acknowledged need to reduce energy consumption and to apply ecologic aspects also in the construction of buildings, but throughout Europe, there is no homogenous awareness of these requirements and therefore the ecological balance is rather poor in a large number of EU member states, among them Italy, Slovenia, an ...
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For years a train has been approaching us that we cannot stop. But we can accompany it with responsibility. In this train parents are sitting who are afraid of the endless load of new media their children grow up with. A world, children can easily get lost in. To avoid that, they need to rely on strong parents. Parents dealing with the media and who reflect the media behaviour of their children cr ...
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The PROVE project aims to improve the quality of EU-Project Management through the delivery of 4 major products of European dimension:- the Code of Ethics for EU-Project Managers,- the Guide for EU-Project Managers,- the Survey for EU-Project Managers,- the Curriculum for EU-Project Managers.The transnational project is based on an interdisciplinary, innovative and collaborative approach:- Interdi ...
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The main objective of this transfer project is to sensitise and inform VET teachers in Romania, Slovenia and Turkey about gender mainstreaming and diversity issues and to enable them to introduce these aspects into their teaching practice. The specific objectives are:• To transfer, adapt and validate training concepts and materials that contain innovative gender mainstreaming approaches and strate ...
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The goal of the pilot project "Euro-Scaffolder" was the development of a modular training course concept for a European minimum qualification on the sector of the building/scaffold construction as recommended by European Union Directive 2001/45/EG "Scaffold Construction Guideline". The project results represent a European-wide, crucial improvement for the health and security of coworkers, who are ...
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The english version of the contents description is not yet available. Please consult the original version in DE.
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This project is aimed at establishing a widely articulated methodology for the improvement of capabilities of VET teachers and of other relevant actors in training and learning processes in different socio-economic contexts – concerning the implementation of reflective practices within their activities, i.e. those methodologies able to discover and valorise the implicit and unexpected outcomes of ...
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SOCO-VET aims to develop modules to train social, methodical and personal competencies in VET. The modules will imply skills, social and behavioural components including attitudes, values and motivations. The trainers will be able to train necessary competences by using the respective tools that will be compact, effect and situation oriented, authentic and practicable. Flexible and authentic train ...
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Project contentThe multiplier project BASICON II targeted the transfer,adaptation and implementation of the comprehensivepackage European Construction Essentials, successfullydeveloped in the BASICON project, in the Europeanconstruction training sector. The project alsoaimed to produce new means for the proof of skills, certificationand modular qualification in vocational trainingin the CEECS coun ...
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Industry-wide qualification in the EU : The international BASICON project is developing pan-European coordinated instruments for qualification as well as for the determination and comparison of existing qualifications in seven languages. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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SOCO-VET aims to develop modules to train social, methodical and personal competencies in VET. The modules will imply skills, social and behavioural components including attitudes, values and motivations. The trainers will be able to train necessary competences by using the respective tools that will be compact, effect and situation oriented, authentic and practicable. Flexible and authentic train ...
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In this project a European-wide consortium will undertake a ‘pilgrimage’ in order tocompile a ‘canon’ of autonomous learning for teachers and trainers in adult education.In the rapidly changing world of the 21st century because of globalisation and newtechnology, the partners believe that the acquisition and implementation of autonomouslearning skills contributes to better adult education.The ‘pil ...
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Objectives of the proposed course are media trainings, improving competences and skills of the responsible youthworkers who want to use media tools in their daily work with the theme “climate change and sustainability”, to useCommunity Media and to contribute to the creation of international Web-TV for non-governmental, social and culturalYouth NGOs across Europe. The training will introduce 24 mu ...
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