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SOCO-VET - Training of social competences in VET

SOCO-VET aims to develop modules to train social, methodical and personal competencies in VET. The modules will imply skills, social and behavioural components including attitudes, values and motivations. The trainers will be able to train necessary competences by using the respective tools that will be compact, effect and situation oriented, authentic and practicable. Flexible and authentic training modules with special methods and tools to use by training key competences do not exist yet or at least they are not applicable for VET trainers. SOCO-VET will develop and improve social competencies and total quality management values like teamwork, participation in decision, openness to change, self initiative, tolerance to cultural, religious and personal differences, creative and critical thinking, conflict management, share common values with others, motivation and self-awareness and -confidence. Assessment and certification tools for validation and certification of key competences are also a further objective. The project focuses on the need to provide the trainers with tools and methodologies in order to be able to train social competences including materials to use in training. The direct target groups of SOCO-VET are teachers and trainers in the field of VET and educational staff of SMEs. The indirect beneficiaries of the project are the workers and students of these organizations.
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